Today I want to put my newly created from scratch Map available, it is pure product of my fantasy and thus no real replica.
First of all, because I have private now emulate more and I have hardly come to map this version yet no traffic and no purchasable fields, would without these two things can not continue life must click now.
It is planned to realize these two things in the V2.
What is installed?
- Dairy farm with cattle fattening & grain storage + several halls and two silage silos
- Pig farm with beet and potato warehouse, two silage silos, warehouses, etc.
- Sheep & chickens on a third held very small yard
- BGA with adjacent Lohnunternehmen with composting
- Sawmill, wood chip heating plant & warehouse
- Dealer
- Two Country Trade & Horticulture
- Butcher for sale of pigs and cattle
- two villages
- Rivers
- three forest areas
- a lot of details
- Standart Frücht + sunflower, oats and alfalfa
- WaterMod
- Slurry, manure, lime and compost Mod
- Chopped Straw
- Multi Terrain (when plowing, cultivating and sowing more angle on the floor visible)
- Bushes, shrubs
- Mountainous and Flat terrain
- small - large fields
A huge large thanks to all modders and scripters whose stuff I could use, without you there is this map of his form is not.
Mods that you need:
Scheduled for the V2:
- Transport
- Pedestrian
- Fields purchasable
- what comes to mind to me
So now I wish you much fun.
Visited me once and when it let you enjoy a favorite because:
It is not allowed Map this again in a different form or with different download link upload.
When uploading to another board, please use the original link.
Giants, Marhu, Andy, Freak, CebuljCek, Steffen30muc, VertexDezing, GoldFox, Nick98.1, 820Power, Fatian, Modelleicher, BernieSCS, MrFox, Fendtfan1, MailMan, TheAgraama, Mythic Modding sollte irgend jemand fehlen so bitte ich um Entschuldigung, derjenige soll sich bei mir melden und wird nachgetragen.
27 Mar 18:37Version 3.0
# Milchhof neu
#Schweinemast neu
#Heady`s Silos verbaut
#Fehler gefixed
#Mix Feeder verbaut
#Landschaft überarbeitet
#Felder hinzugefügt
#Details hinzugefügt
#Güllelager hinzugefügt
uvm.Benötigte Mods: -
05 Jun 11:30Version 2.0
# Vergrößerung der Map # Ausbau der Strassen # Felder kaufbar gemacht # Fussgänger hinzugefügt # zwei neue Verkaufsstellen (Bahnhof & Gasthaus) # Verkauf von Gras, Heu, Stroh & Ballen möglich # Lagerung von Sonnenblumen & Hafer hinzugefügt bei der Getreidehalle # Lager von Stroh, Gras und Heu hinzugefügt # Neuer Milchviehstall & Halle am Haupthof # Neuer Schafstall # Kühe und Hühnerweide umgezogen # Neue Ackerflächen hinzugekommen # weiter Grasflächen hinzugefügt # ein weiters Forstgebiet # Sägewerk von Marhu fix verbaut # ein zweiter Schweinemastbetrieb (bei dieser Art von Mast müsst ihr die Schweine nicht kaufen, Fütterung mit Getreide -> nach sieben Masttagen werden die Schweine automatisch verkauft) # Fehler der V1 beseitigt # weiter Details auf der kompletten Map hinzugefügt # zwei neue Brücken, jetzt insgesamt 4 Brücken zum überqueren des Flusses # neue PDA Ansicht #
30 Apr 12:28Version 1.0
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by steiner91
ago almost 9 years
by bencebulla
ago almost 10 years -
by Lukas950
ago almost 10 years -
by Fruzz
ago almost 9 years -
by Illuminated
ago almost 10 years -
by LsFarmer15
ago almost 10 years -
by Dr.Beef
ago almost 10 years -
by DieBananenForscher
ago over 9 years
checksum: | 2da62bae63eee72449dde4c25aa4b3a9 |
Version: | 3.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Steiner91 |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Enns 2016 |
description in shop: | Das ist die Enns Map 2016 |
checksum: | 2da62bae63eee72449dde4c25aa4b3a9 |
Version: | 3.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | TMT |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Enns 2016 |
description in shop: | Das ist die Enns Map 2016 |
11 Comments for Enns am Gebirge
When I start the map, the silage siloes is full of silage, and covered, and I can’t remove the silage or apply new to them. I have all required mods, any suggestions? :)
How do I feed straw to the cows? When I go in there with a straw blower, I can't unload. Please help
Coole Map wobei ich sie net mal habe Danke alle den Modder/Modderinen BB
LG LS Steyr
where can i load my storaged grains .i can't see any filling points
ha trafficking of people and cars on the map
I love this map, but every time i fill a silo, and compact it and so on, the i take off the blanket, save game and shut down game, then when I reload, thw silo is empty :-( anyone know why?
Why can i put something in the silos???
hello okay if you are looking for a map where you feel like you are on a real farm this give you that feeling, i´m liking what i have seen and done not much yet but 2 hr and log clean , i had only some of the waterplan missing or what i do not know but cows and selling point works. great lovely map thank you for sharing this, by this dl you are giving the mods you need, i have only a handful other script but it all runs, if i should say something minor thing, F10 has some kinda steep curves when using a big harvester, but it worked. really nice map, the farm it self not too much space like many others love it, well shame i first found it now. have a nice day :D
Very nice map, I really enjoy playing it, but I was just wondering, could you make a SoilMod version?
why HOF did`t accept oat?..strange??
combines ca`t harvest sunflower...i have all multifruit mods(standart,extended and etc)
A great single player map that is just big enough to keep you quite busy. Haven't tested everything yet but from playing a couple of hours I can say everything runs smooth and error free for me. Great job, thanks! 4/5