Useful Thins - Scripts
Mods for Farming Simulator
Raise rear hydraulics
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over 8 years
Buy Bales
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over 8 years
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over 9 years
Date and Time Mod
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almost 10 years
Multi Overlay Hud
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drive control
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about 9 years
featured multiFruit
v 3.01 Downloads today412,554 Downloads total232 commentsUser rating327 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Jan 2015 14:13:00 GMT in - Scriptsfunction The Fruit + Multi-Mod Mod upgraded as a global new fruits in existing vehicles automatically. Installation: and in the mods folder. Done...
featured enhancedPlace
v 0.9 beta1 Downloads today16,081 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating55 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Jan 2015 14:19:38 GMT in - Scriptshere the Bakannte enhancedPlace mod of Marhu from ls 13 now here for ls15 this mod is for better alignment of placeable mods release of Marhu exists It is not allowed to upload new mod
featured addFillTypes
v 1.52 Downloads today24,467 Downloads total53 commentsUser rating147 said thankspublished Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:43:46 GMT in - ScriptsaddFillTypes Version 1.5 This script adds all trailers and shovels to load the chaff (chaff) feed (forage), silage (silage) and chips (wood chips) was added. If even one of the three crops to be installed...
Hired Helper Unlimited
v 0.20 Downloads today6,590 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating12 said thankspublished Tue, 30 Dec 2014 06:00:00 GMT in - ScriptsSituated in the MP mode unlimited helpers available. No more and no less. And yes there is only a limited number of helpers available in MP. What should I do? You have to do anything else than the...
featured Fruit Hud text
v 1.31 Downloads today24,464 Downloads totalUser rating64 said thankspublished Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:20:58 GMT in - ScriptsSince many users wanted this mod, I have you converted Fruit Hud text for the Ls 15. Explanation: The name of the fruit varieties are displayed under the corresponding icon. V1.2 Changes: The...
featured Courseplay
v 4.011 Downloads today293,373 Downloads total1156 commentsUser rating587 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:35:43 GMT in - ScriptsWhat is Courseplay? Courseplay is a tool for having machines perform many different tasks for you. Ones that the default AI helper can't do. For example, Courseplay is perfect for unloading a combine...
featured MinMax
v 1.620 Downloads today16,957 Downloads totalUser rating81 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:59:01 GMT in - ScriptsMinMax V1.62 Dieser Mod ist ein kleines Tool, das in der oberen rechten die höhere Produktpreise angezeigt werden. Wenn es ein Produkt in der hohen Nachfrage, die entsprechenden Preis blinkt...
Silage Bunker HUD
v 1.01 Downloads today6,922 Downloads total30 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:51:57 GMT in - ScriptsHail Agricultural Workers!I want to introduce you to the next version of mod Silage Bunker HUD.This mod displays information about the contents of the BunkerSilos.Enable / disable the interface by pressing...
v 1.01 Downloads today769 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Fri, 26 Dec 2014 22:59:44 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod adds the console commands 'g_currentMission' and 'g_statisticView' added. These can be in any biszu 5 to enter additional parameters (Attention individual parameters separated by a space, not...
Greenhouse Info
v 1.11 Downloads today5,410 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Thu, 18 Dec 2014 03:52:00 GMT in - ScriptsThe Greenhouse-Info gives you an overview of your greenhouses beneath the clock. If there is to less water or manure in one of your greenhouses, then the respective value will be shown in yellow or...
featured Follow Me
v 2.0.60 Downloads today39,023 Downloads total90 commentsUser rating83 said thankspublished Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:33:10 GMT in - ScriptsRemember to check the support topic for any additional information regarding this mod Changelog v2.0.6 - Fixed problem with 'steerable's that are not 'drivable'. - Russian translations updated by...
featured Engine Braking Effect
v 1.12 Downloads today17,088 Downloads total55 commentsUser rating105 said thankspublished Wed, 10 Dec 2014 04:58:47 GMT in - ScriptsWith this small the impact of the mod is changed "engine brake", so the vehicles should unroll further idle. The brake is no more just ballast :) The effect I have reduced ON 25% of the original value...
featured Forestry lease
v 1.00 Downloads today25,379 Downloads total47 commentsUser rating97 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Dec 2014 20:42:01 GMT in - ScriptsThe forestry lease mod allows you to lease whole patches of wood. By leasing a batch of dummies is replaced by fellable trees. Gamers manual: Put into mods directory. Done...
featured MultiMowing
v 3.11 Downloads today134,759 Downloads total78 commentsUser rating181 said thankspublished Sat, 06 Dec 2014 22:22:00 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod enhances the functionality of mowers to mow cereal and an increase in yield of grassland fertilization. The latter is a demand for the manure / dung-Mod. The mod works globally, that is, it...
v 1.00 Downloads today10,837 Downloads totalUser rating25 said thankspublished Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:02:22 GMT in - ScriptsMaud "teleportation" for Farming Simulator 2015 - The transfer of the player and the equipment to any place cards Management:.. F11 - Show / hide on the map, the mouse wheel - the choice of the object...
Manually Abbunkern
v 1.2 Final0 Downloads today16,097 Downloads total68 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:40:00 GMT in - ScriptsWith this mod you can abbunkern push of a button for all threshers. It bothered me is that you always load evenly react very quickly to a trailer. Works the way, definitely not in multiplayer because...
featured Fuel adjustment FuelAdjust
v 5.15.70 Downloads today45,657 Downloads total109 commentsUser rating157 said thankspublished Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:08:00 GMT in - ScriptsBeschreibung Das ursprüngliche fuelAdjustV2 (by TwistedGA für LS13) diente dazu quasi als Anreiz und wurde anfangs (in LS13) von mir nur bearbeitet und erweitert, bis ich mich dazu entschloss ein...
featured TEXT ZU LANG bitte manuell auf uebersetzen
v 5.15.10 Downloads today18,633 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:33:00 GMT in - ScriptsBeschreibung Da gibt es eigentlich nicht viel zu sagen, dieser Script-Mod zeigt die gefahrenen Kilometer und die Betriebsstunden an, nicht mehr und nicht weniger...
featured Field detection
v 2.01 Downloads today23,236 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating84 said thankspublished Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:47:00 GMT in - ScriptsHello, Here I have a script where you can turn off the field boundary at & both cultivation! When Plfug in Ls 2015, the function is already drinne Since I find that it takes too long with...
Money Tool
v 1.00 Downloads today14,574 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:55:25 GMT in - ScriptsFeatures: - Press CTRL + ALT + 0 is 1,000,000 credits to the account added- Ideal for testing Mods- MP capable credits: Script: HeadyPublisher: Planet-LS