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Thüringer Oberland 1988
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CLAAS Axion 950
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featured Ackendorf
v 2.34 Downloads today53,428 Downloads total1379 commentsUser rating365 said thankspublished Tue, 16 Aug 2016 16:09:42 GMT in - MapsRäumt euren Mods Ordner auf!Es sollten keine anderen Maps sowie MultiFruitModule von anderen Maps in eurem Verzeichnis liegen.Nach dem runterladen muss das RAR Archiv 1 mal entpackt werden!Die...
featured Fortuna Trailer Pack
v 1.43 Downloads today63,575 Downloads total118 commentsUser rating250 said thankspublished Tue, 16 Aug 2016 16:08:48 GMT in - Other trailersMoin,wie ihr vielleicht schon mitbekommen habt, haben wir alle unsere Fortuna Anhänger in einem Pack zusammengestellt und dieses möchten wir euch nicht vorenthalten Solltet ihr bereits einiges von...
featured speedcontrol
v 15.0.21 Downloads today7,827 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating32 said thankspublished Sun, 14 Aug 2016 16:45:53 GMT in - Scriptsfeatures: - Mod is automatically installed in all vehicles - 3-speed memory - To select and activate with keys 1-3 - Changing the speed with keys + / - (numpad) - Speed ??is saved Credits...
featured AutoCombine
v 4.14 Downloads today267,033 Downloads total478 commentsUser rating524 said thankspublished Sat, 13 Aug 2016 12:12:06 GMT in - ScriptsThis is the version of LS15 AutoCombine ( http://www.modhoster.de/mods/autocombine ). The mod is still as good as not tested. Use at your own risk. The mod can be offered using the original download...
featured Paradise Hill's by Stevie.
v 1.3S0 Downloads today11,162 Downloads total71 commentsUser rating51 said thankspublished Sat, 13 Aug 2016 11:15:42 GMT in - MapsWelcome to Paradise Hills. This is my 5th and final map for FS2015. Whilst creating this map my father passed away after a long fight with a terminal illness. Paradise hills has multifruit, is...
featured Wilhelms Talkessel
v 1.05 GMK0 Downloads today10,158 Downloads total103 commentsUser rating64 said thankspublished Fri, 12 Aug 2016 15:51:13 GMT in - MapsWilhelms Talkessel....im preußischen Tal....VorgeschichteEine lange Zeit war die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft im preussischen Tal ungewiss, doch dann kamst du.Den Hof vom alten Hermann hast du in mehreren...
featured IT Runner Universal Tank
v 1.210 Downloads today23,072 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Fri, 12 Aug 2016 11:57:00 GMT in - Other trailersHi Here I have a universal tank for IT Runner, cargo: diesel, milk, manure, fertilizer, water. Everything can be discharged, drained and charged. It fades in the respective caption. farbwahl washable...
featured Multi Overlay ArtDesign
v 1.47 Downloads today8,981 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating72 said thankspublished Fri, 12 Aug 2016 08:50:28 GMT in - AddonsThere artDesigns for multi overlay V2 Hud Mod v.0.9 and higher. Caution !! Addon lst incompatible with the normal multi overlay Hud !! Multi Overlay V2 Hud is provided only at the WE Online !! Who...
featured Silo hall with Hay Crane
v 1.00 Downloads today16,575 Downloads total52 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 14:50:43 GMT in - Buildings with FunctionsIt took a long time and now it is finished, the tower silo hall with hay crane.
featured Cantal
v 1.3.11 Downloads today15,055 Downloads total55 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:58:17 GMT in - MapsCantal_MAP_FS15 soil_Mod and dirt control. Pack mod for the map work properly : http://sharemods.com/7up43nm8co37/PackMod_CantalMap1_3_SM.rar.html Terrain dirt and control SoilMod kalk...
featured MBJ chopped semitrailers
v 1.10 Downloads today20,614 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:57:43 GMT in - TrailersMBJ- chopped semitrailers with matching Duo Dolly
featured John Deere 4755
v 2.21 Downloads today29,701 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:26:35 GMT in - 2000-5000erSpecialization: animatedVehicle motorized Steerable drivable cylindered hirable aiTractor bunkerSiloCompacter honk indoorHud mountable washable hydraulicAnimations cardanShaft Interactive...
featured John Deere 8520 FH
v 2.0 Washable0 Downloads today18,413 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating46 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 09:21:21 GMT in - 8000erJohn Deere 8520 FH v1.0 features: -Opening Bonnet (Panel IC) -Ability To open the left door on the outside of the tractor (outside-key R) -Animated joystick -removed All detected errors -New...
featured Altkirch in Alsace
v 3.0 Multifruit0 Downloads today30,768 Downloads total930 commentsUser rating169 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Aug 2016 13:45:37 GMT in - Big MapsV 1.0: Alsace is the place to go. You can expect a challenging map with many different game possibilities and challenges in a beautiful natural landscape with many details. V 2.0: The refinery...
featured MB NG 1632 4x4
v 1.00 Downloads today5,282 Downloads totalUser rating31 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Aug 2016 09:29:30 GMT in - Mercedes BenzI present to you now my MB NG 1632 4x4 tipper semitrailer available. He has color choice Have fun with it ... Mfg Turbo Bandit DE It is forbidden to use this mod or parts...
featured Renault Ares 620 RZ
v 10 Downloads today5,259 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating17 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Aug 2016 09:03:04 GMT in - RenaultRenault Ares 620 RZ * Open doors and window * Add remove fenders * Arm animation * Washable A mod that is the result of a leak again and again, so it's not over and never will. RESPECT ORIGINAL...
featured Mengele Tipper Equipment Pack
v 2.00 Downloads today12,725 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Aug 2016 06:18:44 GMT in - Other trailersHello, today we present our converted Standart Brantner tipper available. This dump truck is a universal trailer, and a project which was planned for some time. A Thanks to Gehr Breisgau Modding for...
featured Allgäuer Moor
v 1.00 Downloads today17,810 Downloads total155 commentsUser rating63 said thankspublished Sat, 06 Aug 2016 20:52:32 GMT in - MapsWelcome to the download area of ??the Allgäu Moor. Some will use the map already know from our video, now we have finally made the map to get to download. I ask you to Desc
featured Amazon Crass Hopper
v 3.04 Downloads today76,489 Downloads total222 commentsUser rating124 said thankspublished Fri, 05 Aug 2016 14:32:01 GMT in - Other VehiclesWarrior Dwarf reloaded Attention: this is a test MOD (use at your own risk) Again a very big thank to the right MOD http://www.modhoster.de/mods/amazone-profihopper--3 IMPORTANT: read the...
featured Fendt 700 Vario SCR SERIES
v 4.0 RC4 FINALe0 Downloads today196,451 Downloads totalUser rating580 said thankspublished Thu, 04 Aug 2016 20:33:21 GMT in - FendtFendt 700 Vario SCR Profi Plus PACK SERIES V.4 LS15 This model is not a simple conversion of the FS13 but is new, has been completely redesigned and improved for FS15 ... is a version in beta with...