
V 1.3.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Cantal_MAP_FS15 soil_Mod and dirt control.


 Pack mod for the map work properly :


Terrain dirt and control


kalk production, Milk production, eggs production

Milk fabrik pallet ( to the dairy )

pig, beef, goose, chicken, lamb


oat and alfalfa cultures

  • Watermod
  • viehmarkt 2.0
  • GMM mod
  • Compost, Seeds 
  • One village
  • 44 fields
  • 2 farms
  • 1 BGA
  • 3 forests
  • Woodworkings
  • Two point of sale of grain
  • Please note :

    You must have the mod pack (unzip and place mods in your mods folder) in your mod folder for the map work properly.I'm sorry for that but i've maked some changes in scripts that why you must have the new pack mod for cantal map.



 Edit 11/08/16

Cantal map V1.3.1

Bugs of the silos which does not empty completely. 
Adding windows in the buildings of the farm 1 (For the bale extension). 
Field 36 bug correction. 
Improvement of the unloading zone in the crusher of the BGA. 
Adding Numbers to the free fields (For course play). 
Adding a manure storage zone for the beef.


Please respect my work and use the original download link!

I hoped that you will take a lot of pleasure on this card

This is my first map, be indulgent thank you.



 Edit 08/07/16

Cantal map V1.3

Removed collision from trees

Adding new batiments (Ferme 1)

Adjust terrain dirt and control (dirt comes more slowly)

Textures adjustement

doors and barriers can be open manually (with collision)


Edit : 03/07/16


.New Foliage

.Add soil mod

.Add terrain and dirt control

.Add pedestrian system

.SideWalk added

.Fix bug doors rinderMast

.Gain fluidity

.Adjustement clipDistance

.New dirt road.

.Difficulty was increased ( 3 levels with less money ) 

.Trees, electric pylon and fences have now collision.


Model: FS15_mapping
Texture: FS15_mapping
Idea / Concept: FS15_mapping
Testing: Ferme de la souche, TT8470, Flosnic
Other: Marhu, farmerAndy, Kastor, frabel ls modding, LS agri team, My7framer, webalizer, upsidedown and many, many many others,thanks to them for their great job(work).

  • 11 Aug 15:49
    Version 1.3.1

    Before please note that you don't have to restart a new game.

    Bugs of the silos which does not empty completely.
    Adding windows in the buildings of the farm 1 (For the bale extension).
    Field 36 bug correction.
    Improvement of the unloading zone in the crusher of the BGA.
    Adding Numbers to the free fields (For course play).
    Adding a manure storage zone for the beef.

  • 09 Jul 09:46
    Version 1.3

    Edit 08/07/16

    Cantal map V1.3

    Removed collision from trees
    Adding new batiments (Ferme 1)
    Adjust terrain dirt and control (dirt comes more slowly)
    Textures adjustement
    doors and barriers can be open manually (with collision)

  • 03 Jul 16:11
    Version 1.2 soilMod and dirt_control

    .New Foliage
    .Add soil mod
    .Add terrain and dirt control
    .Add pedestrian system
    .SideWalk added
    .Fix bug doors rinderMast
    .Gain fluidity
    .Adjustement clipDistance
    .New dirt road.
    .Difficulty was increased ( 3 levels with less money )
    .Trees, electric pylon and fences have now collision.


20.06 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.77 / 26 Votes


nach 24 Stimmen

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V 1.3.1
Farming Simulator 15
414 MB 8637
11. 08 2016 8,637
V 1.3
Farming Simulator 15
412 MB 2833
09. 07 2016 2,833
V 1.2 soilMod and dirt_control
Farming Simulator 15
390 MB 1612
03. 07 2016 1,612

9 Comments for Cantal

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  1. SLOvenia 18. 07 2016

    Hey, I love this map, its just perfect to me, because there is so much different things to do, and also i like a shapes of fields.. great work! I hope the V1.4 will be out soon.
    But I have one problem whenever I wnat to buy a Seedingmachine the game stops on loading screen, what could be the problem ?

    1 replies

  2. MichelsonLV 15. 07 2016

    I have problems with guelle mist mod. I can't cultivate slury, manure in and it dosen't dissapear in next growth sicle with soil mod. But map is good, u should put numbers to those fields who you own when u start.

  3. Mikegti 10. 07 2016

    Beautiful map. Lots to do etc. If it had more AI/traffic it would almost be perfect!

    1 replies

  4. terrorduck 09. 07 2016

    the gate when Claas dealer will be closed :( :(

    1 replies

  5. FS15_mapping 04. 07 2016

    Ok thanks for the translation, i work hard on texture and it seems that the problem are solved.
    For the trees, if it's possible i make it cutable. if it's possible (more than 2000 trees )
    For the blocked vehicules a load place was added on map and i placed it in the center.

  6. Rondo 04. 07 2016

    Sorry but i had to delete this map;( no reset point and there are everywhere obstacles that are non collidable,even trees hanging over the road stopping tractors and hindering tools from passing;( shall wait till next update, but again... a very nice map

  7. FS15_mapping 03. 07 2016

    Please note, now you should have the AAA64erFix, soilmod and terrain and dirt control mods in your mod folder for the map work properly.

    "You must create a new part"

  8. FS15_mapping 21. 06 2016

    Thanks for your comments guys, I go work on these problems.

  9. FS15_mapping 21. 06 2016

    Hello, link is in PDF, in map pack.
    This PDF content all links for the map work properly and i explain how to produce kalk and how to use Milk and H-milk in dairy.

    1 replies
