Member since 11 / 2015
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Pack Balestacker and baler attacher
ago over 8 years
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Mod: Community Rade Reloaded
Danke fuer dein Antwort!
Mod: Community Rade Reloaded
Wo kann man Strohaddon Halle platzieren jetz ?
Mod: SIP Orion 120TH
Why do you upload other people mods? This is not your mod and I am sure thad You have not permisson from author EnCebuljcek for uploading this mod here!
Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
Najlepša hvala 50keda!!
Mod: Cantal
Hey sorry that I disturbed you. It was problem with other mods I think. Now I solved the problem. The map works super fine. Thank you.
Mod: Cantal
Hey, I love this map, its just perfect to me, because there is so much different things to do, and also i like a shapes of fields.. great work! I hope the V1.4 will be out soon.
But I have one problem whenever I wnat to buy a Seedingmachine the game stops on loading screen, what could be the problem ?
Mod: Bielefeld
When I drive into the worksop there is no sign that I could enter the workshop ... nevermind the map is great .. thanks for all the fixes and advices :)
Mod: Bielefeld
Thanks for Update, but Savegame form 2.0 doesn´t work in version 2.1 ...what i need to do ??... and workshop still doesn´t work :/:/ ...
Mod: Bielefeld
HARDPOINT Extension Workshop is not working. Can you fix this please ?
Mod: Bielefeld
i will fix it for you in a new version!
Mod: Heimenkirch
Can I continue my savegame on 1.2 version ?
Mod: Heimenkirch
That is what I call perfect done map !!! 5 starts
Mod: Burgenland2016
Bitte MAP PDA uploaden !!!
Mod: Renault lander plateau
How can I put down rear ramp ??
Mod: Renault lander plateau
Hey SLOvenia,
use your mouse.
Johnny Thunders
Mod: Klettenberg
Beautiful map, great details and textures. But on fileds is too many fences, trees and things that disturb driving, and also why are all fileds already full grown ? :( .. anyway great map .. I hope there will be soon new improved version of it !
Mod: Fendt 936 New AO
Skin in very well done, but mirrors do not work, also I have problems at higher speed while driving - the tractor steers by himself ? :) .. some improvments and mod will be great
Mod: Beiser shovel
great shovel, but i would be way more satisfied if you could upload the Merlo wheelloader :)
Mod: Tunxdorf
hello can anyone tell me how to refuel fuel in potatoe washer ?? thanks
Mod: Belgique Profonde
I already have SaveGame on this map. Will my savegame reset if I uptade map ?
Mod: Belgique Profonde
Thanks a lot buddy :9
Mod: Belgique Profonde
Great map :) but how can i buy the new fields?