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Category Maps
featured Coastisland
v 1.02b0 Downloads today7,800 Downloads total79 commentsUser rating40 said thankspublished Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:48:27 GMT in - MapsKuestenInsel VorabInfo!Da es eine Relative kleine Map ist und auch nicht so viel Platz war um alle Nutzgebäude unterzubringen, wzb. eine Bank oder die Wollfabrik usw.und ich die Map keines fals deswegen...
featured Alpenflair
v 2.00 Downloads today19,235 Downloads total120 commentsUser rating74 said thankspublished Mon, 25 Jan 2016 01:24:00 GMT in - MapsHier seht ihr eine neue Karte für den Landwirtschaftssimulator 2015. Die Map trägt den Namen „Alpenflair“, wo der Name Programm ist! Die Map wurde nicht nach einem realem Vorbild gestaltet, sondern...
featured Les Chazets
v 09 béta0 Downloads today13,786 Downloads total97 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Sat, 16 Jan 2016 23:55:00 GMT in - MapsBienvenue sur les Chazets régime de Style francaise par: ls mods L'équipe de France Fruits: origine + sorgho, Moutarde, tournesol Animaux: origines Champs 50 Champs De toute taille 2 Exploitation...
featured Holstein Switzerland
v 1.11 Downloads today25,914 Downloads total149 commentsUser rating54 said thankspublished Sun, 10 Jan 2016 18:23:31 GMT in - MapsHello, Today I put my map to download. Despite many hours have been spent testing the map, there may be errors here and there. I look forward at any time through constructive criticism and suggestions...
featured Euro Agrar Multifruit
v Downloads today104,488 Downloads total654 commentsUser rating110 said thankspublished Sat, 09 Jan 2016 06:52:00 GMT in - MapsEuro-Agrar Map Willkommen bei der Euro-Agrar. Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß mit unserer Map. Gefundene Fehler bitte NICHT in den Kommentaren lassen oder per PN schicken. Nutzt hierfür bitte http...
featured VEG Sternberg
v 2.1 fimal0 Downloads today3,354 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Wed, 06 Jan 2016 17:15:03 GMT in - MapsHello everybody, the time has come today I present to you the VEG Sternberg Map in the 15 version. Hello everybody. Here I present you my Map VEG Sternberg ready for playing. Many of you know the...
featured Reute in Upper Swabia
v 1.12 Downloads today12,357 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Tue, 05 Jan 2016 21:18:10 GMT in - MapsHi at the V1. Reute in Upper Swabia This map is essentially a recreation of our town and its Umgebung.Sie is for small and medium equipment ausgelegt.Map is not exactly friendly helpers. the following...
featured Belgique Profonde
v 2.5.1 Fixed2 Downloads today50,747 Downloads total184 commentsUser rating117 said thankspublished Mon, 04 Jan 2016 07:30:33 GMT in - MapsWhat changes? -Fixed Of recurring bugs encountered by players -Added Traffic -Optimization Textures -Reorganization Farm -Barrières And doors with manual opening (Contremanifestation) -Ability...
featured Somewhere in Thuringia
v 1.4.51 Downloads today30,127 Downloads total613 commentsUser rating129 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Dec 2015 19:29:16 GMT in - MapsIrgendwo in ThüringenV 1.2.5 By KastorMit dieser Karte melde ich mich in LS15 zurück.Willkommen in Thüringen oder wie man so schön Sagt"Das Grüne Herz Deutschland"Keine Lust mehr auf standard Karten...
featured FSH Modding Map
v 1.00 Downloads today14,304 Downloads total43 commentsUser rating80 said thankspublished Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:59:15 GMT in - MapsIt is a Hungarian style fictive map.All required mods are included. Thanks forAnimationMapTrigger: XentroChoppedStraw: webalizerWaterMod, Misch Station, Schweine Mast: MarhuGuelleMistMod: TMT (Marhu...
featured Tunxdorf
v 3.12 Downloads today87,269 Downloads total734 commentsUser rating252 said thankspublished Sat, 19 Dec 2015 14:43:46 GMT in - MapsWelcome to the Tunxdorf Modcontest 2015 map V3.1This map is based on the region of Tunxdorf near papenburg in germany.-FEATURES--39 fields with a total of 250Ha-3 farms-beef and pig fatning-An agricultural...
featured Voss village
v 1.11 Downloads today7,259 Downloads total129 commentsUser rating67 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Dec 2015 19:02:16 GMT in - MapsHerzlich willkommen in Vossdorf. Einer idyllischen Kleinstadt irgendwo im Norden Deutschlands. Der Hof den Du übernimmst ist eingebettet in eine wunderschöne Landschaft. Hier möchte man quasi Urlaub...
featured Meyenburg
v 1.21 Downloads today58,499 Downloads total1148 commentsUser rating195 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Dec 2015 15:32:01 GMT in - MapsThe card is also Meyenburg in 2015. it and calls more than before the virtual farmer in his fields to order meaningful and productive, because the animals are hungry! Hunger? .... Yes, we have set new...
featured Agricultural Simulator 2008
v 1.12 Downloads today7,517 Downloads total64 commentsUser rating55 said thankspublished Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:28:00 GMT in - MapsHi virtual farmer. Today, the MR Junkys would like to introduce in collaboration with the allbeliebten Mod Temple a new (old) Map. One sits in the evening Ts, talks about how good but older...
featured Once in Osttirol
v 1.00 Downloads today6,409 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2015 17:47:59 GMT in - MapsForeword I want to thank me until Thomy toast for the release of his Schildalp and of course for all object modders whose objects I have installed. Without these great objects, scripts and textures...
featured Steinfeld
v 0.90 Downloads today8,829 Downloads total54 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Sun, 08 Nov 2015 19:46:52 GMT in - MapsSoo, long have you been waiting for: Steinfeld in LS15. The Map is based on the real no model, there is only the name for real. The map was designed with a lot of details, so the map is not just low...
featured Landwehrkanal
v 1.0.0 Soilmod0 Downloads today46,183 Downloads total267 commentsUser rating166 said thankspublished Sat, 07 Nov 2015 11:56:01 GMT in - MapsHallo Freunde der gepflegten Landwirtschaft. Nachdem ja böse Zungen schon behauptet haben, das die Map erst Weihnachten erscheint, ich hab es etwas früher geschafft . Auf diverse für mich pers...
featured Talfeld Beta
v 3.60 Downloads today18,264 Downloads total159 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Oct 2015 20:13:23 GMT in - MapsDescription Talfeld Hello LS15 gamersHere I have my first map that I have built for themselves. It is capable MP and was also tested in MP. In advance: the map must be unpacked a pure FANTASIEMAP and...
featured LS 11 Map
v 2.2.16 Downloads today22,527 Downloads total182 commentsUser rating97 said thankspublished Fri, 16 Oct 2015 06:12:04 GMT in - MapsHello dear virtual farmers Here you presented Deere 8530 the original LS 11 Maps. You mean it does not belong to it? False belongs in any case belongs to them! What do you expect? -Biomassekraftwerk...
featured Hofgut Baden
v 4.03 Downloads today26,035 Downloads total313 commentsUser rating150 said thankspublished Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:28:47 GMT in - MapsDescription of Map: Hofgut Baden V2 This is the Hofgut Baden in version. 2 Changes in V2 Here the SoilMod was installed. With this it is now possible even more realistic agriculture to operate...