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featured JOSKIN Drakkar
v 1.00 Downloads today5,916 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Wed, 23 Dec 2015 01:20:00 GMT in - TandemJoskin drakkar tandem price: 35 000 euro capacity: 35 000 daily upkeep: 70 euro Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes CMT group Model: SmetyTextures: SmetyIn game...
featured Schmitz Cargobull Set
v 1.1 HPE0 Downloads today60,961 Downloads total534 commentsUser rating294 said thankspublished Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:46:50 GMT in - TrailersDieser Sattelauflieger eignet sich auf Grund seiner Konstruktion, neben dem Transport von normalem Schüttgut, besonders zum manuellen Laden z.B. mit Paletten. Alle Fruchtsorten werden in Form von Kisten...
featured Krampe Bandit 800
v 3.01 Downloads today14,910 Downloads total39 commentsUser rating69 said thankspublished Tue, 15 Dec 2015 17:01:00 GMT in - TridemKRAMPE BANDIT 800 (VARIABLE BODY) volume without top: 33.000 liter volume with 60 cmtop: 41.000 liter volume with 80 cm top: 45.000 liter volume with potato essay: 38.000 liter Fruittypes...
featured Joskin RDS 7500 Betimax
v 4.00 Downloads today25,817 Downloads totalUser rating55 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Dec 2015 10:13:21 GMT in - Other trailersNEW! * Transport of geese and young geese * NEW! Changelog Version 3.7.1 (Log is error-free) NEW - transport of geese and young geese. NEW - Animal batch-Shield on the back, displays the contents...
featured Conow TMK 22 7000
v 1.00 Downloads today3,288 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Mon, 30 Nov 2015 10:27:31 GMT in - Tandemhi Guys After a long period of rest I once again a mod for you .. I've finally made ??my TMK of Conow to get ready .. of course I do not want to deprive you of him .. 32 000L Ladevollumen € 39...
featured Claas Quadrant 3200
v 1.00 Downloads today14,266 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Sat, 28 Nov 2015 05:17:17 GMT in - BalersHere I present you the "Claas Quadrant 3200 Balers" Models run largely on standard script with the usual functions. Models are LOG FREE A version 2 will come with more features and with...
featured Bergmann Shuttle 700s
v 2.12 Downloads today21,303 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating28 said thankspublished Tue, 24 Nov 2015 17:26:39 GMT in - Forage WagonsBERGMANN Bergmann Shuttel 700s Ladevoulumen : 35.550l Benötigte Leistung : 180Ps Unterhaltskosten : 95 €/pro Tag Neu Preis : 65.000€
featured Welger AP730wc
v 1.1fix0 Downloads today37,402 Downloads total172 commentsUser rating77 said thankspublished Sun, 22 Nov 2015 17:45:48 GMT in - BalersHi Modhoster-Community. Endlich ist es soweit. Nach unzähligen Stunden der Tests, Experimente und Fluchereien ist unsere HD-Ballenpresse nun endlich fertig. Deshalb präsentieren wir euch heute...
featured Krampe HP Trailer Pack
v 1.02 Downloads today10,177 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating50 said thankspublished Sat, 21 Nov 2015 12:05:03 GMT in - Other trailersMoin, Here times the from LS13 known Krampe Halfpipe Trailer. Both trailers have installed LS15 standard and choice of color and selectable indicator. This is converted to models, no new buildings...
featured Brantner TA23065 Power Push
v 1.13 Downloads today7,218 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Nov 2015 20:35:00 GMT in - TandemBrantner TA23065 Power Push Built-in functions: Wheel chocks Color choice Steering axle Functioning axis shift (going from 50% Automatic forward less than 50% to the rear) Washable lighting...
featured Timber Runner
v 1.0.11 Downloads today4,615 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Thu, 05 Nov 2015 20:56:36 GMT in - TrailersT imber R thinner Here we offer you a special forest-conversion based on a semi-trailer Fliegl. S pecifications 2 loading tables for 6m-logs Both tables are both to the left and to the right...
featured Mobile traffic lights
v 1.00 Downloads today10,697 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating27 said thankspublished Sat, 31 Oct 2015 08:08:50 GMT in - Other trailersHello there, Today I have a new mod for you. It is here at my Mobile traffic light for revised LS13 LS15. The traffic light received a new model and some little extras. Among the features: - Light...
featured Wienhoff 20200 VTW
v 2.03 Downloads today10,500 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating28 said thankspublished Fri, 30 Oct 2015 13:50:32 GMT in - Liquid ManureI have the permits !!! Here is a Wienhoff 20200 VTW barrel. It costs € 67,000. The maintenance costs 45 €. It packs 20200 liters. It has tire dust, turn signals and brake lights. You have to refuel...
featured Schwarzmüller low loader
v 1.50 Downloads today20,284 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating41 said thankspublished Mon, 05 Oct 2015 15:17:53 GMT in - Other trailers3-axle flatbed trailer with straight plateau This 3-axle flatbed trailer, it is possible to transport a variety of vehicles and equipment when, for example. are too slow. Description: Trailer...
featured HAWE WPS 3 Achser
v 1.00 Downloads today6,368 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Sun, 04 Oct 2015 13:24:36 GMT in - Other trailersHAWE WPS 3-axle (galvanized) Matching alternating bending takes you on or To operate the outriggers You have the vehicle verlassenund the control levers...
featured KAWECO PULLBOX swap
v 2.01 Downloads today6,462 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Oct 2015 14:01:44 GMT in - Other trailersKAWECO PULLBOX WECHSELBRUECKE FÜR DEN MAN TGS AGRAR 8x8 Mit dieser Wechselbrücke könnt Ihr verschiedene Fruchtarten transportieren! Volumen...
featured Ballenboy
v 2.00 Downloads today8,791 Downloads total47 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Oct 2015 13:59:23 GMT in - bale transportHey Com! Hiermit stellen ich euch heute den Ballenboy vor. ______________________________________________ Inhalt Im Mod befindet sich der Ballenboy. Dieser ist ein praktischer Ballenwaagen für Rundballen...
featured Flexitrailer
v 1.0 wsb0 Downloads today5,546 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating19 said thankspublished Fri, 02 Oct 2015 09:28:18 GMT in - fifth wheelHere my TSL Flexitrailer LS15wsb more: * Damper / lever animated (all individually to open) * Tilting side flaps left ... go on automatically * Fasten charge (button...
featured The Beast heavy duty wood chippers
v 1.23 Downloads today157,290 Downloads total376 commentsUser rating433 said thankspublished Tue, 29 Sep 2015 10:42:30 GMT in - TrailersMoin, Changelog Beast v1.1:- Digitalanzeige am Bunker rechts- Übersetzungsfehler "Worklight" behoben- kleinere Änderungen am Model- Kameras auf jeden der 3 Arbeitslichter- RULs schalten sich bei "Bunker...
featured Fliegl TDK Modular
v 1.10 Downloads today4,566 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating32 said thankspublished Fri, 25 Sep 2015 18:12:21 GMT in - TandemJuten! After a few hours tinkering, trial & error and NEM pot hole I've for you to Fliegl TDK 160 version as hardpoint. Basically, I have the model left as Giants has provided. I have only...