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featured Grimme MultiTrailer 190
v 1.00 Downloads today5,002 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Sep 2015 05:51:35 GMT in - TandemHallo alle, heute endlich der Grimme Multitrailer aus dem LS 13 zum DL Der Multitrailer ist aufgrund seines geringen Einsatzgewichtes optimal zum Abfahren von schwereren Agrargütern wie Kartoffeln...
featured Grimme Wechselbrücke
v 2.00 Downloads today23,630 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating42 said thankspublished Sat, 19 Sep 2015 15:56:00 GMT in - Other trailersGRIMME RUW WECHSELBRUECKE FÜR DEN MAN TGS AGRAR 8x8 Mit dieser Wechselbrücke könnt Ihr Zuckerrüben und Kartoffeln transportieren! Volumen: 27000 Liter...
featured 5 tipper Dezeure TT
v 2.01 Downloads today16,381 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Sat, 12 Sep 2015 20:36:39 GMT in - TrailersFraBel Ls-Modding Pack 5 trailer Dezeure Dezeure D10T, Dezeure D14TT, Dezeure D33TT, Dezeure D33TT Ltd, Dezeure DK33T Functions -Washable - Functional...
featured Peecon Overloader HKL
v 1.01 Downloads today10,154 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating40 said thankspublished Wed, 09 Sep 2015 12:03:58 GMT in - containersPeecon overcharge HKL for IT Runner Moin, I noticed that actually there is no ÜLW HKL for the IT RunnerPack, so I am look at the search made for something suitable. I then fell the 3D data of...
featured Krone TX 460 and TX 560 D
v 2.0 Textur Fix (LOW EDITION)0 Downloads today52,169 Downloads totalUser rating127 said thankspublished Mon, 07 Sep 2015 19:03:00 GMT in - SilageH ello LS Com., Here we present you the crown TX Pack. There are in pack of tridem and tandem available. Advanced Features Washable, tire tracks, lift axle, Animated side door Adjustable drawbar...
featured ProAG Autoallign Balerunner 16K
v 3.150 Downloads today6,467 Downloads total30 commentsUser rating73 said thankspublished Sat, 05 Sep 2015 21:42:48 GMT in - bale transportHi Modhoster-Community. Nachdem unsere LS11- & LS13-MP-Versionen des Balerunners eingeschlagen sind wie eine Bombe, haben wir uns daran gemacht ihn LS15-Ready zu bekommen. Leider hats dann doch...
featured Ursus T 127
v 1.10 Downloads today8,218 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating35 said thankspublished Wed, 02 Sep 2015 17:54:00 GMT in - bale transportThe bale collector is an edit of the standard.This can load roundbales from 1.1 to 1.5 in diameter.It can collect the bales from this press:
featured FSM Ropa BigBear
v 1.10 Downloads today13,610 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating30 said thankspublished Wed, 02 Sep 2015 16:27:00 GMT in - OverloaderRopa Big Bear LS15 Moin,sohooo wir haben den Ropa Big Bear für LS15 konvertiert.Soweit läuft der "Kleine" recht gut, es stehen allerdings noch einige Online Tests an.Was ist der Ropa Big Bear?Es...
featured Trailer Service
v 1.0wsb0 Downloads today6,868 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating28 said thankspublished Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:05:00 GMT in - Other trailersHere my TSL_ServiceTrailer_LS15wsb * animated (unfold, raise / lower the platform, Turn the work lights, tower exit) * Drawbar adjustable (mouse-controlled) * Attacher: trailerLow * Washable...
featured Strautmann SEK 802
v 1.00 Downloads today5,496 Downloads totalUser rating29 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:52:16 GMT in - TrailersThe Brantner was me with its black frame to drab. Therefore, there is for all small farmers like me here the Strautmann SEK 802 8.500l filling volume. Perhaps it may be the one or the other, as amended...
featured Fliegl DDK 240 7.80
v 2.00 Downloads today9,886 Downloads total33 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Mon, 17 Aug 2015 12:47:00 GMT in - fifth wheelFliegl DDK 240 7.80 Price: 58400 24000L fillTypes: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure sugarbeet
featured HW Animal Trailer
v 3.00 Downloads today31,522 Downloads total56 commentsUser rating69 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Aug 2015 20:36:32 GMT in - Other trailersMoin Modhoster community Here the old known HW cattle truck Transport of pigs or cattle to the butcher of your trust Open to Plane Fold ladders for on / off Choose license plates for...
featured Set remorques
v 1.20 Downloads today54,863 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Wed, 12 Aug 2015 00:23:00 GMT in - TrailersPack remorques FTmodding: Avec ce mods plus de problème de transports. Tout y passe et même les fruits non disponibles pour le moment. A utiliser de préférence avec nos camions Volvo et Mercedes...
featured KAWECO Double twin shift
v 1.53 Downloads today40,227 Downloads total102 commentsUser rating174 said thankspublished Sat, 08 Aug 2015 09:53:21 GMT in - Liquid ManureThe Double Twin Shift Tanker is the most professional way to inject your slurry. The Double Twin Shift Tankers makes them self indispensable because of the enormous volume, fill capacity, maneuverability...
featured Samson PG II 27
v 1.00 Downloads today15,080 Downloads total34 commentsUser rating35 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Aug 2015 16:20:59 GMT in - Liquid ManureSAMSON PG II 27 (Beta version) Capacity: 27200 liters Matching mounting parts are included! Samson Zunidisc Vogelsang SwingUp This Mod it is exclusive at
featured Kröger TAW 30
v 1.0 Final1 Downloads today16,004 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating77 said thankspublished Sun, 02 Aug 2015 19:20:00 GMT in - TridemHello everybody. Today we would like to 30 ask you our teamwork to Kröger TAW available. To preface: Timber 131 and the LS 15 workshop have decided a little to build the Kröger order. For a lively...
featured Fortuna LogMaster
v 1.01 Downloads today4,298 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating16 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Aug 2015 17:28:26 GMT in - Other trailersTEXT ZU LANG bitte manuell auf uebersetzen
featured Fliegl DPW180 Universal AutoLoad
v 1.01 Downloads today39,359 Downloads total103 commentsUser rating103 said thankspublished Thu, 30 Jul 2015 23:22:00 GMT in - bale transportHi Modhoster-Community. Endlich ist es soweit. Nach unzähligen Stunden der Tests und Experimenteist unser UAL-Script nun endlich fertig. Deshalb präsentieren wir euch heute voller Stolz unseren...
featured Unia REX 2518 Pilmet
v 1.00 Downloads today3,542 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating24 said thankspublished Tue, 21 Jul 2015 16:36:00 GMT in - Sprayers & FertilizerField sprayer REX 2518 produced by Union Group. General information: - Tank capacity: 2500 liters - Pump drive: hydraulic - Working width: 18 meters - Arm height adjustment: 0.5 - 2.3 meters...
featured Krone bale presses Set
v 1.00 Downloads today42,809 Downloads total36 commentsUser rating83 said thankspublished Mon, 20 Jul 2015 17:30:55 GMT in - BalersHello, Here I present you the famous "Krone Balers" for the LS15 is available, that there are longer for DL are. Models run largely on standard script with the usual functions. Textures have been...