Bayern Allgäu Bavaria

V 0.9 Beta mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Now the time has come. The Bayern / Allgäu - Bavaria is is now officially released.



  • a courtyard, LU, 2 forestry farms
  • Hof: MixFeeder, many individual stock for cereals, beef cattle, pigs, sheep fattening, cows, sheep, seed, fertilizer warehouse, Seedmaster (pesticides is needed), compost Master (with kaufbarem compost storage), pig feed production, ...
  • purchasable items
  • Plenty of room for UPK greenhouses / Trees
  • Production of wooden pallets, wooden apex and charcoal
  • Traffic / pedestrian
  • large forest with several trees
  • ...



The map is divided into 2 parts. It just does not help, because the map is simply too large. If that does not fit, the Map invites not down easily and leaves no stupid comments.
Unpack can all best with WinRar. simply given a right kick click on a pack and unpack. Then 2 zip files in it. This shift in the modfolder. Who by unpacking problems googling a bit!
If you start on the Map, you end up in your farmhouse. In this you have a staircase to go down to the exit before the door is a buy button. Because you should go, otherwise you have no entry fee ;)
In addition, you have no starting vehicles and no starting fields. So plan well, that you also enough money!

Images of Map can you here look.



Use the full functionality of the Map Mods following are required:

- Map-Zip (included in the download)
- Multi Fruit module Bavaria (included in the download)
- UPK-Mod
- ROS warehouses
- ROS vegetable growing 1
- ROS vegetable growing 2
- ROS fruit and berry 1
- ROS Fruits and Berries 2
- Apfelmod
- MixFeeder
- Multi Fruit
- Multivitamin128
- AnimationMapTrigger
- Terrain and Dirt module
- MapBuyableObjects
- MapDoorTrigger (LS13, but is also in the 15s)
- GMK-Mod (Note instructions!)

Recommen / Additional mods (not necessarily required):
- Chopped Straw


Instructions (Please read, answers most questions!):

Instructions for V0.9: Manual ( or manual (Dropbox)


And now I wish you much fun with the map !!


The map may not be available on other websites without my permission. Re-upload of objects of the Map is prohibited without my permission.

Moreover stupid and unnecessary comments are not allowed.


Mapper: RaptorX & kevink98

  • 20 Jun 16:17
    Version 0.9 Beta

19.06 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.3 / 23 Votes


nach 18 Stimmen

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V 0.9 Beta
Farming Simulator 15
1.44 GB 2535
20. 06 2016 2,535

2 Comments for Bayern Allgäu Bavaria

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  1. KellySeveride 17. 09 2020

    Hi Kevink98, geil dass du deine Map noch fertig gemacht hast. Ich verfolge dein Projekt schon seit es WiP war. Ich hatte eine Frage. Denkst du es wäre möglich eine 2019 Version von dieser absolut schönen Map zu machen. Ich hab halt leider keine Ahnung von Scripting und dachte dass ich dir auf diesem Weg Mal schreibe. ;D

  2. unregistered user 22. 06 2016

    Hi, this is really a great map. I'm enjoying it a lot :-)

    I have a quick question though: The descriptions for buyable buildings are missing in the english version. Would you mind adding them later? So far I've been able to figure it out from your manual using a translator, but it would be nice to have them in-game. Thanks!

    And by the way the performance is very good for me. On highest details the fps rarely drops bellow 60. I have i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz, boostable to 3.8 GHz, 16 GB RAM and GTX 760, I am also running the game from a SSD.
