On the riverside

V 1.1 mit Hafer u. Sonnenblumen mod for Farming Simulator 15

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On the riverfront v.1.01 - for LS2015Zur Map Along the river, in the third generation A replica of RiversideMap may still be known from LS2011! little preface: In order to test everything that was installed on the map so and I do not find the time, I would like to ask you to help me with this pre Thus the map for you!. If there are any error messages please Objectively and detailed image with Posten.Hiermit I would also like to thank me for all users assistance rendered to the map to create a huge thanks to all the modders whose parts were installed to. I hope I have them all listed right? And also thank you to Marhu for the Great webside / forum and support
Visit us about it on http://marhu.net Lg. Funky your ------------------------------------------ What is Installed? Goldtaler Search ! WolPaletteCollectorMarhuChoppedStraw installed v15.03 eingebundenCompost master Visible animals was reduced to 6Tiere per pasture / because the cows and chickens on the farm are rare texture of Eribus was mistaken with grass stubble! Permission was granted BGA AbladeEinzugsschnecken: sunk into the ground to fill with a Trailer..oder as usual with the wheel loader + more fruit. TagFunkyCompost Master + ModPack ................ / Andy1978Guelle and manure mod ................... / Marhu & Community pig farm v3. 2.5b .... ....... / Marhu & CommunityWaterMod V3.1.5 ....................... / MarhuFutterlager ....... .................... / frisco0177Zuckerfabrik (memory). ............. / ........................ TrekkerbodoBoden textures / ZeFirRaps texture ....... .................... / EribusIch hope I do not have anyone to forget. ! sunning please Log HofSilo was exchanged / BGAsiloMist - Sale - slurry VerkaufHäckselgut - Sale Village bank No Logfehler Traffigfahrzeuge and FussgängerIhr can leave the crop types as follows: --------------- web: wheat barley rape maize Compost / to Buy: Diesel seed ---------------- DüngemittelBGA: silage corn chips potato turnip compost wheat barley grass HeuSchlachterei -------: Pigs / Price is per pig in PDA appears Country --------- trade: wheat barley maize rape potato turnip / to Buy: Diesel seed fertilizer Landhandel II ------: wheat barley maize rape potato turnip / eggs to Buy: Diesel seed DüngemittelHafen- -------------: wheat barley maize rape potato RübeBäckerei -----------: wheat barley maize rape EierSpeicherI II ------- (sugar beet factory) sugar beet Potato / wheat barley maize rape nursery ----------: Grass straw manure manure compost Hächselgut bales / to Buy: sowing and fertilizer tree seedlings spinning ----------: WollePonnyHof ----- ------: wheat barley maize rape straw bales Grass There are 18 fields for farming One can as usual the fields kaufen.Zu the field quantities in Hecktar..ca!. Information because some fields yet to be plowed müssen.Feld No. 01 = 5:05 Hafeld No. 02 = 3:02 Hafeld No. 03 = 10.88 Hafeld No. 04 = 14.2 ha / already in possession of / with planting / barley / GedüngtFeld No. 05 = 2.29haFeld No. 06 = 5.24 Hafeld No. 07 = 5:08 Hafeld No. 08 = 16.2 ha / already in possession of / with planting / u wheat. corn / GedüngtFeld No. 09 = 5.20 Hafeld No .-10 = 5.12 Hafeld No. 11 = 21.10 Hafeld No. 12 = 2.77 ha / already in possession of / with planting / rape / GedüngtFeld Number 13 = 13:50 Hafeld No. 14 = 15.9 Hafeld No. 15 = 1:20 Hafeld No. 16 = 10:00 Hafeld No. 17 = 3:50 Hafeld No. 18 = 2.62 ha --------------------------- ----------------- Note * If Benötigt!.GuelleMistMod.zip:................................................... http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=1058 (Die GMK.zip's Rar. included) * What is needed! zzz_compostSoil.zip ............................................... Included in the pack ... * Will! Needs! .Schweinetransport Trailer:........................................... http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=1157*Wird Benötigt!.ChoppedStraw.zip v15.03 included in the Zip.Datei! .................. http://www.modhoster.de/mods/choppedstraw--2*wird Needs! Trailer for crap Verkaufen:........................................ http://www.modhoster.de/mods/brantnere8041-manure-edition*wird Benötigt! Trailer of manure to Verkaufen:....................................... http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=959*EMPFEHLUNG!....Universal Transportmulden Pack for CompostMaster by Farmer_Andy.. http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=1564&sid=6bdefaad7d6661b4baf2036eef50c3a4--------------------------------------------Nur Original Download Link Use! Only with the original DL link in other forum! It is not allowed to upload the map again!



  • 28 Feb 00:59
    Version 1.1 mit Hafer u. Sonnenblumen

    Am Flussufer v.1.1 MF - für LS2015

    Update vom 27.02.15

    Zwei neue Fruchtsorten: Hafer und Sonnenblume (Dank an TreckerJack für den einbau)
    Hofabladestellen für Weizen Gerste Raps Mais Hafer u. Sonnblume nun auch mit der Schaufel entnehmbar und Steigen beim befüllen an.
    Strassensystem und Leitpfosten erweitert..
    Sägewerk und Abladestelle (Trigger) Optimiert: Kein Abladen mit dem Radlader nötig (TIMBER RUNNER) da der Trigger höher gesetzt wurde.
    Baumrand nun auch vorhanden
    Rübenhäcksler Optimiert
    Mapsiloband wurde rausgenommen.. bei bedarf nehmt dazu das neuere vom Marhu! Da es alle Fruchtsorten laden kann.
    Das war das grobe erstmal viele kleinigkeiten wurden noch vorgenommen.
    Die benötigten zusatzzips für neue Früchte und dem Siloband sind weiter unten gelistet!

    ps: Die Map ist zu 100% Logfehlerfrei und alles Funktioniert wie es soll.

    Aaach fast vergessen!!..
    Für die neuen Fruchtsorten braucht ihr nur die beiden zip Dateien von Upsidedown mit in den Modordner ablegen Allerdings unterstützen diese noch keine Sonnblumen Partikel, dafür Funktionieren aber die Standart Fahrzeuge.. fals es erwüscht ist die richtigen SB Partikel zu sehn müsst ihr euch die passenden geräte selber suchen.

    Lg. euer Funky

  • 18 Jan 22:54
    Version 1.01fix

    fps einbrüche gefixt.

  • 17 Jan 10:24
    Version 1.01 ChoppedStraw WPC GMKM WaterMod

  • 673908
    by Funky.
    ago about 10 years
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    ago about 10 years


checksum: e4b803cd8e3d2c0504b091dfd7ec6ad6
Version: 1.1 mit Hafer u. Sonnenblumen
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Andy1978 by lsfarming-mods.de
price in shop: 5600 LS
name in shop: Am Flussufer 2015.
description in shop: Idee Basierend auf Riverside Map aus LS2011! ...
Bau und Gestalltung @Funky.
checksum: e4b803cd8e3d2c0504b091dfd7ec6ad6
Version: 1.1 mit Hafer u. Sonnenblumen
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Andy1978 lsfarming-mods.de
price in shop: 5600 LS
name in shop: Am Flussufer 2015.
description in shop: Idee Basierend auf Riverside Map aus LS2011! ...
Bau und Gestalltung @Funky.
checksum: e4b803cd8e3d2c0504b091dfd7ec6ad6
Version: 1.1 mit Hafer u. Sonnenblumen
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Funky
price in shop: 5600 LS
name in shop: Am Flussufer 2015.
description in shop: Idee Basierend auf Riverside Map aus LS2011! ...
Bau und Gestalltung @Funky.

17.01 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.76 / 82 Votes


nach 71 Stimmen

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V 1.1 mit Hafer u. Sonnenblumen
Farming Simulator 15
320 MB 5849
28. 02 2015 5,849
V 1.01fix
Farming Simulator 15
386 MB 3222
18. 01 2015 3,222
V 1.01 ChoppedStraw WPC GMKM WaterMod
Farming Simulator 15
386 MB 2867
17. 01 2015 2,867

3 Comments for On the riverside

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  1. mikeaust 28. 02 2015

    I have the Riverside map and your map in 2011. Your map was much better.
    I look forward to running this map in LS15

  2. kalo20111 21. 01 2015

    good job on this replica :)
    ** place for forage(mishfutterr) needed and probably some digit counter would be better
    **where is sheep-yard or i ca`t find him?
    i liked the lot of diffrent sell point....

    1 replies

  3. ozgamer 19. 01 2015

    greetings funky,
    presuming you can speak and read English,
    I first of all want to thankyou for your map, your map was well worth the downloading and I give you high respect.
    secondly, your map covers 2 important areas.
    1. a working railway line
    2. fields that aren't "tight" ie trees right on the edge of the field.
    the second is important is because I use large seeders and harvesters, I have no time for small farming equipement, time is money.

    I see great potential in this map, you have done extremely well. this map and any subsequent versions of this map will be stored on mods folder or time capsule if you like.

    keep up the great work. your map is the standard thus far...
    just remember to keep the trees away from the fields or at very least, no collisions around paddocks, the bigger the fields the better...

    regards thecollector aka ozgamer from downunder

    p.s please don't use uploaded.net for your mods, as they're slower than h*ll..50kbps is just awful.
