Download download Mod pack 'On the riverside'

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3 Comments for On the riverside

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  1. mikeaust 28. 02 2015

    I have the Riverside map and your map in 2011. Your map was much better.
    I look forward to running this map in LS15

  2. kalo20111 21. 01 2015

    good job on this replica :)
    ** place for forage(mishfutterr) needed and probably some digit counter would be better
    **where is sheep-yard or i ca`t find him?
    i liked the lot of diffrent sell point....

    1 replies

  3. ozgamer 19. 01 2015

    greetings funky,
    presuming you can speak and read English,
    I first of all want to thankyou for your map, your map was well worth the downloading and I give you high respect.
    secondly, your map covers 2 important areas.
    1. a working railway line
    2. fields that aren't "tight" ie trees right on the edge of the field.
    the second is important is because I use large seeders and harvesters, I have no time for small farming equipement, time is money.

    I see great potential in this map, you have done extremely well. this map and any subsequent versions of this map will be stored on mods folder or time capsule if you like.

    keep up the great work. your map is the standard thus far...
    just remember to keep the trees away from the fields or at very least, no collisions around paddocks, the bigger the fields the better...

    regards thecollector aka ozgamer from downunder

    p.s please don't use for your mods, as they're slower than h*ll..50kbps is just awful.
