Userprofile of Wacko71
Member since 12 / 2014

Punkte: 11
Level 1
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About Wacko71

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  1. Wacko71 06. 12 2018

    Mod: Estancia Lapacho Toska
    Started new game, played for an hour or so and then saved and exited. Came back and all my sell points are gone! Exited and reloaded, sell points still missing. Went back to auto save backup and still no sell points!!!

  2. Wacko71 29. 11 2018

    Mod: GreatPlains_yp2425A V1.1
    Hey mate, mod looks great, works great and love the pack/unpack animations. Just noticed some errors in the log though.

    2018-11-29 10:35 Error: Index not found: fillVolumeFertilizer
    2018-11-29 10:35 Warning: fillVolume 'vehicle.fillVolume.fillVolumeConfigurations.fillVolumeConfiguration(0).volumes.volume(2)' has an invalid 'node' in 'C:/Users/Tony/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/GreatPlains_yp2425A/yp2425A.xml'!
    2018-11-29 10:35 Error: Index not found: loadInfoSeeds
    2018-11-29 10:35 Warning (C:/Users/Tony/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/GreatPlains_yp2425A/yp2425A.xml): Missing node for 'vehicle.fillVolume.loadInfos.loadInfo(0).node(0)'
    2018-11-29 10:35 Error: Index not found: loadInfoFertilizer
    2018-11-29 10:35 Warning (C:/Users/Tony/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/GreatPlains_yp2425A/yp2425A.xml): Missing node for 'vehicle.fillVolume.loadInfos.loadInfo(0).node(1)'
    2018-11-29 10:35 Error: Index not found: unloadInfoseeds
    2018-11-29 10:35 Warning (C:/Users/Tony/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/GreatPlains_yp2425A/yp2425A.xml): Missing node for 'vehicle.fillVolume.unloadInfos.unloadInfo(0).node(0)'
    2018-11-29 10:35 Error: Index not found: unloadInfoFertilizer
    2018-11-29 10:35 Warning (C:/Users/Tony/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/GreatPlains_yp2425A/yp2425A.xml): Missing node for 'vehicle.fillVolume.unloadInfos.unloadInfo(1).node(0)'

  3. Wacko71 23. 11 2018

    Mod: Fertilizer - Placeable filling station MP
    Nice mods in this type however I place and get liquid fertilizer not just fertilizer. The other 3 mods get what it says :)

    1 replies

  4. Wacko71 19. 12 2016

    Mod: Südhemmern
    most fences have no collision so even though they are along the fields you can drive through them

  5. Wacko71 30. 10 2016

    Mod: GPS
    Love the mod, only question is can we have field limit go into negative so the equipment runs past field edge then turns as some fields cut on angles the equipment just stops and doesn't turn.

  6. Wacko71 18. 09 2016

    Mod: Suedhemmern
    Hi, Love the map. So far all is working well except for straw sale for quick money. I have been to all 3 places and sell straw but get nothing in $$$'s for it. Only lose whats in my trailer. I can sell at powerstation but for very little money. Am I missing something for mods or has the quick money been removed?

    1 replies

  7. Wacko71 05. 01 2016

    Mod: Dondiego Map Reloadet
    Love the map and the added features throughout, very challenging. Problem I have is the chicken fattening. I can't buy any chickens other than the standard ones that go into the chicken coop. I also see 4 or 5 chickens floating in a line inside the broiler building just at the inner gate, not sure why. I never tried the broiler on the previous version so I am not sure if it has anything to do with the update or not.

  8. Wacko71 25. 12 2014

    Mod: Volksholm
    Hi biface, happy holidays to you and thanks for bringing such a great map. I have followed since your first release and love it. Just got the new update, no issues, and was able to grow alfafa without a problem and harvest it. Only glitch might be that when harvesting as chaff on field 33 from the grain elevator to freight station (down the field) I generated 100,000 litres of chaff in one run. This would put the field as a hole generating in excess of 600,000ltr of chaff which seems a little excessive. Not sure if the volumes are accurate as real life or if it was intentional or not. Don't get me wrong, I am replanting the whole filed and will get my silage full now :-)

    Otherwise, loving the map, can't wait for more versions to it.

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