Userprofile of NSMT
Member since 10 / 2013

Punkte: 1.016
Modder Level 10
Rank: #2047
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: CZ/SK Hobbies: no entry Homepage

About NSMT

NSMT - NONSTOP server mod team was estabilished in 2012 as CZ / SK modding community and started with mod fixin and tuning of mods for Farming Simulator 2011. We also did our first maps and edited first mods. Now, in 2013 we are here with first ojects - building created a special for our maps (based on reality) and with our first vehicles...
  1. NSMT 07. 11 2013

    Mod: John Deere S690i
    Thank you all for feedback
    team now works on new version and I can say now, that it wil have new textures, sounds, fixed bugs and not only that...
    Mr.Zero / Member of NSMT

  2. NSMT 04. 11 2013

    Mod: John Deere S690i
    Vielen dank fuer video. Wir muessen fix fuer Deutsche info im shop und Helpfer mod machen. Leider niemand von uns hat deutsche LS2013 version und niemand hat Helfer getestet, weil fuer uns ist MP 100% OK prioritaet ;) Alles kommt mit neue version. Noch einmal vielen dank.

    Thank you for your video. Now we have more information about german translation - we have to fix it, there is czech description - and nobody tested Helper mod because for us and our server is very important that MP works 100% wihtout problems and we do not use helper mod.
    All the fixes will come in new version...

    /Mr.Zero member of NSMT (NONSTOP server mod team)

  3. NSMT 04. 11 2013

    Mod: John Deere S690i
    Schon jetzt arbeitet unsere team auf neue version welche kommt mit viele neue sachen welchen haben wir von spieler bekommt. (Sorry, meine Deutsch ist nich so gut ;-) ) So vielen dank f?r alle information und feedback :)

    Right now our team members are working on new version witch will comm with a lot of news based on playesr feedback. Thank you all for your feedback and information.

    /Mr.Zero - NONSTOP server mod team

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