John Deere S690i

V 1.1 multifruit mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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John Deere S690i

John Deere 635R  (switchable from normal type to sunflower type)

John Deere 612C (corn)

John Deere  cutter trailer


wheat, rape, maize, barley, oat, rye, dinkel, millet, sunflower, hemp, mohn

100% MP - OK

a lot of special functions:
mirrors (on/off function)
grain tank alarm sound - sound at 80% of grain tank (NSMT script)



no knowns errors or warnings, tested in MP

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NONSTOP server mod team hope that you will enjoy a game with this mod!


NONSTOP server mod team

  • 04 Nov 15:06
    Version 1.1 multifruit


checksum: 3251ffe0e4972fe0fefd9d573b05765e
Version: 1.1 multifruit
multiplayer ready? no
Author: NONSTOP server Mod Team (NSMT)
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: John Deere - Schneidwerk Anhänger
description in shop: John Deere Schneidwerk Anhänger
Model a Texturen: Ki?i
Script: Kardis, Mr.Zero
Besuch uns, fogen uns, Spiel mit uns!
checksum: 3251ffe0e4972fe0fefd9d573b05765e
Version: 1.1 multifruit
multiplayer ready? no
Author: NSMT
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: John Deere 612c
description in shop: John Deere 612c - Mais Schneidwerk
Model und Texturen: Ki?i
Script: Kardis,
checksum: 3251ffe0e4972fe0fefd9d573b05765e
Version: 1.1 multifruit
multiplayer ready? no
Author: NSMT
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: JD 635R
description in shop: John Deere Schneidwerk Anhänger
Model a Texturen: Ki?i
Script: Kardis, Mr.Zero
Besuch uns, fogen uns, Spiel mit uns!
checksum: 3251ffe0e4972fe0fefd9d573b05765e
Version: 1.1 multifruit
multiplayer ready? no
Author: NSMT
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: John Deere S690i
description in shop: John Deere Schneidwerk Anhänger
Model a Texturen: Ki?i
Script: Kardis, Mr.Zero
Besuch uns, fogen uns, Spiel mit uns!

04.11 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.77 / 44 Votes


nach 23 Stimmen

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V 1.1 multifruit
Farming Simulator 2013
38.7 MB 39948
04. 11 2013 39,948

4 Comments for John Deere S690i

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  1. NSMT 07. 11 2013

    Thank you all for feedback
    team now works on new version and I can say now, that it wil have new textures, sounds, fixed bugs and not only that...
    Mr.Zero / Member of NSMT

  2. sfy 03. 12 2013

    it's a nice combine you guys have here, i use it on the farmers dream xxl multi map quite a bit. but it feels like i'm cheating using it since you guys forgot to give it a realistic price in the store.

  3. NSMT 04. 11 2013

    Vielen dank fuer video. Wir muessen fix fuer Deutsche info im shop und Helpfer mod machen. Leider niemand von uns hat deutsche LS2013 version und niemand hat Helfer getestet, weil fuer uns ist MP 100% OK prioritaet ;) Alles kommt mit neue version. Noch einmal vielen dank.

    Thank you for your video. Now we have more information about german translation - we have to fix it, there is czech description - and nobody tested Helper mod because for us and our server is very important that MP works 100% wihtout problems and we do not use helper mod.
    All the fixes will come in new version...

    /Mr.Zero member of NSMT (NONSTOP server mod team)

  4. NSMT 04. 11 2013

    Schon jetzt arbeitet unsere team auf neue version welche kommt mit viele neue sachen welchen haben wir von spieler bekommt. (Sorry, meine Deutsch ist nich so gut ;-) ) So vielen dank f?r alle information und feedback :)

    Right now our team members are working on new version witch will comm with a lot of news based on playesr feedback. Thank you all for your feedback and information.

    /Mr.Zero - NONSTOP server mod team
