Userprofile of mdbenson
Member since 10 / 2015

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Level 5
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About mdbenson

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  1. mdbenson 02. 08 2018

    Mod: Claas Lexion 530
    A very basic combine, it works, and does what it should, mostly. The header maybe sits a little low, and the sounds are good in places but not in others.

  2. mdbenson 12. 08 2017

    Mod: PZ Zweegers CM 185 H
    I have 3 problems with this mower:

    = When lowered to the ground and unfolded it is tipped backwards at about 25 degrees instead of riding flat (like the top link is too long).

    = When raised on the linkage it is going up too high I think? It does sit flat when raised, though.

    = There is no drum spinning sound when you start the mower.

    I tested on a stock map (Soznovka) with only this mod active and stock tractor (Zetor Proxima 120 and Forterra 130HD) and the latest FS 17 at this date ( (14222/14810))

    Model looks good, really nice classic small mower, animation is perfect. If you can fix the issues it will be great a mod for small farms with older machinery.

  3. mdbenson 12. 03 2016

    Mod: CSZ set
    Also, I love using these tools and can't wait to see more! Great work :D

  4. mdbenson 12. 03 2016

    Mod: CSZ set
    I may test other implements with the Fliegl loader script and see if they behave badly too, right now I would not suspect your mod as being faulty. I think it's the Fliegl script.

  5. mdbenson 11. 03 2016

    Mod: CSZ set
    Okay I solved my issue with the Bale Forks etc. You cannot go near a trailer wit the Fliegl bale loader script set to autoload. All sorts of weird things happen to the bale physics with bales on the forks. I ended up just putting the bales on or next to the trailer then using the manual (i.e. push buton to load) loader on the Fligel to strap them on after.

    1 replies

  6. mdbenson 11. 03 2016

    Mod: CSZ set
    Since I upgraded to 3.0 (was using 2.1 before) I have big problems, every second or third time I touch a bale with the Wrapped Bale Handler the tractor or telehandler spins off into the sky and falls out of the map. This happened once with one set of Bale Spikes too. Shame because I love this pack :\ As I don't do much forestry I will go back to 2.1 and see if that is better.

  7. mdbenson 10. 03 2016

    Mod: ModmanagerPro
    Also another useful feature I thought of. An option to sort mods by file modified date - this would sort newly downloaded mods to the top oft he list so you can easily see (well, most of the time) the newwest ones you just added. An alternative, more advanced way to do with would be to upgrade your database storage to log the date the mod was added *to the database* on ModManager Pro, so you could see when you added it to the folder.

    1 replies

  8. mdbenson 06. 03 2016

    Mod: ModmanagerPro
    Hi. This is a great utility that I really am glad I found!

    A couple more things I would find useful while using FS ModManager:
    - Right Click Menu => Show Selected Mod in Explorer
    - Right Click Menu => Deselect mod in all profiles (you already have the opposite!)

    Thanks :)

    1 replies

  9. mdbenson 06. 03 2016

    Is it possible for you to add the Hardpoint mod trigger (same as the mobile trailer) to this vehicle so that it activates when the door is opened? It'd make this complete as a service vehicle :)

  10. mdbenson 04. 03 2016

    Mod: BaleExtension
    Hi, I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but if I use this mod with Mod Manager Pro (currently which uses modsDirectoryOverride, BaleExtension suffers continuous log errors baling *only grass* (dryGrass and straw are okay) with the McHale Fusion 3 baler by SamN Modding. Every time it picks up it logs an error and to the log:
    Result is the game lags terribly when picking up grass with the baler. It's okay with BaleExtension in the normal FS15 mods folder so I think it's failing to find a file?

    2 replies

  11. mdbenson 21. 12 2015

    Mod: ModmanagerPro
    Another useful feature I thought could be useful is an 'Enable in all profiles' option for each mod.

    This would be useful if you got a new piece of equipment you wante to use on all profiles so you could add it to all in one click :)

    1 replies

  12. mdbenson 21. 12 2015

    Mod: ModmanagerPro
    Hi, I really like this tool, it's very handy and lets me run multiple maps without conflicts!

    One feature which would save a TON of time is if you could cop/clone a profile to a new one.

    This woulds allow you to have a 'default' profile with all your favourite equipment selected then clone that to then toggle wharever you wanted on or off for a specific profilem, e.g change the map secelted and the mods the map needs or whatever.

    Thanks for your hard work and keep it up :)

    1 replies

  13. mdbenson 06. 11 2015

    Mod: Massey Ferguson 9895
    This is a really good mod, I like it a lot. The only points I'd pick on ar the cutters are too expensive, possibly, the bed trailer is not grea (the front dolly does not work well) and maybe the engiohne sound is a littlw quiet?

  14. mdbenson 06. 11 2015

    Mod: JOHN DEERE 8530
    I would like to try this but sadly the rear wheels have that weird jitter issue that yu find on some, making it unusable on the farm :\

  15. mdbenson 26. 10 2015

    Mod: Case IH JXU 85 and 115
    Okay. There is a problem with your gearbox scripts I think.

    If I use your copy of Mogli's gearbox scripts a lot of things don't work, also the 115hp tractor will not pull a roll-belt baler that needs 70hp on the flat in L I Gear I. The throttle does not respond at all.

    If I comment out the scripts from your ModDesc.xml and use Mogli's scripts with your gear settings it works wonderfully :D

    1 replies

  16. mdbenson 25. 10 2015

    Mod: Claas Lexion 430/460 Pack
    This breaks my game, I cannot use manual ignition, park break in DC, or switch vehicles or a bunch of other things :\

  17. mdbenson 24. 10 2015

    Mod: Case IH JXU 85 and 115
    It would be nice to use this without the gearbox mod. How can I remove it? I triued hacking the XML but now it's broken :\

  18. mdbenson 08. 10 2015

    Mod: Claas Lexion 600
    I love this mod, with a few fine improvements it'll be great.
    - What is the weird noise when the engine is off?
    - It hops about when the parking brake is on
    - There's a bit of Z-fighting on the decal textures.

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