Userprofile of ich&du
Member since 5 / 2013

Punkte: 379
Level 7
Rank: #6017
First name: Uwe Age & Gender: m City: Schweiz Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About ich&du

no entry
  1. ich&du 22. 05 2022

    Mod: NF March 4x
    leider kann man die neuen früchte nicht mit helfer ernten liegt wohl an der map auf anderen maps gets ja auch mfG

  2. ich&du 18. 05 2022

    Mod: Autoloader Transport Pack
    soll Leute geben die nicht lesen können

  3. ich&du 11. 04 2022

    Mod: Tiger6Multi_Set
    warum wird im ls22 mods für ls19 reingesetzt macht die verdammt in ls19 und nicht hier

  4. ich&du 05. 04 2022

    Mod: Asphalt Factory
    Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil ist bei platzierbare Objekte lol

  5. ich&du 22. 03 2022

    Mod: Claas Lexion 2 In 1 Pack
    ist nicht der originale mod

  6. ich&du 21. 03 2022

    Mod: Honey Production
    leider spawnen keine Paletten hab 2 Tage vorgespult nix

  7. ich&du 20. 03 2022

    Mod: Citan 15001-C by Alex Blue
    alles super wie immer von dir

  8. ich&du 14. 03 2022

    Mod: Sheep Barn XXL
    Und wieder ein Mod geklaut hier ist was los

  9. ich&du 13. 03 2022

    Mod: Cutterbar Pack
    schonwieder ein mod geklaut der ist von Berggeist aber einige finden es schön sich mit anderen federn zu schmücken

  10. ich&du 09. 03 2022

    Mod: Cressoni cutterbar 23m from Arthur / Joao
    Wenn man noch Baumwolle einfügen könnte währe das super

    1 replies

  11. ich&du 09. 03 2022

    Mod: Cressoni cutterbar 23m from Arthur / Joao
    Kann man damit auch stroh machen oder sind die haufen so gross das der Drescher nicht mehr weiter kommt

  12. ich&du 26. 02 2022

    Mod: ROPA PACK
    der mod ist ja auch von mir habe den woanders hochgeladen da kommt niemand ran geht nur der originallink

    1 replies

  13. ich&du 26. 02 2022

    Mod: ROPA PACK
    der mod ist ja auch von mir habe den woanders hochgeladen da kommt niemand ran geht nur der originallink zum downloden

  14. ich&du 23. 02 2022

    Mod: Crazykutter 163ft
    macht der auch stroh ?

  15. ich&du 20. 02 2022

    Mod: John Deere All In One Multifruit
    super mod bitte noch helfer raddy machen dann ist es perfekt

  16. ich&du 18. 02 2022

    Mod: Adapted plant growth for the NF Marsh (or other maps).
    Bei mir verrotten die Früchte bei beiden versionen

    1 replies

  17. ich&du 18. 02 2022

    Mod: The Old Stream Farm
    Frechheit solch einen Kommentar ohne Begründung zu schreiben

  18. ich&du 17. 02 2022

    Mod: Great Sheepfold
    hat sich erledigt spawnen wieder 24 paletten war kleiner fehler in i3d

  19. ich&du 17. 02 2022

    Mod: Great Sheepfold
    Super Mod nur 2 kleinigkeiten es spawnen nur 18 paletten und die einfahrt in den stall könnte etwas höher sei bleibe immer hängen

  20. ich&du 17. 02 2022

    Mod: Schuitemaker 22m Windrow
    und wieder einen mod geklaut modhoster wird seinem neuen namen gerecht

  21. ich&du 17. 02 2022

    Mod: Arthur 3 in1 mulcher, cultivator and plow
    macht lauter warnings in der log fliegt wieder raus

    1 replies

  22. ich&du 10. 02 2022

    Mod: Bridge Pack
    verursacht fehler in der log:
    C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (30.34 ms)
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning: Old shape file format version found 'SmallBridge.i3d.shapes'.
    2022-02-09 20:37 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.i3d (29.06 ms)
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning: Old shape file format version found 'LargeBridge.i3d.shapes'.
    2022-02-09 20:37 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.i3d (28.75 ms)
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (26.61 ms)
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:08 VCA snap direction: 0 => 1
    2022-02-09 21:09 dataS/character/humans/npc/pedestrians/generic/npcCommon02_f.i3d (12.82 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/character/animals/wild/deer/deerAdult.i3d (37.16 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.31 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/AK_IdealAnhaenger/ideal.i3d (92.20 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 data/vehicles/fendt/ideal/sounds/ideal_loop.gls version 14 (0.17 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/crawlers/fendt/idealCrawler/idealCrawler.i3d (17.28 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight02.i3d (2.90 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight04.i3d (2.33 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight06.i3d (4.02 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.14 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.15 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning: Old shape file format version found 'LargeBridge.i3d.shapes'.
    2022-02-09 21:27 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.i3d (30.23 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (27.21 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:28 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (24.79 ms)
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
    2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
    2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
    2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
    2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start

  23. ich&du 04. 02 2022

    Mod: Angelite land
    konnte die map ohne probleme laden

  24. ich&du 03. 02 2022

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    Wurde vor drei Stunden von hammdose hier hochgeladen

  25. ich&du 02. 02 2022

    Mod: Verteilercenter
    Leider gehen die Trigger zum abladen nicht richtig kann nur mit Ladewagen abladen die anderen Hänger gehen nicht.

  26. ich&du 02. 02 2022

    Mod: Verteilercenter
    top silo kann da noch Mist und Saatgut zum verteilen eingebaut werder

  27. ich&du 02. 02 2022

    Mod: Verteilercenter
    top silo kann da noch Mist und Saatgut zum verteilen eingebaut werden?

  28. ich&du 25. 01 2022

    Mod: Krone Profiliner Flatbed
    Man kann leider nichts laden oder auswählen

  29. ich&du 23. 01 2022

    Mod: Berthoud Bruin 4200 Mc Lifted
    Gute Idee leider noch etwas zu niedrig passt nicht auf die weinplantage

    1 replies

  30. ich&du 22. 01 2022

    Mod: Medvedin 22
    ansonsten super Map mach weiter so

  31. ich&du 22. 01 2022

    Mod: Medvedin 22
    hier die kleinen Fehler
    2022-01-22 04:08 Warning (script): 'setWorldRotation': Argument 2 has wrong type. Expected: Float. Actual: Nil
    2022-01-22 04:08 D:\auto_builder\cache\svn\bc39c0c6d611016d38088dfeb30cadc8\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (890): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
    2022-01-22 04:08 LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/placeables/specializations/PlaceableWindTurbine.lua (173) : setWorldRotation
    dataS/scripts/placeables/specializations/PlaceableWindTurbine.lua (155) : updateHeadRotation
    dataS/scripts/placeables/Placeable.lua (372) : loadFromXMLFile
    dataS/scripts/placeables/Placeable.lua (352) : onFinishedLoading
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction
    2022-01-22 04:07 Warning (performance): Foliage lod 1 mesh 'meadow' 'cut' 'cut' is much larger than lod 0 mesh (min/maxY (-0.175/0.082 vs -0.125/0.103).

  32. ich&du 19. 01 2022

    Mod: FleurDeLys Map
    Wenn ich wüste wie das geht würde ich die Schranken selber einbauen

  33. ich&du 19. 01 2022

    Mod: FleurDeLys Map
    Da hat doch einer die Schranken geklaut keine verbaut siehe Bild

  34. ich&du 19. 01 2022

    Mod: Breisgau County
    Muss man einen neuen Spielstand anfangen oder geht der alte noch?

    1 replies

  35. ich&du 17. 01 2022

    Mod: Production Brewery (beer production)
    noch ein kleiner FehlerC:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/productionBrewery.i3d (65.22 ms)
    2022-01-17 08:11 Error: Index not found: warningStripes
    2022-01-17 08:11 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/production_Brewery.xml): Missing trigger marker node for 'placeable.triggerMarkers.triggerMarker(0)'
    ansonsten läuft super

  36. ich&du 17. 01 2022

    Mod: Production Brewery (beer production)
    noch ein kleiner FehlerC:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/productionBrewery.i3d (65.22 ms)
    2022-01-17 08:11 Error: Index not found: warningStripes
    2022-01-17 08:11 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/production_Brewery.xml): Missing trigger marker node for 'placeable.triggerMarkers.triggerMarker(0)'

  37. ich&du 15. 01 2022

    Mod: Silos Connected System
    Geht leider nicht auf der FS22_FleurDeLys Karte

  38. ich&du 15. 01 2022

    Mod: Potato Factory
    Nur so nebenbei für Pommes braucht man doch Öl hab bei mir mal Rapsöl eingetragen.

    2 replies