Member since 5 / 2013
Userprofile of ich&du
FleurDeLys Map
ago about 3 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Andres Big Map
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
Bavarian Forest
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
LPG Town
ago over 11 years
Agriculture Universal
ago about 11 years
Mod: NF March 4x
leider kann man die neuen früchte nicht mit helfer ernten liegt wohl an der map auf anderen maps gets ja auch mfG
Mod: Autoloader Transport Pack
soll Leute geben die nicht lesen können
Mod: Tiger6Multi_Set
warum wird im ls22 mods für ls19 reingesetzt macht die verdammt in ls19 und nicht hier
Mod: Asphalt Factory
Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil ist bei platzierbare Objekte lol
Mod: Claas Lexion 2 In 1 Pack
ist nicht der originale mod
Mod: Honey Production
leider spawnen keine Paletten hab 2 Tage vorgespult nix
Mod: Citan 15001-C by Alex Blue
alles super wie immer von dir
Mod: Sheep Barn XXL
Und wieder ein Mod geklaut hier ist was los
Mod: Cutterbar Pack
schonwieder ein mod geklaut der ist von Berggeist aber einige finden es schön sich mit anderen federn zu schmücken
Mod: Cressoni cutterbar 23m from Arthur / Joao
Wenn man noch Baumwolle einfügen könnte währe das super
Mod: Cressoni cutterbar 23m from Arthur / Joao
Kann man damit auch stroh machen oder sind die haufen so gross das der Drescher nicht mehr weiter kommt
der mod ist ja auch von mir habe den woanders hochgeladen da kommt niemand ran geht nur der originallink
der mod ist ja auch von mir habe den woanders hochgeladen da kommt niemand ran geht nur der originallink zum downloden
Mod: Crazykutter 163ft
macht der auch stroh ?
Mod: John Deere All In One Multifruit
super mod bitte noch helfer raddy machen dann ist es perfekt
Mod: Adapted plant growth for the NF Marsh (or other maps).
Bei mir verrotten die Früchte bei beiden versionen
Mod: The Old Stream Farm
Frechheit solch einen Kommentar ohne Begründung zu schreiben
Mod: Great Sheepfold
hat sich erledigt spawnen wieder 24 paletten war kleiner fehler in i3d
Mod: Great Sheepfold
Super Mod nur 2 kleinigkeiten es spawnen nur 18 paletten und die einfahrt in den stall könnte etwas höher sei bleibe immer hängen
Mod: Schuitemaker 22m Windrow
und wieder einen mod geklaut modhoster wird seinem neuen namen gerecht
Mod: Arthur 3 in1 mulcher, cultivator and plow
macht lauter warnings in der log fliegt wieder raus
Mod: Bridge Pack
verursacht fehler in der log:
C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (30.34 ms)
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning: Old shape file format version found 'SmallBridge.i3d.shapes'.
2022-02-09 20:37 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.i3d (29.06 ms)
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/SmallBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning: Old shape file format version found 'LargeBridge.i3d.shapes'.
2022-02-09 20:37 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.i3d (28.75 ms)
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (26.61 ms)
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 20:37 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 20:37 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:08 VCA snap direction: 0 => 1
2022-02-09 21:09 dataS/character/humans/npc/pedestrians/generic/npcCommon02_f.i3d (12.82 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/character/animals/wild/deer/deerAdult.i3d (37.16 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.31 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/AK_IdealAnhaenger/ideal.i3d (92.20 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 data/vehicles/fendt/ideal/sounds/ideal_loop.gls version 14 (0.17 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/crawlers/fendt/idealCrawler/idealCrawler.i3d (17.28 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight02.i3d (2.90 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight04.i3d (2.33 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight06.i3d (4.02 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.14 ms)
2022-02-09 21:17 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.15 ms)
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning: Old shape file format version found 'LargeBridge.i3d.shapes'.
2022-02-09 21:27 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.i3d (30.23 ms)
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/LargeBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (27.21 ms)
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 21:27 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:27 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Leveling area start node not defined for 'placeable.leveling.levelAreas.levelArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:28 C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.i3d (24.79 ms)
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: testArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: testArea1End
2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing test area start node for 'placeable.placement.testAreas.testArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: clearArea01Start
2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Clear area start node not defined for 'placeable.clearAreas.clearArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: indoorAreaStart
2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Indoor area start node not defined for 'placeable.indoorAreas.indoorArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing tip occlusion update area start node for 'placeable.tipOcclusionUpdateAreas.tipOcclusionUpdateArea(0)'
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1Start
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: tipOcclusionUpdateArea1End
2022-02-09 21:28 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BridgePack_fs22planet/MediumBridge.xml): Missing ai update area start node for ''
2022-02-09 21:28 Error: Index not found: levelingArea01Start
Mod: Angelite land
konnte die map ohne probleme laden
Mod: VehicleInspector
Wurde vor drei Stunden von hammdose hier hochgeladen
Mod: Verteilercenter
Leider gehen die Trigger zum abladen nicht richtig kann nur mit Ladewagen abladen die anderen Hänger gehen nicht.
Mod: Verteilercenter
top silo kann da noch Mist und Saatgut zum verteilen eingebaut werder
Mod: Verteilercenter
top silo kann da noch Mist und Saatgut zum verteilen eingebaut werden?
Mod: Krone Profiliner Flatbed
Man kann leider nichts laden oder auswählen
Mod: Berthoud Bruin 4200 Mc Lifted
Gute Idee leider noch etwas zu niedrig passt nicht auf die weinplantage
Mod: Medvedin 22
ansonsten super Map mach weiter so
Mod: Medvedin 22
hier die kleinen Fehler
2022-01-22 04:08 Warning (script): 'setWorldRotation': Argument 2 has wrong type. Expected: Float. Actual: Nil
2022-01-22 04:08 D:\auto_builder\cache\svn\bc39c0c6d611016d38088dfeb30cadc8\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (890): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
2022-01-22 04:08 LUA call stack:
dataS/scripts/placeables/specializations/PlaceableWindTurbine.lua (173) : setWorldRotation
dataS/scripts/placeables/specializations/PlaceableWindTurbine.lua (155) : updateHeadRotation
dataS/scripts/placeables/Placeable.lua (372) : loadFromXMLFile
dataS/scripts/placeables/Placeable.lua (352) : onFinishedLoading
dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction
2022-01-22 04:07 Warning (performance): Foliage lod 1 mesh 'meadow' 'cut' 'cut' is much larger than lod 0 mesh (min/maxY (-0.175/0.082 vs -0.125/0.103).
Mod: FleurDeLys Map
Wenn ich wüste wie das geht würde ich die Schranken selber einbauen
Mod: FleurDeLys Map
Da hat doch einer die Schranken geklaut keine verbaut siehe Bild
Mod: Breisgau County
Muss man einen neuen Spielstand anfangen oder geht der alte noch?
Mod: Production Brewery (beer production)
noch ein kleiner FehlerC:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/productionBrewery.i3d (65.22 ms)
2022-01-17 08:11 Error: Index not found: warningStripes
2022-01-17 08:11 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/production_Brewery.xml): Missing trigger marker node for 'placeable.triggerMarkers.triggerMarker(0)'
ansonsten läuft super
Mod: Production Brewery (beer production)
noch ein kleiner FehlerC:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/productionBrewery.i3d (65.22 ms)
2022-01-17 08:11 Error: Index not found: warningStripes
2022-01-17 08:11 Warning (C:/Users/ulemk/Dropbox/PC (2)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_WilkDev_Production_Brewery/objects/Production_Brewery/production_Brewery.xml): Missing trigger marker node for 'placeable.triggerMarkers.triggerMarker(0)'
Mod: Silos Connected System
Geht leider nicht auf der FS22_FleurDeLys Karte
Mod: Potato Factory
Nur so nebenbei für Pommes braucht man doch Öl hab bei mir mal Rapsöl eingetragen.