Userprofile of Flywheel
Member since 1 / 2013

Punkte: 384
Level 7
Rank: #5943
First name: Peter Age & Gender: 78 m City: Redcliffe QLD Australia Hobbies: Reading , farm and rail sims Homepage no entry

About Flywheel

Retired, and enjoying a couple of sims. live by the sea, life is good.
  1. Flywheel 27. 04 2017

    Mod: The Moris Country
    Spent a full day on a earlier version of this map, just working the 3 or 4 owned fields yesterday, and I think this maybe the very best 4x4 map I have ever played since FS 13 and I have played some great maps. This map has something for every one.

    Fantastic map thanks very much to all involved. Pete

  2. Flywheel 25. 12 2016

    Mod: Cayron 200 - helper
    Thanks so much an excellent mod and does exactly as you designed it to do. First class mod.

  3. Flywheel 18. 02 2014

    Mod: SunshineXXL X2
    Thanks Tiago see how we go this time, Pete -:)

  4. Flywheel 26. 12 2013

    Mod: Course Play Developer Version Updater
    Well how good is this developer version with updater, I updated today like a charm as for bugs, well that's what is expected.

    My main reason for posting is simply, how can I assist the team, I am registered at GitHub but have never said boo. Do you need feedback or anything, I would dearly love to donate , but a pensioner, so that is not easy, but would like to give something back to you guys.

    1 replies

  5. Flywheel 25. 12 2013

    Mod: Canada map
    Hi download link failing, now have to wait 3 hours to try again.

  6. Flywheel 24. 12 2013

    Mod: One Field box without rotting
    Thank you for the map, looks very interesting and will use it when you have fixed some of the errors in the log. Merry Christmas to you.

    PS thank you for your fine work

  7. Flywheel 22. 12 2013

    Mod: XLFarms Sunshine XXL
    Yes sadly I have to admit failure, I too have fled back to Paradise Map, I find this map unplayable nearly. While thank Tiago for this map, I will stick with Paradise, merry xmas Tiago and thanks for all the hard work you do and share with us.

  8. Flywheel 17. 12 2013

    Mod: XLFarms Sunshine XXL
    Tiago. a short question please, the sale points for grain, there is only two on the PDA but there are several factories and a rail yard over there, can you explain please. You normally provide a PDF file, but so in the dark. As well you mentioned something about courseplay beta, any news on that. Thank you Peter

    Tiago. una breve pregunta, por favor, los puntos de venta de los cereales-, sólo hay dos en la PDA, pero hay varias fábricas y un patio de ferrocarril por allá, ¿puede explicar por favor. Normalmente proporciona un archivo PDF, pero hasta en la oscuridad. Además usted mencionó algo acerca de beta courseplay, cualquier noticia sobre eso. Gracias Peter

    Tiago. eine kurze Frage bitte, die Verkaufspunkte für Getreide, gibt es nur zwei auf dem PDA, aber es gibt mehrere Fabriken und eine Schiene Hof drüben, können Sie bitte erklären. Sie stellen in der Regel eine PDF-Datei, aber so in der Dunkelheit. Wie gut Sie etwas über course Beta, auf der jeder, dass Nachrichten erwähnt. Danke Peter

  9. Flywheel 16. 12 2013

    Mod: XLFarms Sunshine XXL
    Thank you Tiago, great as always.

  10. Flywheel 07. 12 2013

    Mod: Ropa BigBear
    Thanks very much bullgore, you make fine products. -:)

    Merry Christmas to you and family

  11. Flywheel 06. 12 2013

    Mod: Barber mother am
    Hi folks, this is a really nice mod and extremely useful on larger farms.

    I have read most if not all of comments with translator, and I notice that the question has been asked about auto discharging, but I have been unable to find an answer here or the other site. Using courseplay for my vehicles it would be peachy to be able to drive up and they auto load.

    I understand clearly about the mobile warehouse comment but could someone just set me right on this Please. -:)

    I have seen the question asked, but never seen an answer, still a very nice mod, so thanks to the developers. Pete

  12. Flywheel 05. 12 2013

    Mod: XLFarms Sunshine XXL
    Wonderful map, please do not be critical. All modders put their heart and soul into there mods. This modder is as good as it gets, he puts one thousand percent into his maps. Remember this in beta stage, all will happen in time.

    If this is not for you there are many beautiful maps available, but please no silly remarks.

  13. Flywheel 11. 09 2013

    Mod: Iowa Farmland 2013
    Thank you very much, much appreciated.

  14. Flywheel 10. 09 2013

    Mod: Iowa Farmland 2013
    Looks interesting but cannot purchase fields, buy symbol missing from fields and not in shop either any help will be appreciated.

  15. Flywheel 31. 05 2013

    Mod: Agrarfros Final Edition
    forget last post, finally got it, thanks Pete

  16. Flywheel 31. 05 2013

    Mod: Agrarfros Final Edition
    is there download problems, not working for me. Regards Pete

  17. Flywheel 22. 05 2013

    Mod: Courseplay
    Thank you, brilliant, as usual! Thanks to the whole team.


  18. Flywheel 07. 05 2013

    Kalender45, I cannot speak for Tiago, but I just looked at the growth rate on the map id and I think the rot is off, no expert but I am sure it is off. Pete

  19. Flywheel 07. 05 2013

    Thanks Tiago looking forward to it. Pete

  20. Flywheel 01. 05 2013

    Managed to get the map downloaded at last, not sure how to describe this Map Bernie, I think superb will do it nicely.
    Regards Peter

  21. Flywheel 30. 04 2013

    I see some comments about the USA comparison to Australia, well sadly I am unable to download the map, but from the excellent pictures, Bernie has as usual, produced a remarkable map, there many pictures that remind me of Australia, of course comparisons with the US is obvious as they are here in Australia in real life. Looking forward to when I can get this map, Thanks Bernie excellent as usual, expected nothing less. Peter

  22. Flywheel 14. 04 2013

    Mod: Das Testing hat begonnen 14.04.2013
    all small fields Bernie, not for me. Pete

    1 replies

  23. Flywheel 06. 04 2013

    Mod: Neuer Map Status 04.04.2013
    I live in Australia and admit we drive on the wrong side of the road here, and we will not change it in my lifetime sadly. But who cares we are on Bernie's farm so we can pass a local council rule to drive on the other side. Besides Bernie only has right sided roads. -:) Pete

    Thanks Bernie and team.

  24. Flywheel 28. 03 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    I also have lost my tractor trailer on both fields 4 & 8 probaly 5-6 times i try to go back to save and if not i buy another, it is a great map, but i call it my bermuda triangle. I can live with it, but it does happen.

  25. Flywheel 26. 03 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    Thank you Tiago, lets see what delights you have performed this time. Regards Pete

  26. Flywheel 03. 03 2013

    Mod: Course Play
    Thankls very much Jakob & team, brilliant work, great strides forward in recent times. Thanks Pete

  27. Flywheel 01. 03 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    Eddie02, i am sorry i spoke too soon, last night i worked field two for about 3 hours harvesting and so on, and it went fine, this morning i have had at least 8-9 crashes, and i see Tiago has kindly posted, you do need a new map/., Sad i had built an empire. haha

    Yes Tiago is definately the best map maker. Pete

  28. Flywheel 01. 03 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    No you don't i just started from where i left off. Pete

    1 replies

  29. Flywheel 01. 03 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    Thanks very much Tiago, Peter

  30. Flywheel 27. 02 2013

    Mod: Neue Website
    Jakob, this is the first time and place i have found and i want to say thank you to you and to your team for all the hard work you guys have done to get this fine mod to a very good working state. Love the new web page and manuals. Thank you very much. Peter

  31. Flywheel 27. 02 2013

    Mod: Side mirrors Side Mirror
    Works well for me, very handy, thanks very much . Peter

  32. Flywheel 27. 02 2013

    Mod: Amazone Pantera
    Thank you Rastaman, this fine mod is working very well on my large fields with courseplay. It seems more stable when driving to and fro, and i like the change in colours, nice to have a choice. Thanks very much Peter

  33. Flywheel 21. 02 2013

    Mod: Core city Edit
    Just had avery good look around your edited version, for me very nice changes i like it a lot, thank you and thanks to Big Daddy for the map. I have to work out how to put somthing larger in for sugarbeet as it will be very difficult under the old sheds, need a larger complex with a dumping grid maybe. anyway my problem i will work it out and fantastic map. Pete

  34. Flywheel 17. 02 2013

    Mod: Core city
    Well i just spent an hour just driving around your wonderful map, it is easy to see you have worked hard with this map.

    Very pretty and i like the rolling gentle hills, nice size fields, maybe too many, but you use the fields you want and enjoy the view on the rest. One small thing i noticed on the largest field, "Field 9" the trees will stop the machinery from turning either in hire mode or or courseplay. As you said it is designed very well for courseplay. Five stars from me. Thank you for all your hard work. Peter

  35. Flywheel 13. 02 2013

    Mod: Po Valley
    HI there, i think this is the best map i have come across, in farming simulator, i really do hope that you keep interested in this map, and fine tune it. If it needs it of course! -:) I see folks are putting there wish list for a next or final version, so let me say a couple of things.

    On this lovely large map i would like to see, next to all three silo setups, large holding silos,(something like a silo plex) as this has massive fruit to store, and it would be good if it looked a little more realistic. The same for Potaoes and Sugarbeet, it unloads okay, but needs a much bigger looking warehouse and maybe a unloading grate in front of each.

    Please these are no complaints, just thoughts, i really , really like this map and it will be my farming home for a long time i think. Thank you Peter

  36. Flywheel 11. 02 2013

    Mod: Po Valley
    Down loading now, thanks very much.Pete

  37. Flywheel 11. 02 2013

    Mod: TuT status to remove the rotting
    thank you will try this on the Agrarfrost map. Pete

  38. Flywheel 11. 02 2013

    Mod: Deutz TTV7250
    Thank you very much for a fine Tractor. Pete

  39. Flywheel 11. 02 2013

    Mod: Weites Offenes Land
    Thank you very much.Peter

  40. Flywheel 09. 02 2013

    Mod: Deutz TTV 7250 Doppelreifen ohne FL
    Thanks very much, looking forward to putting this tractor to work. Regards Pete

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