
V 8.2 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Agrarfrost v 5.5 Final Edition
Enjoy, direct link, high speed, instant access: direct download for a limited time! (10 GB traffic). After that, back to normality, who is not premium must enter the capctha!
See the pictures to see the changes on the map. New videos are coming.
The Map
Welcome to the farm of high technology. Here are the best products produced in the region. When you start your career, a big challenge awaits him: to generate capital to buy the other 7 fields. You begin with some basic implements for milk production or cultivation soil to new cultures.
A small area is available for cultivation of major crops, the others must be purchased. In total there are 7 fields with the price of 45370.37 hectare and recovery of 30%. In total there are 353.60 hectare in the estimated value of $ 16,042,962.96 with appreciation of 30%, totaling $ 20,855,851.85.
The Package Contents: - The map - Presentation of the map in PDF - File called couseplayfor you to put on your save game - PDA Map - File called readme_courseplay_tutorial_field_maker with the link for full tutorial of how to use courseplay (fertilizing, spreading manure solid, liquid, cut grass ...) using the pre-recorded courses save called courseplay.
General characteristics of the map:
- New main farm - complex for production of different fruits, herbs and vegetables. Besides milk, wool and fresh eggs. - New system for storing potatoes and sugar beet with animation and mats for loading. - New siloplex ®: complex with grainstation, silos, bins for loading - New cowplex ®: A complete set of stables, silos for silage, sheds with animation and function for wheat windrow, barley and grass windrow; shed for storing bales of straw or grass, slurry tanks and solid manure; office, sheds for storing vehicles. It also includes a large area for grazing animal with food and water reservoirs. - GreenHouse: Location for the installation of green houses to produce fruit. vegetables and herbs. - BGA - Ample sheds for various machines - Gas Station, near him, local oil change and vehicle maintenance - SeedStation: storage complex of high quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. - 2 houses to live - You can sell your solid or liquid manure and cut your grass - Shop - Deposit to cut grass near the ewes (to store excess production and facilitate the feeding of sheep. You can use a shell to load a wagon or use the Kuhn Primor SPV 12.). - Sales of products: - Muehle (Muehle) - Gueterbahnhof (potato beet wheat barley rape) - StationFarmShop (wheat barley rape maize potato Sugarbeet) - Stiegl Brauerei (barley) - Gartencenter (chaff grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow grass dryGrass) - Gartencenter (manure) - Gartencenter (liquidManure manureLiquid) - Large cultivable area: 353.60 hectares
Changelog v5.5 Final Edition - New texture to the ground (asphalt) - New distant mountains - New objects in cowzone (feed silo, "focuses Manure" with pump) - New paint and landscaping on the map. - Purchase of the fields in the store with price list - Map of the farm - Fixed minor bugs Changelog v5.0 Final Edition
- New cowzone (new barn with many details, cows, small cows etc.). - New hall for the sheep with cut grass depot to store excess production and facilitate removal for feeding the sheep - New sheds for machinery - New garage for an oil change and maintenance of machines - New sheds for the deposit of straw, grass and straw bales made (near cowzone). - New landscaping, more details - Traces at various locations on the map - Bugfix in general
Changelog v4.0 Final Edition
- fixed problem with lucky horseshoes - fixed problem with boundaries of the land - fixed problem with collisions on the map - garamgem for new machines - Capaciade silos increased (BGA and Cowzone) - error correction with the name of the railway station - Local to sell solid or liquid manure and grass, dry grass. - New railway station to the unloading of trailers with rear discharge - New icons on the PDA - Correction many other small bugs for the final version of the map - New sheds for deposit of straw and grass - new PDA - Several other new features await you. Good fun.
Map info
Fields, size and price:
FIELD N. 01 33.01ha -> $ 1.946.978,00 FIELD N. 02 21.49ha -> $ 1.267.512,00 FIELD N. 03    6.92ha -> $   408.151,00 (owned by player) FIELD N. 04 61.86ha -> $ 3.648.594,00 FIELD N. 05 68.10ha  -> $ 4.016.638,00 FIELD N. 06 50.72ha -> $ 2.991.540,00 FIELD N. 07 63.12ha -> $ 3.722.911,00 FIELD N. 08 48.30ha ->  $ 2.848.805,00 TOTAL AREA: 353,52ha TOTAL PRICE: 20.851.129,00
- Capacity of silos for silage in Cowzone: Silo01: 1.500.000Kg Silo02: 1.500.000Kg Silo 03: 1.500.000Kg Total: 4.500.000Kg
- Capacity of silos in BGA: Silo 01: 3.000.000Kg Silo 02: 3.000.000Kg Silo 03: 3.000.000Kg Silo 04: 3.000.000Kg Total: 12.000.000Kg
- Capacity of liquid manure pit on Cowzone: 50.000.000L
- Capacity of solid manure silo: 10.000Kg
To see the review of the map, see the latest videos in the videos section!
Keep the original download link.
Final version, there will be more changes. Only if some mod appears extraordinary!


Complet Credits?
Map based on PE2013 map:
Creating the map for ls09 - NewMan Converting the map to ls11 - Pan Prezes 2013 map version by Michael DK aka KillRoya
edited by me

- ZuckerRaffenerie V 1.0 by Trekkerbodo
- mods by Marhu
- Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
- MapSiloBand v2.5.2
- WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
- Schweinemast v1.0.3
- WaterMod v3.0.1
- MischStation BETA version
- mods by TMT
- Oberthalbacher Landhandel rebuild v 1.0
Trigger - Marhu, Einbau - HatzFan, 3D Objekt - -Kolbenfresser-
- RinderMast V 1.0 by
- Forgotten Plants/ Plants Maize V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Originale: GIANTS Software GmbH
Original Baumtextur: Vanilleeis
Original Maistextur: LwFarming
Neue Texturen: Eribus

- NI Modding (some sheds)
- Gülle-Mist-Mod LS2013 v1.1 von TMT (marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan)
- BGA and other objects by El_Cid
- TowerSilo_BSCS_03 and tanks of BGA_By_BernieSCS (from the map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP).
- Estrada horizontal, Estrada vertical by map Nelamanowice_v2, edited by Tiago Piloneto.
- Rolltor script by grafik-edv
- Register fruits ?
- mats, silage silos, stock sheep wool, water station.: from the map Langburg_v2Created by GE Mapping

And all the others whose names were not mentioned. Thank you.

  • 03 Apr 19:41
    Version 8.2

    With the new patch available, it was necessary to adapt the audio Pigs Stereo to Mono. This subtle difference eliminates any error message in the log.

    - Conversion pig.wave stereo for pig.wave mono
    - New Misch Station v2.3.6 (final version, by Marhu)

  • 26 Mar 20:34
    Version 5.5

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checksum: 85571582e0a6e3904b49df79b68916db
Version: 8.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: MoslessNeo
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Agrarfrost
description in shop: Willkommen auf Agrarfrost map.

26.03 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.46 / 35 Votes


nach 26 Stimmen

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V 8.2
Farming Simulator 2013
251 MB 6321
03. 04 2014 6,321
V 5.5
Farming Simulator 2013
134 MB 5267
26. 03 2013 5,267

7 Comments for Agrarfrost

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  1. wakka79 03. 06 2014

    Hello. Firstly a great map. I am really enjoying playing it. I have noticed a problem though.

    If I leave a vehicle near a boom gate, save and log out; upon reloading of a game the boomgates are stuck and will not move. Any ideas on how to rectify this without restarting?

  2. Deere Runner 15. 04 2014


    I recently downloaded a copy of the map, its great. Thanks for your hard work.
    I have one issue though that you may be able to help me with. I am unable to buy more fields as there are no symbols displayed ? I have checked every field but non appear.
    Can you help ?


    1 replies

  3. soniek 06. 04 2014

    When I go to schlachter with rind, it says "Rind is not accepted here", so where I can sell rind/beef?

  4. Flywheel 28. 03 2013

    I also have lost my tractor trailer on both fields 4 & 8 probaly 5-6 times i try to go back to save and if not i buy another, it is a great map, but i call it my bermuda triangle. I can live with it, but it does happen.

  5. J Willy 27. 03 2013

    To turn off rot you will need notepad++ or equivalent. Open map zip, open map folder, send map i3d to your desktop. Right click i3d and select edit with notepad++. Search "growthNumStates". It will find and highlight them all. Change all 8's to 7's, save and close. Drag i3d back over top of original and click OK. Done. J Willy

  6. J Willy 27. 03 2013

    Great map. Just a couple things I noticed.
    My Unimog will only run around half as fast as on other maps?
    Got all the horseshoes, rain 3 times, no rainbow or pot of gold?
    I turned the rot off before ever playing.
    Milk truck driver gotta be a tweeker, he never stops ;-)
    Thanks again for all your work !

  7. Flywheel 26. 03 2013

    Thank you Tiago, lets see what delights you have performed this time. Regards Pete
