Hello. Firstly a great map. I am really enjoying playing it. I have noticed a problem though.
If I leave a vehicle near a boom gate, save and log out; upon reloading of a game the boomgates are stuck and will not move. Any ideas on how to rectify this without restarting?
I recently downloaded a copy of the map, its great. Thanks for your hard work.
I have one issue though that you may be able to help me with. I am unable to buy more fields as there are no symbols displayed ? I have checked every field but non appear.
Can you help ?
I also have lost my tractor trailer on both fields 4 & 8 probaly 5-6 times i try to go back to save and if not i buy another, it is a great map, but i call it my bermuda triangle. I can live with it, but it does happen.
To turn off rot you will need notepad++ or equivalent. Open map zip, open map folder, send map i3d to your desktop. Right click i3d and select edit with notepad++. Search "growthNumStates". It will find and highlight them all. Change all 8's to 7's, save and close. Drag i3d back over top of original and click OK. Done. J Willy
Great map. Just a couple things I noticed.
My Unimog will only run around half as fast as on other maps?
Got all the horseshoes, rain 3 times, no rainbow or pot of gold?
I turned the rot off before ever playing.
Milk truck driver gotta be a tweeker, he never stops ;-)
Thanks again for all your work !
7 Comments for Agrarfrost
Hello. Firstly a great map. I am really enjoying playing it. I have noticed a problem though.
If I leave a vehicle near a boom gate, save and log out; upon reloading of a game the boomgates are stuck and will not move. Any ideas on how to rectify this without restarting?
I recently downloaded a copy of the map, its great. Thanks for your hard work.
I have one issue though that you may be able to help me with. I am unable to buy more fields as there are no symbols displayed ? I have checked every field but non appear.
Can you help ?
When I go to schlachter with rind, it says "Rind is not accepted here", so where I can sell rind/beef?
I also have lost my tractor trailer on both fields 4 & 8 probaly 5-6 times i try to go back to save and if not i buy another, it is a great map, but i call it my bermuda triangle. I can live with it, but it does happen.
To turn off rot you will need notepad++ or equivalent. Open map zip, open map folder, send map i3d to your desktop. Right click i3d and select edit with notepad++. Search "growthNumStates". It will find and highlight them all. Change all 8's to 7's, save and close. Drag i3d back over top of original and click OK. Done. J Willy
Great map. Just a couple things I noticed.
My Unimog will only run around half as fast as on other maps?
Got all the horseshoes, rain 3 times, no rainbow or pot of gold?
I turned the rot off before ever playing.
Milk truck driver gotta be a tweeker, he never stops ;-)
Thanks again for all your work !
Thank you Tiago, lets see what delights you have performed this time. Regards Pete