Course Play

V 3.30 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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After a good and not so steady four months, we're proud to release the newest Courseplay version. Not only have we fixed a multitude of bugs, but also there's a lot of new features.

What is Courseplay?

Courseplay is a tool for having machines perform many different tasks for you. Ones that the default AI helper can't do. For example, Courseplay is perfect for unloading a combine, driving the chaff from the chopper to the farm or the BGA.

Courseplay has been developed continually during the past 2.5 years. By now, you can even press bales, collect hay, cultivate, fertilize or seed fields, or mow some grass.

How to install Courseplay?

Copy the file to the C:\Users\[User name]\My Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2013\mods directory. That's all, folks!

How to operate Courseplay?

All informations concerning operation, functions, changes etc. are explained in detail on the Courseplay website.

Changes in version 3.30

All changes and fixes are listed on our website.

Known bugs in version 3.30

  • Attached combines aren't supported in fieldwork mode

Bigger bugs that have been fixed in the developer version

  • Fertilizer/seeding mode: too many waiting points (4 or more) will not throw an error anymore.
  • Combi mode: Drive won't crash into the next driver in the chain after unloading the chopper.
  • Combine drives to trailer and unloads: Game won't crash anymore when the unloading course is being driven before having activated the AI helper.
  • Fixed error in tippers.lua,where the game would crash if an implement didn't have a valid name.
  • Missing navigation arrows are displayed again on the course management page.
  • Course generation: no more "X" courses, thanks to a completely new course generation algorithm

You can find more information in the changelog on our website. To those who experience these bugs, we recommend installing the developer version. Warning: the developer version's state is always somewhere between alpha and beta. There can and will be more bugs.

Important: general procedure when experiencing errors

  1. No support via PM!
  2. Have a look if somebody else has already mentioned the bug.
  3. Have a look if the bug already is in the bug tracker or in the issues section on GitHub.
  4. List the used machinery and/or objects (everything, from the weights to the trailer, from the barrier to the shhovel, from the twin wheels to the tractor to the front loader).
  5. Try to isolate the error as much as possible: only have one vehicle active with Courseplay, instead of many at the same time.
  6. Situation: what did you do? What was the goal? When did the error occur? Is the error reproducable?
  7. Post your log entries, if need be, post the whole log.



- Lautschreier (Grundversion / base version)
- Hummel (
- Wolverin0815 (Feldarbeitsmodus, HUD, ... / fieldwork mode, hud, ...)
- Bastian82 (Feldarbeitsmodus, Optimierungen, ... / fieldwork mode, optimizations, ...)
- Skydancer (Feldkursgenerierung, Güllezubringerunterstützung, ... / course generation, liquid manure transfer, ...)
- Jakob Tischler (all kinds of unnecessary stuff)
- Thomas Gärtner (Everything. And more... Also, the devil's work.)

  • 03 Mar 21:00
    Version 3.30


checksum: b4ca0b0f28bcde6f2d00b433e3c093be
Version: 3.30
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hummel ( /Lautschreier/Wolverin0815/Bastian82
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

03.03 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.65 / 197 Votes


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V 3.30
Farming Simulator 2013
268 KB 43206
03. 03 2013 43,206

7 Comments for Course Play

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  1. Joe`s farm dk 28. 04 2013

    hello well if cp making F up then try with only cp md in your mod folder then it is working.stupid me .well thx for cp :) delet my 6 pic with cp errors. but the errors most be in somthing i use because with default tractor and stuff it working :)

  2. Joe`s farm dk 07. 04 2013

    wow that cool that you can make them reverse nice thx alot for this ;) greates cp ever

  3. bufley 06. 03 2013

    I do not know what they are talking other people, but this (COURSE PLAY) MASTER VERSION works perfectly in every way, I tested it many times and have not find any error, everything is perfect, MANY CONGRATULATIONS !!

  4. 108fendt 04. 03 2013

    courseplay ist super.
    Wenn es den CP nicht geben würde, würde ich wahrscheinlich nur noch ganz kleine Maps zocken.
    Der Nachteil von CP ist daß des Spiel mehr zum Managerspiel wird.

  5. Flywheel 03. 03 2013

    Thankls very much Jakob & team, brilliant work, great strides forward in recent times. Thanks Pete

  6. coy 03. 03 2013

    super un grand merci a tous

  7. Vespel 03. 03 2013

    Very interesting,nice description i will try this.Thank you very much!
