Userprofile of farmer1985
Member since 1 / 2013

Punkte: 31
Level 2
Rank: n/a
First name: Kevin Age & Gender: 40 m City: Gorham Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About farmer1985

American farmer
  1. farmer1985 07. 04 2014

    Mod: Krone Big X 650 Cargo HKL
    i cannot seem to be able to get the containers loaded once i have them hooked the arm will go in and out on its own but when i have it attached to a container it doesn't want to come back

  2. farmer1985 30. 09 2013

    Mod: Lindberg
    has anyone noticed that you cannot buy any of the fields and you only own fields of grass is there a 2nd version that is fixed

    1 replies

  3. farmer1985 08. 07 2013

    Mod: Silent Valley
    where can i buy the pigs

  4. farmer1985 20. 05 2013

    Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
    what is wrong with the growth rate i have sped the game time up and the growth rate up and nothing seems to mature or rot

  5. farmer1985 12. 05 2013

    Mod: Xtreme Platinum Octo
    great map line would be better if it wasnt the default map but hey the extras great

    1 replies

  6. farmer1985 19. 04 2013

    Mod: Ingame
    i cant seem to find this mod to download it where is it

  7. farmer1985 07. 04 2013

    Mod: Majevica Corn seeds pack
    garbage mod cannot fill with seed

  8. farmer1985 07. 04 2013

    Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
    does this map work this time

  9. farmer1985 06. 04 2013

    Mod: Platinum Xtreme VII
    ok i am having a problem finding the mixed rations i unloaded at the food storage area please help

  10. farmer1985 04. 04 2013

    Mod: Crascher Mega Pack
    it looks like something out of mad max

  11. farmer1985 02. 04 2013

    Mod: isere Agriculture
    this map still crashes my computer

  12. farmer1985 31. 03 2013

    Mod: isereAgriculture
    it crashes when i try to play it

  13. farmer1985 31. 03 2013

    Mod: isereAgriculture
    hi this map doesnt seem to want to play for me

    1 replies

  14. farmer1985 30. 03 2013

    Mod: forwarder JD
    it will not let me buy it says i have no more room to buy vehicle/implement

  15. farmer1985 30. 03 2013

    Mod: Modern Forest Map
    why cant i download this mod pack

  16. farmer1985 23. 03 2013

    Mod: Ropa euro Bunker Mouse 3
    how do we use this is there a tip anywhere mod out yet that i dont know about

  17. farmer1985 23. 03 2013

    Mod: VIS Map
    i cannot get this map to download from uploaded

  18. farmer1985 14. 03 2013

    Mod: Straw chopper
    great mod works great on mac would look better as a jd towed chopper

  19. farmer1985 12. 03 2013

    Mod: Sweet Home LS09
    does this version work or does it crash like the other versions

    1 replies

  20. farmer1985 09. 03 2013

    Mod: Sweet Home LS09
    this map doesnt work for 2013 forr mac

    1 replies

  21. farmer1985 07. 03 2013

    Mod: John Deere Forage Wagons
    why wont this mod connect to the towed chopper

  22. farmer1985 03. 03 2013

    Mod: Silos for new fruits
    are these silos placeable

  23. farmer1985 17. 02 2013

    Mod: Belgique Profonde 2013
    why do people keep downloading this map it doesnt work

  24. farmer1985 16. 02 2013

    Mod: Belgique Profonde 2013
    this map doesnt work for mac

  25. farmer1985 15. 02 2013

    Mod: HammMap
    is this version playable on mac

  26. farmer1985 14. 02 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    i copied dds files and it still crashes on me i running it on mac i contacted you once already on this

  27. farmer1985 14. 02 2013

    Mod: Amazone X 16001
    i get rerouted like 10 different times and when i use the modhoster direct download it comes as a rar file

  28. farmer1985 04. 02 2013

    Mod: central kansas
    you are a horrible modder and if you have ever seen kansas you would know kansas is flat and farmers there plant trees around fields to stop wind damage

  29. farmer1985 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Danube Valley
    yes i even deleted deleted all my mods

  30. farmer1985 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Danube Valley
    i can not get this map to play

  31. farmer1985 23. 01 2013

    Mod: CASE IH Steiger 600HD
    This mod does not show up in game

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