Brookridge Farm

V 2.1 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hello Guys,

Here is the revised version of Brookridge (v 2.1). First of all, i want to thank you for everybody, who has gave me a feedback.

I've read all of the comments, and i tried to fix, or improve the map. Now, here is the (i hope) final version.


- the farm has been revised:
  - the potato, sugar beet, grass and straw storage now has a same building like the wheat, etc. storage
  - the storage floor now isn't slither
  - wider gates, now you can pass easier with big machines
  - the chickens area has been moved next to the manure heap

- the crop withering is off / SORRY GUYS, IT'S NOT TRUE. I MADE A MISTAKE WITH THIS.

- the canal now is a canal

- the field terrain foliage layer has been changed to unsprayed (you can spray the fields from the first time)

- some new disegn objects and minor changes

I've read couple of comments about that, when the game starts, it crashes the computer. I really don't know why this happening. I tested the map for hours, and never happened to me.

So, i hope, this version will run well. Have fun with it.


Important !

Two dds files are missing. Please, copy them from the original game directory.

The target folder is: /Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/BrookridgeV21/map/models/objects/gasStation

The dds files are: and

Sorry about the inconvenience.


And everybody else, who has made their fantastic objects which i've used;

  • 31 Jan 18:25
    Version 2.1


checksum: 12da1e35cf8ce73b65c8219798c8eb52
Version: 2.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Amarlich
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Brookridge Farm
description in shop:
Brookridge Map by Amarlich

v 2.1

31.01 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.48 / 44 Votes


nach 23 Stimmen

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V 2.1
Farming Simulator 2013
91.4 MB 11442
31. 01 2013 11,442

4 Comments for Brookridge Farm

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  1. farmer1985 14. 02 2013

    i copied dds files and it still crashes on me i running it on mac i contacted you once already on this

  2. fear24 03. 02 2013

    Hello, map looks great from the pics but its still crash's on me right before start. Has anyone else encountered this and if so has anyone found a fix?


    1 replies

  3. J Willy 31. 01 2013

    I have a couple issues. The withering is not turned off and when I buy something the attach point is either in the fence or pointing at it. Great looking map.

    1 replies

  4. kaelx2 31. 01 2013

    Super map! Thanks
    can not sell manure and liquid manure?

    1 replies
