Userprofile of Amarlich
Member since 1 / 2013

Punkte: 4.207
Modder Level 13
Rank: #399
First name: Amarlich Age & Gender: 52 m City: Budapest Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Amarlich

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  1. Amarlich 07. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Hi Dave,

    Ok, i get it. You are right, there are some points, where the ai driver could stuck. If this happens, you can dismiss the helper and you can correct the machine.
    I think, in this way (while collisions are on) the game is more realistic. The map is very generous with spaces, so you have a large area to turn and drive trough.
    But if you want, you can edit the map for yourself.

  2. Amarlich 07. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Hi Sabaton,

    I've already got some request about the car-wash, so the next update will contains it.
    What kind a collision do you mean ?
    And thanks for the prise :)

  3. Amarlich 07. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Hey Sheathanaich,

    The idea is quite good, and i'm sure, someone can write the necessary script (unfortunately i'm not able to do it). The more realistic engine works this way. So, we can hope, someone read this :)

  4. Amarlich 06. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    I think, the nights are more realistic with this way. It is good to see you are agree with it :)

    Ich denke, die Nächte sind realistischer mit diesem Weg. Es ist gut zu sehen, dass Sie damit einverstanden sind :)

  5. Amarlich 06. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    With the key O you can swap between fertilizer and lime. If your trailer can carry fertilizer and lime, you can buy the goods. If not, it won't start loading.

    Mit der Taste O du zwischen Dünger und Kalk tauschen können. Wenn Ihr Anhänger kann Dünger und Kalk tragen, können Sie die Waren kaufen. Wenn nicht, wird es nicht an Belastung.

  6. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Danke für Ihr Kompliment :)

    Thank you for your compliment :)

  7. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Thank you for your compliment :)

    The help icons must disappear once they were shown. I never experienced this bug.
    Please check the CustomInfoTrigger file in the savegame folder, where you have saved the game. In the file there are several lines, each hase a visibility="false" or visibility="true" code. If the help icon were shown, it must be visibility="false". You can rewrite them manually to false.

    1 replies

  8. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    If you mean, the slurry storage in the pig farm; you have to fill it with the cows or the pigs slurry. You need a slurry tanker which can unload the product.

    Wenn Sie meinen, die Güllelagerung in der Schweinefarm; Sie haben, um es mit den Kühen oder Schweinen Schlamm zu füllen. Sie benötigen einen Güllewagen, die das Produkt entladen können.

  9. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    It's quite possible ...

    Es ist durchaus möglich ...

  10. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    On the west side of the stable, there is a door. There you can load the pigs.

    Auf der Westseite des Stall, gibt es eine Tür. Dort können Sie die Schweine zu laden.

  11. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Thanks, but this is an accumulated (and very confusing) number. More than plus 1000 people downloaded the 3.01 version (comparing with the 3.0), wich contains just the defaultVehicles.xml file. What did they do with that :)


  12. Amarlich 04. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    You're very welcome :)

  13. Amarlich 03. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    How do you mean flickering parts ?
    Try to empty the shader cache folder (Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/shader_cache)

    Wie meinen Sie das flackernde Teile?
    Versuchen Sie, den shader cache Ordner (Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/shader_cache) zu leeren.

  14. Amarlich 02. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Version 3.1 is available, the map is Update 2.1 compatible.

    Version 3.1 verfügbar ist, die Karte ist Update 2.1 kompatibel.

    1 replies

  15. Amarlich 02. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Geronimo is the BGA. You can find it at the north end of the map, next to the Chevron fuel station.

    Geronimo ist der BGA. Sie können es am nördlichen Ende der Karte zu finden, direkt neben der Chevron-Tankstelle.

  16. Amarlich 02. 04 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    I was thinking a lot to expand the map and add more fields and multi fruit. I've some good idea for nice selling points. But one thing i need, time. This map was more than 100 hours to build. So, maybe sometime ...
    I was in London two years ago, so it's possible, i ate your father-in-law's beans for breakfast :)

  17. Amarlich 31. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    The greenhouses are only decorations. If you mean the Griffin Greenhouses. You can sell slurry, manure and straw there.

    Die Gewächshäuser sind nur Dekoration. Wenn Sie meinen, die Griffin Gewächshäuser. Sie können Gülle, Mist und Stroh dort zu verkaufen.

  18. Amarlich 31. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    I just realised that strange thing. The potato and sugar beet particles are lying in the air. It comes with the newest patch. I just installed the new update (2.1) an hour ago. Before the patch, it was normal. I'll fix that.

    Ich habe erkannt, dass die seltsame Sache. Die Kartoffel und Zuckerrübe Partikel in der Luft liegt. Es kommt mit dem neuesten Patch. Ich habe gerade das neue Update (2.1) vor einer Stunde installiert. Vor dem Patch war es normal. Ich werde das beheben.

  19. Amarlich 31. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Download the mod (Gülle Mist Kalk Mod Pack v2.01) from (there is a link in the description), then unzip the pack. You will see 3 folders. In the Mod folder, there is a zip file called GuelleMistMod. Copy and paste into your mod directory. Thats it. I hope, it was clear.

    Laden Sie die mod (Gülle Mist Kalk Mod-Pack v2.01) von (gibt es einen Link in der Beschreibung), dann entpacken Sie die Packung. Sie werden 3 Ordner. In der Mod-Ordner, es ist eine ZIP-Datei mit dem Namen GuelleMistMod. Kopieren und fügen Sie ihn in Ihren mod-Verzeichnis. Das ist es. Ich hoffe, es war klar.

  20. Amarlich 31. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    In the south end of the map, where the Heinz Cannery is, there is a small building, named ECO, there you can buy the fields.

    In südlichen Ende der Karte, wo die Heinz Cannery ist, da ist ein kleines Gebäude, genannt ECO, dort kann man die Felder zu kaufen.

  21. Amarlich 31. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Yes, it's true, thank you for the notice.

    Ja, es ist wahr, ich danke Ihnen für den Hinweis.

  22. Amarlich 30. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    I can't speak german, so i'm using the google translator. Not the best, but working. Try it ;)

    Ich kann nicht sprechen Deutsch, so dass ich mit der Google-Übersetzer. Nicht die beste, aber die Arbeit. Probieren Sie es aus ;)

  23. Amarlich 30. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    I've never used that mod, so i've no idea why the lua errors. I'll try to find out.

  24. Amarlich 30. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    Ich habe die defaultVehicles.xml Datei (Version 3.01) hochgeladen, herunterladen und das Original zu ersetzen. Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten. (google)

  25. Amarlich 30. 03 2014

    Mod: Brook Ridge Farm
    The shops are open only during daytime, from 7am to 7pm. ;)

  26. Amarlich 07. 02 2013

    Mod: John Deere Gator 825i
    A new version (2.1) has been released.

    Eine neue Version (2.1) wurde veröffentlicht.

    1 replies

  27. Amarlich 01. 02 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    Copy only the gasStation folder with the two dds file. The i3d files are not necessary.

    Kopieren Sie nur die Tankstelle Ordner mit den beiden dds Datei. Die i3d Dateien sind nicht erforderlich.

  28. Amarlich 01. 02 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    You are right, unfortunately i've deleted the files. Please copy them from the original games directory.

    Thank you the heads-up.

  29. Amarlich 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm

    Yes, you are right about the withering. I've changed the "growthstates" from 8 to 7, but after that i started to use an another copy of the i3d. Sorry guys !

    In the vehicle shop, i've changed the position of the trigger. I bought a harvester, and it was in a good position.


  30. Amarlich 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm

    How do you mean to sell manure and liquid manure ? I never did it before ... I always using them to spray the fields.


  31. Amarlich 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm

    You can buy the fields in the land office. It's located next to the Heinz Cannery.

    Sie können die Felder im Grundbuchamt. Es ist neben dem Heinz Cannery entfernt.
    (Übersetzt von Google Übersetzer)


  32. Amarlich 31. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    New version (2.1) has been released:

  33. Amarlich 29. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    Next to the yellow fertilizer tanks, there is a shed on the left side. You will find the wool pallet inside.

    1 replies

  34. Amarlich 28. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    Hi BlackWolve,

    This is the same map.

  35. Amarlich 27. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    You can feed the cows with grass in the outer feeding through. The shed is located next to the manure pit.

  36. Amarlich 27. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    Because i used sprayed fields. After the first harvest, you can spray them again :)

  37. Amarlich 27. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    Maybe you have a mod, what is cause the problem.
    The map contains only two scripts, one is the sliding gate (Rolltor.lua), the other is the train (zugschranke.lua).
    these are very common scripts, it is not possible, they are causing any error.

  38. Amarlich 27. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm
    You can cut the dark green grass (field 7), the rest is only decoration.

  39. Amarlich 27. 01 2013

    Mod: Brookridge Farm

    Thanks the observations and positive feedback. I already started to build a bit bigger map, because i felt, some part is too small :)


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