featured******************** changelog 3.1 ********************
The map is Update 2.1 compatible
- potato and sugar beet conveyors are fixed
- stereo sounds changed to mono
- economical changes (the game is more challenging)
- some minor graphical changes.
******************** changelog 3.01 ********************
NOTE: The 3.01 version is only the missing defaultVehicles.xml file. Simple copy the file into the folder and overwrite the original file.
******************** info ********************
More than a year since Brookridge Farm 1.0 has been published. Now i proudly present the new Piggy Edition (3.0).
The map is completely revised. New textures, buildings and decorations has been added.
You will find a lots of new and interesting things. First of all, Brookridge has a new husbandry: pigs. You can buy and store several goods, e.g. seeds, fertilizer, lime, fuel and much more.
Brookridge is completely an imaginary and idealised place, located in Nebraska between York and Lincoln. The map is completely flat, it designed for single-player use. Wide roads, large spaces, easy to use the helpers.
All locations, names and brands appearing in the map are fictitious. Any resemblance to real locations, names or brands, is purely coincidental.
Fruits: standard (wheat, barley, canola, maize, potato, sugar beets, etc.)
Husbandry: standard (cow, sheep, chicken) + pigs
Shops: are open during daytime, from 7am to 7pm.
Fields: You can buy them in the land office (named ECO International), on the south end of the map, next to the Heinz Cannery.
******************** mods ********************
The following mods were installed:
AllInOneSilo; BarrierExtended; customInfoTrigger; DarkerNight; GasStationExtended; GuelleMistMod; MapHoseRefStation; MapSiloBand; MischStation; OilPump; Rolltor; RolltorExtended; SchweineZucht; WaterMod; WoolPaletteCollector; zugschranke;
You will need the following mods to work the map properly: GuelleMistMod by TMT (Marhu); MapHoseRefStation by fruktor (if you are using the Zunhammer pack); PDA Fix by Marhu;
******************** credits ********************
I want to thank for everybody who has made their fantastic mods, scripts and objects what i have been used to build the map. Without attempting to be comprehensive:
Marhu; Blacky_BPG; Sven777b; NI Modding; [FSM]; [Bayn]; Daniel; martinbigM500; Timber131; mailman; Bernelli; Eribus; JauchenPaule; Nick98.1; Javier007; FSmodding; and many others whom I can not list;
******************** cheers ********************
I hope, you will enjoy to play with Brookridge Farm.
If you find any problem with the map, do not hesitate to inform me. Positive critics are welcomed.
Giants; Marhu; Blacky_BPG; Sven777b; NI Modding; [FSM]; [Bayn]; Daniel; martinbigM500; Timber131; mailman; Bernelli; Eribus; JauchenPaule; Nick98.1; Javier007; FSmodding; and many others whom I can not list;-
02 Apr 19:04Version 3.1
The map is Update 2.1 compatible, potato and sugar beet conveyors are fixed, stereo sounds changed to mono, economical changes (the game is more challenging), some minor graphical changes.
30 Mar 16:52Version 3.01
The missing defaultVehicles.xml file.
Simple copy into the folder and overwrite the original defaultVehicles.xml file.
30 Mar 15:27Version 3.0
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
by Amarlich
ago almost 11 years
checksum: | bfc3935d9b772b9bfef420341196ed05 |
Version: | 3.1 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Amarlich |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Brookridge Farm - Piggy Edition |
description in shop: |
Brookridge Farm by Amarlich; 3.1 Piggy Edition |
15 Comments for Brook Ridge Farm
Version 3.1 is available, the map is Update 2.1 compatible.
Version 3.1 verfügbar ist, die Karte ist Update 2.1 kompatibel.
hi, I need help, I realized that all the fields are already planted except the 2 and got 1 tablespoon canola field without having bought. This is an error or bug or mod? thanks
hey like the map a lot and all what i have tried so far works, error free and dark night, get rly dark. but the liquid manure texture i have change, since it looked more like solid manure to me,the bga, when load the contain where it take the silage could empty it slower, but thx for sharing and good work. br
I can't fill any trailers with the seed, fertilzer and lime. What am I doing wrong. Love the map!
Hey Amarlich, it's me again...
Your buy seed trigger got me thinking( I really do love the feature)..Could it be scripted so that you can choose which seed, with differing prices??...If it could, it would almost make the original giants seed trigger obsolete and not needed any-more. Most good trailer mods now include a seed plane and fill mechanism....Definitely a step towards realistic seed merchants mechanics.
Just putting out there... I hope you find the idea interesting??. Anyway I'm having an absolute blast with your map....Big thank you again from me..
I've played several hours now, and once again it's a beautiful job my friend Amarlich! It will give me many hours of fun. Thanks a lot for that!
Just one question: Although when I check the help icons they disappear, but that seems to be temporary only because I save the game and then later reload it, all of the help icons are displayed again. Is it intentional?
Gratz on 10,000 downloads, a well deserved accolade for a super nice modder.... :)
Been playing this now since v3 release day and it's a hoot..Awesome map with extreme detail(Referring to American referencing)...Amerlich have you ever thought about maybe adding a few more fields (Wink Wink)..My Father-in-law farmed close to 900 acres in Minnesota, just outside East Grand Forks, his staple crops were Wheat/Soy/Beet and Navy Bean, rotating Oats every second year..All his Navy beans were sold direct after harvesting to a seed merchant who exported all the beans to Heinz in Canada...Who then shipped over here (UK) for canning...Yup my bienz in the morning could quite possibly have been grown by my Wife's dad!!...Well seeing that you have a Hienz on your map, I'm awfully tempted to make a heinz bean package!!! Still though the best SP map bar non now....Congeratz on an exceptional map!!
Super Farm!! Thank you for the beautiful map!!
greenhouses how they work and thank you for the beautiful map
green houses how they work and thank you for the beautiful map
google translated
i can't figure out how to install the guellemist mod? please help
how do i buy fields?
Ah the return of the Ridge!!!
Awesome map following on from the previous versions....
Superb in everyway!!
I used the previous version for a long long time, it was fantastic for single play. Thank you very much for this new version!