Userprofile of albert1961
Member since 9 / 2012

Punkte: 74
Level 3
Rank: n/a
First name: estrada Age & Gender: 63 m City: spanish Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About albert1961

Loco por los simuladores
  1. albert1961 24. 11 2015

    Mod: silenceAISounds quieter helper Sounds
    Good thinking, what already downloaded, thank you very much.

  2. albert1961 17. 04 2015

    Mod: Manual Ignition
    Danke für die Mod :)

  3. albert1961 30. 03 2015

    Mod: Light addon
    First thanks.
    There are mods that are unique, other impressive and other essential and this is yours and it was time hee hee hee.
    I said thank you

  4. albert1961 18. 01 2015

    Mod: Snow
    Thank you very much for your mod.
    Allow me a question and a ok advice.
    The question is that this mod is for maps and snowy? , I say this because when it snows, the snow does not stay on the field.
    And the advice is that snow looks like water rather than snow, it would be very interesting that snowflakes were twice or more large and the rate of fall was twice slowly, this would increase more snow feeling ok.
    Of all ways good idea and many thanks mate.

  5. albert1961 21. 11 2014

    Mod: Volksholm
    Hallo Kumpel.
    Ich habe alle Ihre Karten und befolgen Sie alle deine Werke, vielen Dank für dieses wundervolle Karte.
    In Version 1.2 erinnerte ich mich, dass Sie hier sind sie Schweine und hee hee hee, dank sind gestellt.
    Eine große Umarmung.

  6. albert1961 12. 11 2014

    Mod: Volksholm
    The BGA do not like the site as selected, but as well as that will change it, a then a tree whose flecas around ???
    And I abusing hee hee hee, and map out some pigs, I mean for you to think where you are going to get, and that I bully?
    Then where conveyors straw, hay etc are? .
    Thanks friend and do not despair you're doing a great job.

  7. albert1961 08. 11 2014

    Mod: MoreLoan More Debt
    Now if I will like it, without cheating, thanks mate

  8. albert1961 08. 11 2014

    Mod: Holmgard
    He looked forward to the new version
    Old cow pasture replaced by Forest Enterprise and Bjorn Holm,,, the best idea I had as thanks.
    You say that this is the latest version if you do not run into any problems?¡¡00000000000000000000000¡¡
    Just a suggestion and it is not even request and I am delighted with your map ok, you do not understand how you can buy a Cuba instead of water and livestock here farming15 NOT need it and because the Cuba ?,
    I do not know if that would be possible as well FS13 livestock feed will have to supply water, you could include it? Is it ok not easy and if you can not like me just your great work thanks mate.

  9. albert1961 06. 11 2014

    Mod: Holmgard
    I do not like the original, so of cattle and because the original can not change what the harvest rots, e yours installed,¡¡ perfect¡¡.
    Just opened the sheep that had been well nigh, but otherwise very good and I want to thank you for your co-worker.
    The harvest to rot and I modified it and now I no longer rots.
    Thanks again.

  10. albert1961 05. 11 2014

    Mod: AFG region
    First thank you and say that the translation of google as I am former Spanish Catalan this I hope.
    Not if the fruits rot because right now the map is downloaded
    I also e echo maps
    yotube searches you will see my statutes heavi1961 there ok
    People have no idea what it costs to make a map, but if you know complain about what is free and does not cost them time or effort.
    Partner a big hug and thanks again.

  11. albert1961 29. 03 2014

    Mod: Deutz 7545 Special
    Thanks you are the best, even someone you say it's not real, but are contributing tanks and nobody complains, thanks mate.

  12. albert1961 28. 02 2014

    Mod: Irrigation pack
    Thank you very much, very well, only missing one thing and that is where it is watered appears wet, whether, could be out free water consumption? , Spent a fortune and has no effect on production and this frustrates, being free would be a relief to our pockets, a big hug.

  13. albert1961 04. 02 2014

    Mod: Birchwood
    Thank you very much for your map is very well done.
    I've already 4 months with my first map and it seems that just started so I have left, I even hurts hand with jijij mouse.
    People have no idea which one makes the effort to create a map, if they knew a lot more would value your work. a big hug.

  14. albert1961 03. 02 2014

    Mod: Hand animation
    With the profit to help and not to criticize, I must say that the scale of the tractor with the tractor bad, this tractor is small, ok.
    Otherwise thank you very much for your input and hope to see some more work of yours as you have very good ideas, a hug.

  15. albert1961 13. 12 2013

    Mod: Bednar ProType direct seed
    Gracias, dabuty , danken

  16. albert1961 01. 11 2013

    Mod: Cattle fattening
    Vielen Dank für diese tolle mod.
    Aber wie sie hier diskutiert ein dritter Gefährte mod zu verkaufen wäre toll.
    Wie auch immer, große und Dank.

  17. albert1961 21. 10 2013

    Mod: Hagenstedt Modified 2013
    hallo Kumpel.
    Und zu sagen, danke für dieses Meisterwerk ok.
    Ich werde Ihnen sagen, ich habe drei Fehler gefunden, ist eine, wie Sie es herunterladenversinkt im Autohaus, 2, was Schlüssel Kaviar Handbremse geöffnet werden, weil esKonflikte mit den mods, zum Beispiel Traktor aktiviert Zeiger mit der Leertaste, um Türen und Fenster des Traktors, 3 öffnen, um die Bewegung zu den Schweinen geben, Feederaußerhalb, sind Kartoffeln, Getreide und Wasser immer leer, aber die PDA-Marke vollund wenn ich Lebensmittel setzen, aber sind leer .
    Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie wissen, aber wie erstellt ein Vorher und Nachher in Karten, jetzt ist die beste Karte, ich danke Ihnen sehr, ich hoffe, ich habe ein wenig geholfen.

    1 replies

    1. ralfröhn 21. 10 2013

      Mod: Hagenstedt Modified 2013
      2. Handbremse in Optionen auf andere Tsate legen
      3.AnimalStatus und neue Schweinezucht passen nicht zusammen. Bei vielen Schweinen sind sie wieder weis

  18. albert1961 26. 05 2013

    Mod: HKL Agroliner ITS 26
    Gracias compañero un buen aporte

  19. albert1961 09. 10 2012

    Mod: NIVA SK5 Pack
    Vielen Dank, gibt es nur zwei Kugeln tun. Ich liebe es.

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