Bednar ProType direct seed

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Piggyback direct seed with underfloor fertilization and a working width of 6.5 m, prototype
Hello Com,
since I enjoy the whole standard machines from Amazone color were boring and I have no Aufsattelbare seeder with reasonable working width found, I have just selbstgebastelt one.
The Bednar is designed for direct seeding, so it must not be previously grubbed or plowed. Furthermore, it is equipped with underfloor fertilization of Webalizer.
This mod is built according to my ideas, it is not forced to download.
Who the mod does not fit just play with something else and leaves no pointless comments.
Meaningful criticism and suggestions are welcome.

have fun with the mod

! the latest patch is required!

The mod may be published on other sites just below the original link from
The mod 'may be published on other sites as long as only the ORIGINAL LINK at will be used!



  • 10 Jan 11:25
    Version 2.0

    1.Gewicht und Schwerpunkt geändert
    3. Tankvolumen jetzt 2000 l Saat und 2000 l Dünger
    4. Düngerverbrauch gesenkt, bei Vollfläche etwa gleicher verbrauch

  • 13 Dec 13:21
    Version 1.0


checksum: 1477e98d39f709aa70962bb64b427607
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Jerrico
price in shop: 31300 LS
name in shop: BednarAlfa
description in shop: Bednar Alfa 7 für Xerion Saddletrac 3800
Direktsaat, Unterflurdüngung
fruittypes: wheat rape grass barley corn sugarbeet
Modification: MbJ
Working width 7 m

13.12 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.13 / 53 Votes


nach 35 Stimmen

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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 2013
5.45 MB 2606
10. 01 2014 2,606
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
5.45 MB 2671
13. 12 2013 2,671

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