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Raise rear hydraulics
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Buy Bales
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Date and Time Mod
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Multi Overlay Hud
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featured Fruit Hud text
v 1.31 Downloads today24,464 Downloads totalUser rating64 said thankspublished Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:20:58 GMT in - ScriptsSince many users wanted this mod, I have you converted Fruit Hud text for the Ls 15. Explanation: The name of the fruit varieties are displayed under the corresponding icon. V1.2 Changes: The...
featured Courseplay
v 4.011 Downloads today293,373 Downloads total1156 commentsUser rating587 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:35:43 GMT in - ScriptsWhat is Courseplay? Courseplay is a tool for having machines perform many different tasks for you. Ones that the default AI helper can't do. For example, Courseplay is perfect for unloading a combine...
featured MinMax
v 1.620 Downloads today16,957 Downloads totalUser rating81 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:59:01 GMT in - ScriptsMinMax V1.62 Dieser Mod ist ein kleines Tool, das in der oberen rechten die höhere Produktpreise angezeigt werden. Wenn es ein Produkt in der hohen Nachfrage, die entsprechenden Preis blinkt...
featured Follow Me
v 2.0.60 Downloads today39,023 Downloads total90 commentsUser rating83 said thankspublished Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:33:10 GMT in - ScriptsRemember to check the support topic for any additional information regarding this mod Changelog v2.0.6 - Fixed problem with 'steerable's that are not 'drivable'. - Russian translations updated by...
featured Engine Braking Effect
v 1.12 Downloads today17,088 Downloads total55 commentsUser rating105 said thankspublished Wed, 10 Dec 2014 04:58:47 GMT in - ScriptsWith this small the impact of the mod is changed "engine brake", so the vehicles should unroll further idle. The brake is no more just ballast :) The effect I have reduced ON 25% of the original value...
featured Forestry lease
v 1.00 Downloads today25,379 Downloads total47 commentsUser rating97 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Dec 2014 20:42:01 GMT in - ScriptsThe forestry lease mod allows you to lease whole patches of wood. By leasing a batch of dummies is replaced by fellable trees. Gamers manual: Put into mods directory. Done...
featured MultiMowing
v 3.11 Downloads today134,759 Downloads total78 commentsUser rating181 said thankspublished Sat, 06 Dec 2014 22:22:00 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod enhances the functionality of mowers to mow cereal and an increase in yield of grassland fertilization. The latter is a demand for the manure / dung-Mod. The mod works globally, that is, it...
featured Fuel adjustment FuelAdjust
v 5.15.70 Downloads today45,657 Downloads total109 commentsUser rating157 said thankspublished Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:08:00 GMT in - ScriptsBeschreibung Das ursprüngliche fuelAdjustV2 (by TwistedGA für LS13) diente dazu quasi als Anreiz und wurde anfangs (in LS13) von mir nur bearbeitet und erweitert, bis ich mich dazu entschloss ein...
featured TEXT ZU LANG bitte manuell auf uebersetzen
v 5.15.10 Downloads today18,633 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:33:00 GMT in - ScriptsBeschreibung Da gibt es eigentlich nicht viel zu sagen, dieser Script-Mod zeigt die gefahrenen Kilometer und die Betriebsstunden an, nicht mehr und nicht weniger...
featured Field detection
v 2.01 Downloads today23,236 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating84 said thankspublished Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:47:00 GMT in - ScriptsHello, Here I have a script where you can turn off the field boundary at & both cultivation! When Plfug in Ls 2015, the function is already drinne Since I find that it takes too long with...
featured noCollisionCamera
v 1.00 Downloads today12,472 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating39 said thankspublished Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:53:20 GMT in - ScriptsFeatures: - Prevents Collision detection camera on vehicles, the camera no longer sits in front of Collision Modder: Script: Heady Publisher: Planet-LS
featured Inspector
v 2.42 Downloads today103,906 Downloads total157 commentsUser rating206 said thankspublished Sun, 23 Nov 2014 13:03:34 GMT in - ScriptsInspector (V2.4)Do you want to know what other Players are doing? Or you need to keep an eye on your (AI) helpers? Or if your Stock is hungry?The Inspector shows you:- your vehicle (bold) with all of...
featured BaleFeed Mod
v 2.02 Downloads today95,402 Downloads total139 commentsUser rating379 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:14:34 GMT in - ScriptsWith the BaleFeed-Mod itself bales can also einfüttern or sprinkle without mixer feeders. As almost always, put them into the mods folder and you're done. This works (currently) so that the normal...
featured wheel lanes / tramlines
v 3.0.41 Downloads today34,794 Downloads totalUser rating88 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:55:52 GMT in - ScriptsBecause I was happy to be realistic, I checked with Blacky_BPG how it looks with the tool. And since Blacky has also withdrawn from modding, I have received clearance for it to share it with you. This...
featured night growth
v 1.1011 Downloads today15,674 Downloads total79 commentsUser rating129 said thankspublished Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:07:39 GMT in - ScriptsDer nightGrowth-Mod verlagert das Pflanzenwachstum in die Nacht. Zusätzlich kann (->optional!) man mit ihm global die Wachstumszeit beeinflussen, ohne dafür Maps editieren zu müssen. Hier also...
featured field com
v 1.01 Downloads today43,174 Downloads total62 commentsUser rating185 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Nov 2014 22:01:17 GMT in - ScriptsWith the field sell-Mod can buy boxes more convenient and also sell. Operation (similar to the Siloverkaufs-Mod): keep alighting, right CTRL key. Field selection screen and high screen down. Perform...
featured MoreLoan More Debt
v 0.20 Downloads today16,048 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating46 said thankspublished Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:18:03 GMT in - ScriptsThe MoreLoanMod allows ATM a credit of up to 5,000,000 € record, yes read that right, € 5,000,000. Who now thinks right back to cheating, no, not quite, of course, for the additional debt and interest...
featured FahrsiloExtension
v 2.02 Downloads today106,836 Downloads total179 commentsUser rating246 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Nov 2014 08:49:00 GMT in - ScriptsDer Mod erweitert die Standardfahrsilos, egal ob auf Standard- oder Modmaps verbaut, um eine Handvoll Features. Ich möchte das Walzen auf dem Silo zu einer fahrerisch interessanten Aufgabe machen, was...
featured Grünhäcksel Mod
v 2.01 Downloads today49,371 Downloads total38 commentsUser rating146 said thankspublished Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:35:49 GMT in - ScriptsThe Grünhäcksel-Mod shifted the harvest stage for chaffing against the grain maturity, ie in the growth phase in the corn and cereals are normally harvested for silage. At level "heavy" chaffing exclusively...
featured Inching Mod
v 1.11 Downloads today25,267 Downloads total94 commentsUser rating186 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Nov 2014 23:34:44 GMT in - ScriptsThe inching mod adds cruise control (cruise control) toward a inching function. It automatically builds in all vehicles, just in the mods folder and you're done. Who says nothing Inching: The inching...