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Mods for Farming Simulator
Demco Series 2200 Auger Wagon
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29 days
Stara Ninja 19000/33000 Pack
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2 days
Demco 850 Grain Cart
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2 months
KINZE Grain Cart Pack
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3 months
875 Grain Cart
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27 days
Jan Tanker 35000
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about 2 months
ZDT Gigant
v 1.01 Downloads today1,863 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Sat, 24 Oct 2015 09:57:01 GMT in - OverloaderLoader Wagons ZDT GIANT Capacity: 34000 Types fruit: wheat rape maize barley chaff green and blue variant Price: 65000 Maintenance: 95 Model: Angelus Textures: SmetyIn game...
featured FSM Ropa BigBear
v 1.12 Downloads today13,612 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating30 said thankspublished Wed, 02 Sep 2015 16:27:00 GMT in - OverloaderRopa Big Bear LS15 Moin,sohooo wir haben den Ropa Big Bear für LS15 konvertiert.Soweit läuft der "Kleine" recht gut, es stehen allerdings noch einige Online Tests an.Was ist der Ropa Big Bear?Es...
featured Barntner XL Ülw
v 3.01 Downloads today44,367 Downloads total109 commentsUser rating102 said thankspublished Mon, 18 May 2015 11:38:30 GMT in - OverloaderBrantner XL Überladewagen V 2.0 complete rebuild For transporting and decanting (Also fills fertilizers u. Seeding machines when installed as fillType eg with SeedMaster; not the normal trigger...
Krone Emsland Ülw
v 1.23 Downloads today10,986 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating16 said thankspublished Fri, 01 May 2015 17:20:02 GMT in - OverloaderROS crown Emsland Überladewagen For transporting and decant (Also fills fertilizers u. Sowing when installed as fillType eg SeedMaster; not the normal trigger) Emsland 1Achser from my Emsland-pack...
Horsch Titan 38
v 2.00 Downloads today5,677 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Thu, 09 Apr 2015 18:37:13 GMT in - OverloaderDear Com, was it you also as you joyfully have bought the Horsch Titan transfer vehicle, and then have had to find that he was not high enough, for example, to fill the Krampe Bandit ??? The disappointment...
v 1.60 Downloads today9,624 Downloads total49 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Wed, 18 Mar 2015 22:06:00 GMT in - OverloaderDear modding community This is a mobile slurry holding tank to park at the edge of the field. This tank should be transported empty and filled with slurry once parked by the field, I share my Fieldcontainer...
featured Kverneland Taarup Shuttle
v 2.0 Inklusive Veenhuis2 Downloads today10,375 Downloads total25 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Mar 2015 17:50:12 GMT in - OverloaderHallo liebe LS - Community Heute präsentiert euch den Kverneland Taarup Shuttle erschaffen bei Werkstattleiters Moddingwerkstatt!! Der Taarup Shuttle Überladewagen...
Claas Überladewagen Titan
v 1.00 Downloads today5,455 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Sun, 25 Jan 2015 13:25:34 GMT in - OverloaderHave here a Claas transfer vehicle for you. Price 95000 € Loading capacity: 40000 liters Maintenance costs: € 105
Güstrower GTU30
v 1.00 Downloads today8,255 Downloads total16 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Wed, 24 Dec 2014 07:19:49 GMT in - OverloaderMerry Christmas Ls community! I've decided to release the feast of joy my Güstrower GTU 30. Since this conversion of Horsch two-axle ülw's Ls-known circular arrived quite well in my, I thought I'd...
January TANKER 10,500
v 1.00 Downloads today2,351 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Mon, 22 Dec 2014 21:02:41 GMT in - OverloaderModelo 10500 12000 Capacidade 10.5 m3 12 m3 Carga Máxima 11500 Kg 13000 Kg Capacidade de Descarga (kg / min) 2400 (grãos) - 1000 (adubo) DIAMETRO Tubo 280 mm multiuso Altura Descarga 4230...
Fliegl Mega ULW35
v 1.10 Downloads today3,729 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:02:00 GMT in - OverloaderFliegl Mega ULW35 Überladewagen for wheat, corn, canola, barley, grass and silage 35000 liters
Horsch Titan tandem
v 1.10 Downloads today16,018 Downloads total16 commentsUser rating28 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:27:00 GMT in - OverloaderHello I hereby give you my REAL NOT transfer vehicle, the Horsch Titan 34 UW tandem why this transfer vehicle came in tandem with steering axle and longer tube I write in a few words together...
Cestari 9000 L
v 1.00 Downloads today2,416 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sun, 16 Nov 2014 11:42:37 GMT in - OverloaderWeight 1,400kg on wheels Capacity 9,000 liters without black roll tarp crest Maximum Load 7.500 kg Discharge Auger 304mm (12 ") diameter auger with a discharge rate up to 4...
Progress E673
v 1.00 Downloads today5,715 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:51:01 GMT in - Overloaderthe DIMG may simply nich missing during harvest potatoes, runs so far without any problems and the horse already nt to pull it, because there's also more satisfied nich, except much fun with it
Horsch Titan 34UW
v 2.00 Downloads today3,754 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Mon, 10 Nov 2014 15:12:00 GMT in - OverloaderDear LS15 Com, I want to show you my first mod here. Actually it is the standart transfer vehicle, but I have changed him a bit. New features: - 2 flashing lights at the rear - He can now...
v 1.00 Downloads today5,292 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating12 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Nov 2014 18:18:00 GMT in - OverloaderThis is a Triton. can be loaded: wheat, corn, canola, barley and chaff Liter: 10000 L Price: 15000 € and log is clean
Richiger dock construction
v 1.0 waschbar0 Downloads today5,022 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:07:00 GMT in - OverloaderHello LS-Com Here a grain-dock construction for the Claas Xerion Saddletrac the brand Richiger Capacity 17,000 L for wheat rape barley and grain maize. Matching Saddletracs found on her: http...
Tolva Semillera Gimetal AC 18000
v 1.00 Downloads today2,473 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Sun, 21 Sep 2014 08:22:32 GMT in - OverloaderEspañol: Hola, 18000a Hoy les traigo la tolva semillera Gimetal AC Esta la Florerias USAR párr tolva Distintos Trabajos del campo. Cuenta ONU de la estafa tubo animado, el Cual permite ONU vaciado...
featured Balzer 2000 Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today18,610 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Tue, 05 Aug 2014 06:18:08 GMT in - OverloaderSMW Modding presents the Balzer 2000. One of the large largest grain carts (non mother-bin) in the world, the Balzer 2000 is the definition of high capacity. After all, what could be better than Fewer...
January TANKER 10,500
v 1.00 Downloads today1,837 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Fri, 01 Aug 2014 09:27:03 GMT in - OverloaderModelo 10500 12000 Capacidade 10.5 m 3 12 m 3 Carga Máxima 11500 Kg 13000 Kg Capacidade de Descarga (kg / min) 2400 (grãos) - 1000 (adubo) DIAMETRO Tubo 280 mm multiuso...