Annaburger HTS 29.06 Field Liner

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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so the Anna Burger is ready: D
At this point, ever thank you to the company Anna Burger, who has provided us with information material for this mod. : Thumbsup:

Mod Facts:
- Complete new building
- LED lighting
- washable
- Selectable indicator
- Volume: 55000 liters
- Moveable drawbar
- Fruits: chaff, grass_windrow, woodchips, wheat_windrow, barley_windrow, forage, silage, dryGrass_windrow
- Overcharge Mode (Only "X" button, then press the "O"!)

SP / MP / Dediserver Logfehler free!

Known bugs:
- In some fruits, the scraper floor does not move when overloading!
- Button O opens the tailgate of overcharging, it is but "pipe exit" in the Info window!

Should you still find bugs, so please write us in the corresponding support area!

This mod may not be offered on every page to download but please only ORIGINAL LEFT!

Support is ONLY through our FORUM!

Have fun with it!


Modell: [FSM]Atabogo / [FSM]Chefkoch
Textur: [FSM]Chefkoch
Script: Blacky_BPG, Xetros
Idee / Konzept: [FSM]Ossimann
Tester: [FSM]Team, SachsenLetsPlayer, Freasy, MacManus
Sonstige: -

  • 16 Aug 17:33
    Version 1.1

    ChangeLog v1.1
    - l10n Warnings entfernt
    - kleinere Bugfixes

  • 18 Mar 07:18
    Version 1.0


18.03 2016
Modhoster user rating
3.42 / 126 Votes


nach 123 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
10.1 MB 3072
16. 08 2016 3,072
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
10.1 MB 4642
18. 03 2016 4,642

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