
V 1.0 Multifruit mod for Farming Simulator 15

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The Po Valley - A large piece of flat land in Central Italy
On the map are 23 Fields must buy your 4 and meadows and forests that you own.
There are 10 points of sale where can deliver you thought about your products
Was installed
Water-Mod Trenke
Cows Sheep Chickens
Cattle fattening
The map has 6 fruits
All fruits can be stored on the farm
The PDA works on F9 and also the Farzeuge-reset is (Dealer)
Attention All fields are grubbed and squirted - even after the first harvest you need only grow and squirt
It was also a place Wennig kept free so that you can accommodate your placeable Obiekte.
The rot was abgestellt.Ansonsten is everything as it is in LS15.


Is required slurry manure mod

Modpack http://ul.to/p1yb0rwu for fruits

Also, I would like to thank
DDS Modding - Ronny
The gamblers Click

See for yourself what you could do more.
Wishes or suggestions as always to me by PN - will try to fulfill all when it comes.
MFG Walter
PS A word thing
As gamers we have our own Click TS3 address: 213202206102: 2500
if you want to play with us you are welcome to stop by

It may only be used in the original download link !!!!!

This map may not elsewhere uploaded or altered without permission.

It is forbidden to take things from the map and you as the items somewhere upload

It is to take Allows stuff from the map to incorporate them into a map and upload it-would be nice if I will mention

It May only be used the original download link !!



  • 01 Jan 19:24
    Version 1.0 Multifruit


checksum: 9c2c8e795fa34c2476e2933f0ff6a211
Version: 1.0 Multifruit
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Walter
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Poebene15
description in shop: Poebene15.

01.01 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.37 / 57 Votes


nach 51 Stimmen

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V 1.0 Multifruit
Farming Simulator 15
240 MB 22829
01. 01 2015 22,829

9 Comments for Poebene15

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  1. Hi demetzwalter, very nice map. I have been waiting for an italian map for some time. I have a problem when loading the pigs onto the Joskin livestock trailer the trailer disappears. I have tried to reset the trailer back to dealership but the trailer spawns in the adjacent field. When I try to attach the trailer to a tractor it causes the tractor to spawn inside the dealership. Apart from this I am really enjoying the map. Many thanks.

    1 replies

  2. Jagz 24. 02 2015

    love the map , yet where can i fill the spreader with lime /kalk . also where to get water ?

  3. ozgamer 08. 01 2015

    I love what you have done here, however the train station isn't working, which needs to be done, and the fact you have no starting fields. this needs to be addressed also. and maybe add some fruit types, like I suggested to you privately. 4/5 stars when you fix the aforementioned i'll give 5 stars, and yes I understand you are busy with real life and a lot of work goes into these maps, i'm getting ready to design my own map down the road apiece.
    cheers from oz

    1 replies

  4. tiag123 08. 01 2015

    Great map well detailed with large fields as I like the best we've seen so far for FS2015 however cause some errors in the logs when I try to buy some trailers and other equipment and blocks this equipment purchase:

    Error: Running LUA method 'mouseEvent'.
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(999) : bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table)
    … and more 8 errors in the same mouseevent

    I do not know if this is only happening to me but when I remove the map of the mods everything keeps going good

  5. okyesiwill 06. 01 2015

    thanks for sharing this map I like your maps

  6. SACAIA 04. 01 2015

    map just really nice that I can not download the pack as I do thank you all in advance

  7. 89cummins93 03. 01 2015

    cant cut the grass that is not in the fields

  8. patphil 02. 01 2015

    super map bien equiper jolie travail dommage pas de paille broyees qui reste sur le chaume

  9. DrRigo 02. 01 2015

    This link http://ul.to/p1yb0rwu for fruits does'nt work !!!
    Please give alternative !!!
