Userprofile of DrRigo
Member since 7 / 2014

Punkte: 24
Level 1
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About DrRigo

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  1. DrRigo 05. 01 2015

    Mod: Oberammergau Alps
    I have a problem with joskin betimax ... when I buy it ... it is floating in the sky, suggestions ?

  2. DrRigo 02. 01 2015

    Mod: Poebene15
    This link for fruits does'nt work !!!
    Please give alternative !!!

  3. DrRigo 26. 12 2014

    Mod: Franconia Map
    AI traffic and pedestrians are not working ? Or I have some mod conflicting ? Thanks for help !!!

  4. DrRigo 12. 09 2014

    Mod: Südhemmern on the Mittelland Canal
    Hallo GMCW,
    I have problems with onions and carrots ... I try to harvest with some mods downloaded from this site but the game crashes ... may you suggest a tested mod for your map ? Thanks, GG

  5. DrRigo 06. 09 2014

    Mod: Südhemmern on the Mittelland Canal
    Hallo GMCW,
    Great map, updates are very good and increase whole quality !!!
    But just a question ... there is no way to have a sort of compatibility of saves made ??on old map on this new map ?
    Aniway many thanks for your work !! GG

  6. DrRigo 19. 08 2014

    Mod: Südhemmern on the Mittelland Canal
    I apologize not knowing German, I have tried to use Google translate ... so please be patient on the quality of translation !!

    Hallo Gregor McWolf Ich entschuldige mich für nicht Deutsch zu wissen ... die Karte ist fast perfekt !!! Komplimente !!! Ich spiele für ca. 2 Tage (Spiel) ist ein Problem, in den Top-Listen erscheinen nur 12 Früchte, und wenn ich säen, zum Beispiel, Karotten in der Feldkarte wird nicht gesät ... es ist keine große Sache ... aber sicher jemand weiß, wie man mir helfen ...

    Tanks in advance, greetings from Italy, G

  7. DrRigo 14. 08 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    Yes and in my opinion works very well.

  8. DrRigo 02. 08 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    The map is superb and finally a map of my Romagna! My family is originally from Borghi and I was more than a little excited to play on a scenery so familiar! Thanks to the authors! Which I hope will want to enlarge the map to the sea! In that case I would propose as beta tester ...
    I'm playing for a few hours without any major problems ... everything seems to work properly without any major conflicts, although I play with about a hundred mods installed!

  9. DrRigo 29. 07 2014

    Mod: Porta Westfalica
    Wonderful map ! But I have a problem ... traffic does'nt work ... did someone know about conflicting mods ?

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