ye have no desire ever seen in abundance on their maps objects in your other maps ?
Well then this map might be something for you .
We try to do something new again .. yes To USA and Australia .. I unfortunately went the countries
with a similar as in agriculture from Europe , - )
So I thought once , but building an ancient village by ... An idiotic idea. ;-) Build every day 3-4 hours and
an angry woman at home .. that was the price :-)
But that 's just with stupid hobbies :-)
So please do not complain too much ;-)
OGF BAVARIA MAP / Schöffelding
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Map by : OGF - BernieSCS
Testing at : OGF - Old Grey
OGF - Fönix
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The village is in reality . Are ( there seems to be no more reality ;-)
Except for the BGA (which does not exist in this form) corresponds to the size of the village in the 80's .
I have not copied all the houses . The village was created to 70 % in the 1:1 size .
Since I was not the house & commercial construction - 'm professional, I hope you'll excuse me a few construction errors ;-)
There were nearly 100 new buildings and objects built .
We also hope that the new houses , professional modders motivate first ellen new properties and houses .
Are required:
Attention !
It is the latest Patch needed !
Suitable for : Single Player
Anzal fields : 27
Is Verotten : from
Construction time: 3 months
Map Status : Beta version . 1.0 On the map is weitergebaut.bzw even after editing it will be further increased
The version is played in each case. For version 2.0, I gladly take suggestions .
VII also towards the BuyableMod is published by the portal to murder there.
Rauf here I've been waiting impatiently .
Even if no one reads it , here are a few facts and a little description :
Datiegrösse : ca 300 Mb
Map details:
Number of courts : 3
BGA : Yes
Mixer Station: Yes
Pigs Mod: yes
Mod Water : yes
Feed stock: yes
Wash : Yes
Wool pallets Mod: Yes
Main Courtyard
Here you can keep cows and chickens.
It has two silos , a feed store , a Hofsilo , heinen dung heap and a manure pit available.
Water for the animals can be next to the barn , filling in the little blue silo.
sheep farm
Here you can keep sheep ;-)
Here the wool pallets mod was installed. This is located in the hall next to the barn / pasture
Feeding the sheep in the barn.
The ramp is adapted to the height of a semi-trailer .
Water for the sheep you can empty in grazing / HofRückseite
BGA / Mixer Station
In the BGA is the crocodile. This can be filled with the loader (default )
Including a BGA unloading it is also possible
eason with the suspension unloaded ..
The feed mixing station is the building on the BGA with 3 silos.
On the front page you can unload straw and grass with the loader wagon .
On the right side next to the little Enlademöglichkeit the silo for silage ( gegährt )
The switch is in the vicinity .
Is also still in the Ballenabladestation at the back. Here all the bales are accepted .
On the left side of the building is the filling .
The large Hofsilo
The new Hofsilo is located in the east, below the parsonage / church.
Unloading is on the front , loading on the back of the building
Dung and grass for sale
Can be found in the north of the map. The trigger is displayed in the PDA.
Country Trade & washer
The car wash has the typical functions. Only washes Washable mods.
Here is the catering sales . Is also quiet times in the restaurant purely ;-)
In the warehouse, there is the range of wool sales , seeds and Dünngetrigger .
Are there any niergendwo .
Rectory / trigger box purchase
All Veldkaufstrigger can be found in the rectory ( below the church )
The Schweinezuchthof located to the east of the village.
Middle of the courtyard : manure / dung / small blue silo for grain ect. and Wassser
In the stable you can then load the pigs.
HofRückseite : + silo entrance to the barn . Here the cows can be fed with grass .
Hofoberseite : Erdfruchtsilo .. for beets and potatoes .. Moreover, there is still a Grass stock.
pigs for sale
The pigs sell trigger is in the yard near the warehouse.
GATES and doors can be opened with "L" . or automatically go on ;-)
************************************************** ***************************
Credits for scripts and built objects :
Schweinemod : Marhu
WaterMod : Marhu
Conveyors : Marhu
Mixer Station: Marhu
Woolpaletcollector : Marhu
Level indicator : FSM team
Wash : Book Hauer
Food storage : Frisco0177
Door Trigger: Matzep ( for me the best there is)
ROADS : Atze1978
A grass texture : Marc85
Trees for sowing : Lila_Lion02
90 % of all items: BernieSCS
small detail objects : ?
We thank all the modders whose objects we have used and hope for your understanding that we
could not call each individually . Would like a modders are still listed, I invoke a message .
We bring to the course . We have no interest in any of these Modklau .
The map released by us exclusively at Modhoster . Would be nice if someone would consider .
The map may be found on any other pages for download .
Creates a share for the objects has BernieSCS there will not be released for public use .
The objects are only for the OGF - Bavaria - Map .. ( Built are also too sloppy to you separately identify available to the public , - )
So that's now ...
Hope you have fun with our latest map :-)
lg BernieSCS
Schweinemod : MarhuWaterMod : Marhu
Förderbänder : Marhu
Futtermischstation : Marhu
Woolpaletcollector : Marhu
Füllstandanzeige : FSM Team
Waschanlage : Buchhauer
Futterlager : Frisco0177
Doortrigger : Matzep ( für mich der Beste den es gibt )
STRASSEN : Atze1978
Eine Grastextur : Marc85
Bäume zum Sähen : Lila_Lion02
09 Mar 10:43Version 2.0
Hallo Zusammen,
entgegen meiner Ankündigung im WIP Bereich, stelle ich
euch die Map V2 Heute schon zur Verfügung.
( werd bald kein Internet mehr haben, da ich umziehe )Die Map wurde mehrfach auf Funktion getestet.
Leider konnten wir die Performancetests jetzt nicht zu 100%
Wäre schön wenn Ihr das jetzt mal übernimmt. ( Feedback erwünscht )
Theoretisch sollte man die Map auch mit einem etwas kleineren PC spielen können.
Übernehme hierfür aber keine Garantie.
Hab die Map echt ausgereitzt.D.h. wer einen starken PC hat ist somit klar im Vorteil ;-)
Möchte mich auch ersteinmal bei GHOST78 für seine Tests bedanken.
Du warst eine riesen Hilfe ;-)
-----------------------------------------------------------------Zu den Funktionen :
Im südlichen Bereich der Map ( Dorf Schöffelding ) hat sich ncihts geändert.
Lediglich wurden ein paar Fehler behoben.Der neue nördliche Teil ( in der PDA durch die rot gestrichelte Line getrennt )
bietet einige neue Möglichkeiten.FELDERKAUF :
Den Feldverkauf im südlichen Teil, findet Ihr nach wie vor im Pfarrhof
Den Feldverkauf im nördlichen Teil, findet Ihr in der Felderverwaltung.TEXTUREN :
Es wurden neue Texturen verbaut einige sind von mir und einige aus dem Forgotten Plants Texture Pack
von EribusHALLENKRAN :
Der Hallenkran von Alex 2009 wurde verbaut. Herzlichen Dank für die Genehmigung
Wurde auch verbaut ..von Tj87FEUERWEHRFAHRZEUGE
-------------------von CubusSollte ich noch irgend einen Modder vergessen haben, bitte ich um eine kurze Nachricht.
Werde euch sofort in die Credits aufnehmen.WICHTIG :
Ihr braucht den neusten Patch 2 Punkt schlag mich Tod.So und den Rest müsst Ihr selbst testen :-)
Lg BernieSCS
09 Mar 10:27Version 1.0
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years
by BernieSCS
ago over 11 years -
by PittMosh
ago over 11 years -
by Tom75
ago over 11 years -
by PittMosh
ago over 11 years -
by PittMosh
ago over 11 years
checksum: | e009efd7a264a84ba307936fa147a5fc |
Version: | 2.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | BernieSCS |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | OGF_BAYERN_MAP |
description in shop: | OGF_BAYERN_MAP |
14 Comments for OGF BAVARIA MAP
Someone can help me ? I don't know how can I buy field if is on auction. If i not have "pig mode" can i buy pig's in shop ?
Hi, thanks for the map, it is very funny. I have a problem with the new seeds such as sunflower and others. When I pass the drill does not work for fields and controls of the tractor or machine to use stop working. Conventional seeds like wheat or barley if they work. Leave a video to make it more visual. Can you help?
Hallo, danke für die Karte, es ist sehr lustig. Ich habe ein Problem mit den neuen Samen wie Sonnenblumen und andere. Als ich weitergeben der Bohrer nicht für Felder und Steuerelemente des Traktors oder Maschine zu funktionieren verwenden zu arbeiten. Konventionellem Saatgut wie Weizen oder Gerste, wenn sie arbeiten. Lassen Sie eine Video es mehr visuelle zu machen. Können Sie helfen?
Hallo an alle
Haben Sie ein Problem mit dem Wasser und geben die Kühe im Stall.!
Habe mehrmals versucht und mit verschiedenen Wasserwagen .! Es ist in der Scheune an der einen blauen Mini-Tank in der Werkstatt.! Wha mache ich falsch.?
Nichts kommt, wenn ich in der Nähe bin und füllen sie auf.?
Ist Däne und ist nicht richtig gut an und schreiben Deutsch, so ist es mit der Hilfe von Google.
This is the best map I have ever seen. Since two week I tried to feed the cows to get Milk, Liquid Manure and Manure. I translated some of the comments to English as I do not know German Language. I found out that I have to feed the cows "Grass". Could you please give me more explanations about cows production. Thank you very much.
Is it possible a version with the manure and lime mod installed will be released? anyone with a private edit?
hello, with what trailer can i load the mixed ration at the BGA?
love this map there are lots to do but I keep getting lost ?? is there going to be a English version as I find it hard to read all the signs
it is a nice map :) but i cant find the place station. Where is it?
How do I change the value of pig at butchers. 3 is very low per pig as so much work goes into them. (75 euros for one trip)Thanks in advance
Very nice always, really enjoyable scenery, I can understand the size of the zip file seeing all the details..and hearing all the details :)
A bit hard to understand everything since all my knowledge of the german language comes from LS, but I`ll get :D
Thank you for another great map in the OGF series Bernie :)
This is a super map the level of detail is fantastic and still I get 60 fps, the only thing I did for my self was move the cows to the milking robot I just couldn't make the mental jump having them on the opposite side of the map. I'd like to give this one a 100% but don't see how if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all your hard work.
hi BernieSCS ich wollte fragen woher hast du den tollen MB-trac her bitte antworte mir danke im vorraus
Hello well so start the farming on your great map, when that is said, so there are some errors, grafik, log as you can see at some off the pic, the texture when working on field, looks wrong, it should go the same way as you drive.but that not the case, there is grass in a street, do not know if this is on purpse or not but i have the graas or weed in fields too and i can not remove it when cutivating over it?,
but i really like this map, no oversize fields and good looking when drive though the map. thx for sharing your work and br joe dk ;)
hello, beautiful map, too bad that the cows are not real, you can not have cows in a map so beautiful.