Hi, thanks for the map, it is very funny. I have a problem with the new seeds such as sunflower and others. When I pass the drill does not work for fields and controls of the tractor or machine to use stop working. Conventional seeds like wheat or barley if they work. Leave a video to make it more visual. Can you help?
Hallo, danke für die Karte, es ist sehr lustig. Ich habe ein Problem mit den neuen Samen wie Sonnenblumen und andere. Als ich weitergeben der Bohrer nicht für Felder und Steuerelemente des Traktors oder Maschine zu funktionieren verwenden zu arbeiten. Konventionellem Saatgut wie Weizen oder Gerste, wenn sie arbeiten. Lassen Sie eine Video es mehr visuelle zu machen. Können Sie helfen?
Hallo an alle
Haben Sie ein Problem mit dem Wasser und geben die Kühe im Stall.!
Habe mehrmals versucht und mit verschiedenen Wasserwagen .! Es ist in der Scheune an der einen blauen Mini-Tank in der Werkstatt.! Wha mache ich falsch.?
Nichts kommt, wenn ich in der Nähe bin und füllen sie auf.?
Ist Däne und ist nicht richtig gut an und schreiben Deutsch, so ist es mit der Hilfe von Google.
This is the best map I have ever seen. Since two week I tried to feed the cows to get Milk, Liquid Manure and Manure. I translated some of the comments to English as I do not know German Language. I found out that I have to feed the cows "Grass". Could you please give me more explanations about cows production. Thank you very much.
Very nice map..as always, really enjoyable scenery, I can understand the size of the zip file seeing all the details..and hearing all the details :)
A bit hard to understand everything since all my knowledge of the german language comes from LS, but I`ll get there..lol :D
Thank you for another great map in the OGF series Bernie :)
This is a super map the level of detail is fantastic and still I get 60 fps, the only thing I did for my self was move the cows to the milking robot I just couldn't make the mental jump having them on the opposite side of the map. I'd like to give this one a 100% but don't see how if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all your hard work.
Hello well so start the farming on your great map, when that is said, so there are some errors, grafik, log clean.so as you can see at some off the pic, the texture when working on field, looks wrong, it should go the same way as you drive.but that not the case, there is grass in a street, do not know if this is on purpse or not but i have the graas or weed in fields too and i can not remove it when cutivating over it?,
but i really like this map, no oversize fields and good looking when drive though the map. thx for sharing your work and br joe dk ;)
14 Comments for OGF BAVARIA MAP
Someone can help me ? I don't know how can I buy field if is on auction. If i not have "pig mode" can i buy pig's in shop ?
Hi, thanks for the map, it is very funny. I have a problem with the new seeds such as sunflower and others. When I pass the drill does not work for fields and controls of the tractor or machine to use stop working. Conventional seeds like wheat or barley if they work. Leave a video to make it more visual. Can you help?
Hallo, danke für die Karte, es ist sehr lustig. Ich habe ein Problem mit den neuen Samen wie Sonnenblumen und andere. Als ich weitergeben der Bohrer nicht für Felder und Steuerelemente des Traktors oder Maschine zu funktionieren verwenden zu arbeiten. Konventionellem Saatgut wie Weizen oder Gerste, wenn sie arbeiten. Lassen Sie eine Video es mehr visuelle zu machen. Können Sie helfen?
Hallo an alle
Haben Sie ein Problem mit dem Wasser und geben die Kühe im Stall.!
Habe mehrmals versucht und mit verschiedenen Wasserwagen .! Es ist in der Scheune an der einen blauen Mini-Tank in der Werkstatt.! Wha mache ich falsch.?
Nichts kommt, wenn ich in der Nähe bin und füllen sie auf.?
Ist Däne und ist nicht richtig gut an und schreiben Deutsch, so ist es mit der Hilfe von Google.
This is the best map I have ever seen. Since two week I tried to feed the cows to get Milk, Liquid Manure and Manure. I translated some of the comments to English as I do not know German Language. I found out that I have to feed the cows "Grass". Could you please give me more explanations about cows production. Thank you very much.
Is it possible a version with the manure and lime mod installed will be released? anyone with a private edit?
hello, with what trailer can i load the mixed ration at the BGA?
love this map there are lots to do but I keep getting lost ?? is there going to be a English version as I find it hard to read all the signs
it is a nice map :) but i cant find the place station. Where is it?
How do I change the value of pig at butchers. 3 is very low per pig as so much work goes into them. (75 euros for one trip)Thanks in advance
Very nice map..as always, really enjoyable scenery, I can understand the size of the zip file seeing all the details..and hearing all the details :)
A bit hard to understand everything since all my knowledge of the german language comes from LS, but I`ll get there..lol :D
Thank you for another great map in the OGF series Bernie :)
This is a super map the level of detail is fantastic and still I get 60 fps, the only thing I did for my self was move the cows to the milking robot I just couldn't make the mental jump having them on the opposite side of the map. I'd like to give this one a 100% but don't see how if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all your hard work.
hi BernieSCS ich wollte fragen woher hast du den tollen MB-trac her bitte antworte mir danke im vorraus
Hello well so start the farming on your great map, when that is said, so there are some errors, grafik, log clean.so as you can see at some off the pic, the texture when working on field, looks wrong, it should go the same way as you drive.but that not the case, there is grass in a street, do not know if this is on purpse or not but i have the graas or weed in fields too and i can not remove it when cutivating over it?,
but i really like this map, no oversize fields and good looking when drive though the map. thx for sharing your work and br joe dk ;)
hello, beautiful map, too bad that the cows are not real, you can not have cows in a map so beautiful.