Great Western Farms

V 3.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Great Western Farms is my first map. It is a American Style map based on a farm in Central Kansas and features Chopped Straw, Marhu's Water Mod, Multifruit, Dirt and Terrain, Damage Mod, Hardpoint, and more! It also contains most of the fun stuff Farmer Andy made including the MixMaster2, the Seedmaster, the Potato Washer and Steamer, Greanhouses, Composting, the BeetMaster2, and so on. 

There is beef fatening on the map, the starting vehicles have been upgraded and the starting money is way higher than most maps. You have chickens, cows, and pigs as well. 

Thanks to all the modders out there for the models and scripts they make. This project would not be possible without them.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to Stevie at Farm Simulator Mods for all his help and advice on this map as well. The map started with his starter map and he really helped with some of the more technical stuff. 


Models: Giants, Stevie, Farmer Andy, Marhu, GoldFox, and so many more!
Idea / Concept: Chris, L and C Gaming

  • 20 Aug 02:01
    Version 3.2

    Fixed Fattening barn triggers
    Added storage for Compost
    Added a secret bridge. You gotta go find it!

  • 03 Aug 20:40
    Version 3

    Added signs to dairy
    Added traffic
    Added Pedestrians
    Added pallet moves at great houses, cherry orchard, and sawmill
    Fixed log sale trigger at lumber yard.
    Added a pond near the Garden Center
    Added some decorative items around the map.

  • 27 Jul 20:30
    Version 2.2

    Added belts and cover to feed storage area.
    Fixed collision on several objects.
    Corrected issue with pigs and beef not showing up in the store.
    Adjusted triggers in feed storage area.
    Added a few signs around map.

  • 21 Jul 21:25
    Version 2.0


checksum: 3dadf354b10e4afcbf200aa24e78cf6a
Version: 3.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Farmer_Andy, Script: Marhu
price in shop: 25000 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

21.07 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.52 / 23 Votes


nach 25 Stimmen

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V 3.2
Farming Simulator 15
953 MB 7820
20. 08 2016 7,820
V 3
Farming Simulator 15
949 MB 2796
03. 08 2016 2,796
V 2.2
Farming Simulator 15
928 MB 3168
27. 07 2016 3,168
1 ältere Versionen

19 Comments for Great Western Farms

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  1. LadyDracul 09. 07 2021

    Ok, lol, die Futtermischstation hab ich schon lange gefunden - aber das Güllelage ( Liquid Manure ) finde ich ums Verrecken nicht! HILFE BITTE! PLEASE HELP!

  2. Ceram 03. 03 2017


    I miss Great Western Farms in FS 17! Are you considering convert the FS15 version?

  3. Wondernut 05. 02 2017

    Do you have any plans to make a 2017 version?

  4. hello .... the lumber mill do not know how to start the tool .... I deposit the full logs but do not know how empty it .... how should I do? if you could answer me as soon as possible thanks ... ps (google translate)

    1 replies

  5. Hey thanks for this great map. I appreciate your work very.
    But i have 1 problem, i can´t find any palce to store Woodchips. please help me.

  6. scania_dragon 28. 07 2016

    Hallo Comm, hallo LandCGaming!

    Auch in der v2.2 sind immer noch Fehler:
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'voll' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'compost' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Rohstoffe' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Produkte' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Wasser' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Wasser' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Diesel' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Rohstoffe' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Produkte' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Saatgut' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Wasser' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Dungemittel' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Diesel' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Rohstoffe' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Produkte' in mod 'GreatWesternFarms'. Ignoring this defintion.

    Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms/imported/TMRStorageBins/TMR_Sign/sign.png raw format.
    Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms/imported/TMRStorageBins/Straw_Sign/sign.png raw format.
    Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms/imported/TMRStorageBins/Silage_Sign/sign.png raw format.
    Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms/imported/TMRStorageBins/Grass_Sign/sign.png raw format.

    nimationMapTrigger - Warning: SoundFile couldn't be found C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms/map/sounds/click.wav

    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms//huds/beefHUD.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/owner/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GreatWesternFarms//huds/pigHUD.png'.

    Bitte wirklich mal fixen, Please fix it really.

  7. Moltofill 26. 07 2016

    the field 45° angle from the planting textures (ploughing, cultivating) east/west or west/east are wrong. It should be 90°. Yes i have the graphic at very high setting.

    1 replies

  8. Moltofill 25. 07 2016

    Cows get stuck at the watertrough

  9. dcrosco 24. 07 2016

    Hi thanks for the great map. I really do not like when people ***** about mods/maps that people put out for us to use. These people are b i t c h s and r e t a r d s. Enjoy the maps/mods you don t like stop playing with them or people will stop giving them out.

  10. Steyrman 23. 07 2016

    Thank you for that good map. But I wish, that the map have more decorations, because the map looks bleak. Why is the file so big? Other maps have more objects, but the size of their files are smaller. But All in All the map is great, because of the objects with marhu's factorie script and other stuff.

  11. Messer7 23. 07 2016

    Good morning! This looks like an excellent map. I have downloaded this map twice and installed it in my "mods" folder, but it does not appear when I attempt to create the map in the game. Have others had this issue? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    1 replies

  12. F208 23. 07 2016

    Hallo kann mir einer sagen wie ich aus dem Hofsilo Getreide entnehmen

    Hello can someone tell how I can load grain from the Farmsilo

    1 replies

  13. gubmentcheese 23. 07 2016

    In American farms you are not going to see farm yards with brick paver blocks. Most farm yards are dirt with main areas maybe having some gravel but not much. Also you will not see any hedge rows or hedges used as fencing.

    1 replies

  14. lws fan 22. 07 2016

    why is the "" in the file?

    1 replies

  15. Krize86 22. 07 2016

    Could someone please post a Overview screenshot of the map ? I dont get it why Modders don't upload one ....

    1 replies

  16. Moltofill 22. 07 2016


    soundfile click.wav can not be found. wrong link or missing soundFile

  17. Moltofill 22. 07 2016

    very good map

    but i found few issues

    oat has rye
    and soybean has sorghum texture when harvesting

    samplemod.lua has wrong link for beef and pigHud. the backslash is wrong

    map can not load and textures. missing textures or links are wrong

    1 replies

  18. nobbiho 22. 07 2016

    5 of 5 stars just what is missing some life on the map (traffic and people on the street)
    Thanks for the Mod Map

    1 replies

  19. Bulletcelle 22. 07 2016

    for your First map is the map ok . will testing und gute you a comment
