Member since 9 / 2011
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Mod: Holmfarming US
Schöne Arbeit, aber für zukünftige Referenz für irgendwelche Kartenhersteller in den europäischen Ländern, die eine USA-Artkarte hier machen möchten, sind einige nützliche Spitzen.
1. Amerikanische Farmhöfe NICHT haben Pflastersteine ??oder Pflaster. Die meisten Bauernhöfe sind Schmutzfläche mit vielleicht ein wenig Kies in der Nähe Eingänge zu Werkzeug-Schuppen und fahren Weg Eingänge. 2. Bauernhöfe in den USA sind nicht umgeben, als ob es eine Verbindung oder Festung ist. Sie werden nicht sehen, eine Farm von Ziegel-und Mörtel Zäune oder Hecke Reihen umgeben und normalerweise würden Sie nicht sehen Eingangstore entweder. Ich bin nicht in irgendeiner Weise beleidigt die Arbeit, die Sie getan haben, noch bin ich beleidigt das Layout der europäischen Hofhöfen. Wie ich gerne lernen, wie die Landwirtschaft in verschiedenen Regionen unterschiedlich ist. Sein gerechtes nicht ein gutes Design oder kosteneffektiv hier in den Zuständen, zum des europäischen Bauernhofyardentwurfs hier zu haben. Wenn im Zweifel Google US Farms oder US-Hof Hof Layouts. Ich hoffe, diese Tipps helfen Map Maker auf der ganzen Welt, wenn sie eine US-Farm-Karte machen wollen. Wenn Sie eine grundlegende Layout-Idee sehen möchten, ist dies eine britische Karte, die ich bearbeitet, um American für FS 2015 aussehen. Http:// Amerikanisch-bearbeiten /
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen und ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg!
Gubment Käse
Nice work, but for future reference for any map makers in European countries who wish to make a USA style map here are some useful tips.
1. American farm yards DO NOT have pavers or pavement. Most farm yards are dirt surface with maybe a little gravel near entrances to tool sheds and drive way entrances. 2. Farms in the USA are not surrounded as if it is a compound or fortress. You will not see a farm surrounded by brick and mortar fences or hedge rows and normally you would not see entrance gates either. I am not in any way insulting the work that you have done nor am I insulting the layout of European farm yards. As I like learning how farming is different in different regions. Its just not a good design or cost effective here in the states to have the European farm yard design here. If in doubt Google US Farms or US farm yard layouts. I hope these tips will help map makers around the world when they want to make a US farm map. If you would like to see a basic layout idea this is a british map that I edited to look American for FS 2015.
Thanks for your efforts and I wish you continued success!
Gubment Cheese
Mod: Great Western Farms
In American farms you are not going to see farm yards with brick paver blocks. Most farm yards are dirt with main areas maybe having some gravel but not much. Also you will not see any hedge rows or hedges used as fencing.
Mod: modDescriptor
Black Panther, right click on the zip file and select properties. Then scroll to bottom of properties list and click unblock. I had the same problem until I did this. Now it seems to work after you unzip the file. Hope that helps you.
Mod: Hagenstedt USA
Not to be a critic as I am sure it is a nice map. But just to let you know for future reference for any map you wish to create with an American style theme. American farm yards do not have brick pavers or paved yard areas. Most of the time it is just dirt and or gravel. Gravel would mostly be used on driveways and trails in the farmyard frequently used or placed near the entrance point to sheds. While the pavers do look nice it is a European style not used in America. I hope that helps.
Mod: US trailers
I actually worked for this company in the late 80's. It's full name is Wabash National. I helped to build trailers similar to this and other designs. The company headquarters and manufacturing sites are located in Lafayette, Indiana U.S.A.
Mod: Old plow with metal wheels
I believe the credit for this mod goes to peterj over at lsuk. I believe it was originally made for LS 2009, then converted to 2011.
Mod: IH Disc
The description should read the following:
This disc is a reskin of the Fortschritt BTDT 3. It is very good for small to medium fields. I hope you like the reskin.
I don't know who this sgtholder person is, but he is taking credit for a mod that is not his! The proper credits are as follows:
Modders: Zoleee11 and (surciHUN)
Reskin:Gubment Cheese