FsIX - Farming Shop Inventory Fixer

V 0.91(beta) mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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v0.91(beta) updated to work with ProFarm (hopefully). What can this mod be used for? ----------------------------- Many times, both newcomers and old players ask questions like; - How to change the price of mods? (Usually to get more realistic prices) - How can I place my new trailer-mod in the Farming Shop trailers section? (Due to the mods section being filled with too many items) The FsIX is an attempt to solve this, without messing with modDesc.XML files. How to use it? ------------- Place the FsIX zip-file in the mods folder, and start a singleplayer game. ONLY _SINGLEPLAYER_ HAVE BEEN TESTED TO WORK! IT IS A BETA VERSION! Enter a vehicle, and you will see in the helpbox, that the "FsIX:Laptop" can be activated (and deactivated) by pressing key ALT+R. You might want to hide the helpbox (key F1) and if you're using it, the Inspector mod (key ALT+A), so their texts do not clutter the view. Once the FsIX laptop have been activated, a small "Farming Shop unofficial Administration Terminal" overlay is shown. Use the mouse to scroll through shop items, and change their section and price to your liking. Every change is instantly applied to the Farming Shop, for this game-session. When satisfied with the changes, save them, so next time you start a game, you won't have to go through all that again, and can just load them back in. There is an option to have the FsIX auto-load your changes when starting a map, so you dont need to go into FsIX and manually load. Mark the checkbox and save. To see if it worked, quit to desktop, go into LS11 again, and start your savegame (or a new career). Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script: Decker



  • 01 Sep 00:54
    Version 0.91(beta)


checksum: 3ddac511e29bcfba3454b28ee6bafd73
Version: 0.91(beta)
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Decker
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

01.09 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.63 / 67 Votes


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V 0.91(beta)
Farming Simulator 2011
101 KB 14086
01. 09 2011 14,086

4 Comments for FsIX - Farming Shop Inventory Fixer

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  1. Bauer 1895 15. 10 2011

    Super tool. Funzt perferkt.

  2. Tig 01. 09 2011

    Ein toller Mod
    THX m8 for doing this good mod!

  3. ihc844 01. 09 2011

    jo wer ich mal testen :)

  4. Ich find den Mod absolute Klasse!
