FSH modding map

V 5.0 mod for Farming Simulator 22

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I got permission from FSH modding as a map uploader, this is a particularly well done map, I just reloaded it. There are 4 animals in it, I put down more factories than the wood industry department, a season mask has been placed, it is worth selling 6 items in it. landscaping works, there are trees and bushes in it and even vines just need to be laid down.
trees that I could replace colors change from spring to fall and winter. I tried to keep the map style of farming 15.67 There is land on the map, it can be bought, there are no quests. Thanks a lot to FSH modding for everything I could share with you. Good game added! Good harvest! unzip me, unzip the 2 zip files to the mods folder for the map to work perfectly.


Bala, Szmate, Pali97, Bazsiremap

  • 06 Jan 12:18
    Version 5.0


06.01 2022
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V 5.0
Farming Simulator 22
23.6 MB 819
06. 01 2022 819

3 Comments for FSH modding map

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  1. huetti 09. 01 2022

    wo bekommt man die MAp denn her??

  2. Wollte nur erwähnen hier ist der original link zur Map: farmingsimulator19mods und du hast ein kuhstal hochgeladen
    Schön von Google übersetzten zu lassen :-D

  3. ich&du 06. 01 2022

    leider ist das ein Kuhstall und keine Map
