Download download Mod 'Westbridge Forest'

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14 Comments for Westbridge Forest

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  1. sunscooter 26. 01 2015

    Hey, John666, great job on this map, I love it!

    A couple things I'd like to ask.

    I recently got into beef fattening. The prices for beef and pig don't show up on my pda. When I take a trailer full of beef to the meat place, I unload the trailer, but my bank account doesn't change. Do you know why this is happening and how I can fix it?

    Also, where on the map can you sell slurry?


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  2. Uncle_Orion 12. 01 2015

    Nice map, but what doi i feed the chicken? It says grain, but wheat and barley cant be fed.

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  3. Mojodishu 29. 12 2014

    Can't install it anymore. Downloading zip, copy it to mod folder, does'nt show in options-mods. However all my keybindings get shot to h*ll.
    Do i need to unpack it first?

    1 replies

  4. Nebular 18. 12 2014

    First off, I love the map and have spent many hours on it. Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, I have experienced the problem with the game crash on certain keystrokes.

    I am running FS15 with update 1.2 installed. For testing purposes, I have no other mods in the folder except

    The game will crash the moment I press J,K,M or N key and the log gets flooded with:
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(931) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)

    For now, I try to keep from pressing those keys and the map runs fine.

    1 replies

  5. poparajasmin 18. 12 2014

    Can somebody please tell me the name (link) to the yellow truck and trailers in the pictures? much appreciated :)
    Very good map i enjoy it :D

    1 replies

  6. megamadgamer 18. 12 2014

    Dear Uploader, In response to the N-M-J-K keystroke issue's I have the following error messege from my game log.

    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(931) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)

    I hope this will be helpfull in finding a solution in any way, as I do enjoy this mod quite allot!

    1 replies

  7. hvbj 18. 12 2014

    What about the milk? I can't load the milk. The status tells me there is milk, but when I pull up to the milktank its says 0%. So I can't load it. and does the milktruck work?

    1 replies

  8. brandjuh 16. 12 2014

    I really live and like the mod, but its annoying that some triggers don;t work.

    e.g Woodchips, grass, straw and forage silo trigger. I can fill it up, but I can not load the trailers with it.

    1 replies

  9. Sheathanaich 13. 12 2014

    Ah, my favourite American map is back. Nice additions for version 2. I'm more of a cut/swath/bale type of man, but I'll eventually get used to these new fanged futterlagers.
    Yard has great functionality, with separate working environs.
    I see you have kept the faith with mid-sized machinery and not loaded the map with everything but the kitchen sink. The one starting field albeit a biggish one gives the player something to aspire with the map...Kudos for that. I do sincerely hope you will continue to add to this gem of an American map.... Water mod/GMK mod/Straw mod(Although this is quite easy to install by the end user).

    Fantastic map, John666, Kudos and 5*


  10. thecad 13. 12 2014

    Map is getting better and better. There is however some floating straw at the straw barn that is at the main farm. Tried to get a screenshot for you but it wouldn't take.

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  11. is anyone else having trouble with using auto tractor and combine on this map?

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  12. Mojodishu 08. 12 2014

    56 hours played on this map, i really love it. sofar have'nt found any problems. But i do have some suggestions.

    1 as Morgan pointed out, the lamp at silo's. either move them up higher or remove them. trailers get stuck often.

    2: a extra touch,some lamps in ceiling at the woodchip/beet/tatoes area, both sides. could be cool for the late night harvest's
    3 some minor issues with some floating tree's in the new forest between field 17 and the diner.

    perhaps work on a way to relocate sheep to the cow area so animals are gathered one point. Could be done by using the field just below cow pasture for sheep and make the drivethrough shed next to foodstorage into woolpallet storage (hoping for a woolpallettecollector some day )

    are you working on any update, really hope you do, this is a awesome map

  13. jhome 26. 11 2014

    Anyone having trouble with the woodchips conveyor at the farm? I've tried a few different trailers and can't get any of them to load. Thanks!

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  14. Sheathanaich 20. 11 2014

    Now then, the first really good map of Westbridge with logging..and it's a gem. But time to get radical. If I may suggest to make this a real two industry map where some could farm and others at the same time really get into logging, I would turn over field 3 to logging also extend this site southwards replacing the campsite and the outdoor cinema again with logs plus at least half of field 12. There would still be enough acreage to satisfy the farming side, but you have then added huge amount of logging as well, including what you have already done...Now that would be a premium multi purpose MP map and also great for single player. More technically I would also love to see the straw mod added for farming diversity. Well you did ask for input!!

    5* map easy....

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