Userprofile of Nebular
Member since 4 / 2014

Punkte: 4
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: Jeff Age & Gender: 61 m City: Miami Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Nebular

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  1. Nebular 19. 12 2014

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    John666, I cleared the key inputs and the problem went away. However, when I put my mods back into the mods folder, the problem came back. So, I added the bindings listed above and now everything is running just fine.

    1 replies

  2. Nebular 18. 12 2014

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    First off, I love the map and have spent many hours on it. Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, I have experienced the problem with the game crash on certain keystrokes.

    I am running FS15 with update 1.2 installed. For testing purposes, I have no other mods in the folder except

    The game will crash the moment I press J,K,M or N key and the log gets flooded with:
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(931) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)

    For now, I try to keep from pressing those keys and the map runs fine.

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