Member since 1 / 2015
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Mod: California Central Valley
Great map altho the pda map is off , most spots on the pda are not even close to the place on the map. Hope this gets fixed. I love this map.
Mod: Never_Land
Nice map, but is there a way to sell grass/straw?
Mod: Kernstadt 2017 Multifruit
Hi again, still playing this great map, but i have a few things i cant understand, how to make seeds, and how to make bread (brot), cheese and sugar? Thanks again for making this awsome map.
Mod: Kernstadt 2017 Multifruit
To make bread, you need flour from the mill, as well as sunflowers (kernels) from the field. You can produce seed in the factory for seed. For this you need grain and fertilizer. The factory is located in the entrance to the freight station.
To be able to produce sugar, you must bring sugar beet to the sugar plant. Empty pallets are also required. These are available at the factory for empty pallets.
Mod: Kernstadt 2017 Multifruit
How can i make empthy pallets? , <3 map just dont know how ;)
Mod: Kernstadt 2017 Multifruit
Fantastic map, very happy with it, just a little hard to figure out how to make all items on map. But that will come in time i guess, perfect map, thanks alot.
Mod: Westbridge Hills flat map
Also the straw from pigs dont count up , i put a load in there , games says no "0" straw is in there, what can i do?
Mod: Westbridge Hills flat map
There seems to be a problem at the 3rd BGA lane, it puts a white cover on it, but it cant go off anymore. I had to manually edit the vehicle xml to open the blanket. Great map so far.
Mod: Ringwoods
How do people get the milk out of the Milk Max v2 machine?
Mod: Westbrigde Farm
maybe a silly question, but where do i get fuel for the machines? I wanna fill up the main farm with gasoline.
Mod: Fliegl Transport Pack
Very nice truck, just cant fill it up from my farm silo. Maybe the load trigger is wrong?
Mod: The Beast heavy duty wood chippers
Awsome, thank you for making this great thing!
Mod: Green River
again nice map, sawmill for woodpallets is not in use, you can dump stuff in it, but thats it, no selling point for logs.
Mod: Bjornelux
Leuk dat je weer een update hebt aan dit mooie mappie, alleen jammer dat ik alleen van grote velden hou ;) Love you mattie. Misschien in de toekomst wat grotere velde?
Its a nice looking map, altho most of your guys maps have so little sell points it will get very quick boring, i drove arround and saw 2 selling points for grains, these 2 selling points have the exact same prices they offer for crops. So you never have to worry on where to bring stuff since its the same price. Seen this at 3 or more maps from Ls. Maybe its time to open more shops? :)
Mod: Kernstadt2015 edition Alf
Nice big fields, love it, decoration can be made later, now it looks nice , well atleast for me, i love big fields like this. Thanks
Mod: Riverside
Yeah nice map, well done sir, just a few thigs missing, and some terrible grass texture arround the fields, but still a very well made map.
Mod: Bjornelux
Sick map, love the surrounding, hope some day you will do this with the westbridge map aswel, love huge fields :)
Mod: Farming Island
Nice map, but how to buy lambs and so? :)
Mod: Ossie Map
Very great map, just to bad that we start with all fields, editting them with save edittor doesnt work eighter, because even if we buy a field, it says we dont own that field (yeah the number on the field says we do), but we cannot work on it.
Mod: Volkshill
Hello just started playing on this map, and have 2 questions, 1 where is the place to hand in the gold coins, and 2. where i can load chalk? Ive been to most factorys but i cant load it somehow. This map is fantastic. I love playing on it.
Mod: American Farmland
Nice map, but on some fields the buy trigger is high in air, so we cannot buy these fields.
Mod: Westbridge Forest
ow, i got 150 cows, and 28,000 milk in the tank, just doesnt empthy :)
Mod: Westbridge Forest
Yeah finally got it working , back to business. :D awsome map as always 5x5 stars :) Just 2 questions tho, How to pick up the milk from the cow tank, and how to make biodiesel? I tried to unload milk but seems to not get a trigger. The biodiesel i have zero idea off never saw this mod.
Mod: Westbridge Forest
I have no idea i have changed nothing since you released the v4.1 (The 4.0 however worked perfectly).
Mod: Westbridge Forest
We cannot sell silage , it stays just in the dispensers.
Mod: Westbridge
There is a sign in the village , go in that barn with the big door and buy them there.
Mod: Westbridge Forest
Well i got 50 tons in the dispenser, for like 12 hours. It doesnt eat it like it counter stays at 50,000.
Mod: Westbridge Forest
Updated the map to 4.1 but now the biogass plant is bugged, i can place silage in the dispenser but thats about it, no silage goes out there, it just doesnt work anymore, maybe change the v3 road graphics to ;) To bad, it was a great map.
Mod: My First Map
A few more selling points and it would be a wet dream :P
Mod: Papenburg
Same here, map doesnt even load. 15 minutes same ... Loading..
Mod: Volksholm
This map doesnt start, sad realy wanted to play this.
Mod: Bjornelux
Thanks alot for this great upgrate, i will start a complete new world with this. Great work, great map, great news :)
Mod: Telescopic loader bucket
Epic! Was looking for one for days, thanks.
Mod: Westbridge Forest
Nice map, but what doi i feed the chicken? It says grain, but wheat and barley cant be fed.
Mod: Bjornelux
Yeah my pc is very upto date, I have found the problem tho, its in the map folder , foliages, the grass windrow difuse file that was standard in this map caused the issue here, i have changed it and problem solved!! :) Now time to expl,ore this map, and thx alot from Holland :)
Mod: Bjornelux
when i start mowing with any mower, the grass that lays on the floor right after mowing. before windrowing it, looks like purple with flashing lights in it.
Mod: Bjornelux
Nice map, very nice map, altho the mowed grass looks very terrible, Is there a chance this can be placed to original? Now its looks really static.