Userprofile of ama299
Member since 3 / 2015

Punkte: 23
Level 1
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About ama299

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  1. ama299 12. 04 2015

    Mod: Farming Island
    I had to walk up to the doors for the trigger to show up. Really neat map

  2. ama299 12. 04 2015

    Mod: Farming Island
    The doors to the grass, straw, and many others barn will not open to unload. I have the AnimationMapTrigger mod that opens the others doors. Other wise very neat map. Many ways to lose your tractor. I lost two of them just looking around. Don't drive on top of the train tunnel because you will fall inside, and you can drive off the edge of the map.

    1 replies

  3. ama299 17. 03 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    The black is more of what you would see here in the US anyways. We call it blacktop roads\asphalt. Same with the parking area at the store. If the only thing you find you don't like is the road color then john666 made a great map. Who drives on the road in this game anyway?

  4. ama299 17. 03 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    The only thing the biodiesel plant that I have found will buy is Canola. I don't think you can sell Milk, but I'm sure John666 can better answer that one. I agree this map is awesome.

  5. ama299 14. 03 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    Thanks for fixing the BGA tip point!!

  6. ama299 13. 03 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    Thanks I appreciate that. If you need any more information just ask.

  7. ama299 12. 03 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    I removed all my mods, except the ones that came with the Map. still not working. Checked the log file I see no serious errors. I loaded up some of my other maps that I am playing, and the BGA plant works fine. I don't know

  8. ama299 11. 03 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    My favorite map!!! no freezes. The only problem I have is the BGA plant is shut down. It does buy the Silage when you are dumping, but no noise, or reading from the digital display, and no slurry.

    4 replies

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