Userprofile of jhome
Member since 11 / 2014

Punkte: 333
Modder Level 7
Rank: #6796
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About jhome

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  1. jhome 14. 12 2018

    Mod: Enlarge Field Yield
    If you load and save the game and exit, then go to the location where your mods folder is- MyGames/FarmingSimulator2019/modsSettings/EnlargeFieldYield. There will be an xml that you can edit like this for wheat-- <fruitType name="WHEAT" seedUsagePerSqm="0.040000" literPerSqm="8.900000" defaultSeedUsagePerSqm="0.050000" defaultLiterPerSqm="0.890000"/>

    Change the literPerSqm="8.900000" to your liking.

  2. jhome 26. 12 2017

    Mod: MultiOverlayV2 Hud LS17 Convert
    I think I looked about everywhere but I was trying to show the animals maximum capacities but seems to be deactivated. Am I doing something or is this just not available at this time? Thanks!

    1 replies

  3. jhome 31. 01 2016

    Mod: Krone EasyCollect 1053
    Die Krone hat grüne Frucht Animationen.
    Zusatz von Früchten Sorghum Animationen.

    Passend zu der bei Verwendung von ZZZ_greenDirectCut (Gruenhaecksel Mod)
    ZZZ_greenDirectCut (Gruenhaecksel Mod) wird nicht benötigt, sondern die Frucht Animation wird nun grün statt braun.

    Das ist GOOGLE Übersetzen!!!!

  4. jhome 31. 01 2016

    Mod: Krone EasyCollect 1053
    Es tut mir leid für die Übersetzung. Google ist mein Übersetzer.

    Danke BloKKmonsTa187

  5. jhome 16. 01 2016

    Mod: Headers with Multifruit Animations
    Apologize for the translation. Google.
    My german speaking is limited.

    Entschuldigen für die Übersetzung. Google
    Mein Deutsch sprechend ist begrenzt.

  6. jhome 16. 03 2015

    Mod: Gearbox Addon
    Sounds like a good deal!
    Thanks for the mod by the way. Works great!

  7. jhome 15. 03 2015

    Mod: Gearbox Addon
    I overlooked the reverse aspect as well with CP that CP does not know how to change direction (reverse). So thinking it has to be disabled when CP is behind the wheel.

  8. jhome 15. 03 2015

    Mod: Gearbox Addon
    This doesn't seem to play nice with courseplay. If it's enabled and you start the vehicle for courseplay it works fine until you switch to another vehicle then the CP message comes up that it's slipping. You then go back to that vehicle then it starts again. Am I maybe doing something wrong or is it just the way it is?

    2 replies

  9. jhome 30. 11 2014

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    Yeah I had nothing in the log that I know of for sure. Tried multiple game loads. I ended up changing the woodchips conveyor onCreate to MapSiloBand and it works fine. But like you said, if it works for you then it had to be something on my end. Thanks for your reply.

  10. jhome 26. 11 2014

    Mod: Westbridge Forest
    Anyone having trouble with the woodchips conveyor at the farm? I've tried a few different trailers and can't get any of them to load. Thanks!

    1 replies

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