These are the in-game headers with multi-fruit animations.
Everything else is standard, no other changes.
Consists of the Case 3162, New Holland Superflex, and the Capello Quasar HS16.
There is no i3d for the headers, they still use the in-game default i3d's but with added multi-fruit animations.
The Case 3162 and New Holland are set to run: wheat, barley, canola, oats, soybean and sorghum.
The Capello is set to run corn and sunflower.
You would still need the multi-fruit mod for in-game combines to work.
***You may need to check the multiFruit_config.xml and make sure sorghum is set to rape and not maize.***
And I think most maps now have fill planes and particle animations built in so that part should already be taken care of.
You can also add other crops to this or change the textures to match your current map textures but the texture coordinates will need to match.
giants, jhome-
16 Jan 11:46Version 1.0
1 Comments for Headers with Multifruit Animations
Apologize for the translation. Google.
My german speaking is limited.
Entschuldigen für die Übersetzung. Google
Mein Deutsch sprechend ist begrenzt.