Download download Mod 'Modset T174 2B'

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2 Comments for Modset T174 2B

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  1. Mike Loeven 25. 09 2015

    I think the English read me lost something in translation i cannot for the life of me find the mapping for rotating the claw it certainly doesent conform to grapple rotations for other machines which are mapped to my twist axis if someone knows the command for claw rotation as it appears in the controls menu please post it

  2. Totenfarmer 16. 06 2015

    I am getting this error: C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//T174_2B_V9_LS15/grabGripper.i3d (10.41 ms)
    Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/shovelEmptyParticleSystem.i3d

    There is no ParticleSystems folder for FS15, nor is it any shovelEmptyParticleSystem, how do I set it up for the animations to work correctly ?
