Download download Mod 'ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader'

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9 Comments for ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader

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  1. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Because mirrors make too much lag on slower PC's I added option that you can strip or attach mirrors.
    New model you can download with click on link "hostet at uploaded". i don't know will the modhoster link take automatically new link so version 1 is for now on link - mod hoster and version 1.1 on link - uploaded.

    You can add/strip mirrors with keys "." (period) and "," (comma)

  2. Andersen98 15. 06 2014

    hello me and my frined are making some tractor pullers and we would like to have nitro on it but we can find it and we can not take it from the mod so we was wondering about you would give us it?

  3. Argyx 24. 02 2014


    Great work. Your TJ 788 might remain my favorite, although just by a little. This is also excellent work!

    Another poster mentioned the transparency issue, which I have as well. The cabin glass is white rather than clear. Even the view from inside is blocked by 100% white on all colors of the TJ 780. The transparency issue seems to be on the Prodigy body skin and Crom tines skin as well. I am using an Nvidia 670, if that helps at all. The 788 does not have this issue. Cabin glass is very nice on the TJ 788 mod.

    Also, the third page of controls overlay is blank, just showing the blue overlay background. I tried v1.1, but I did not see a difference. The mirror key does not work either. The modDesc.xml still says v1.0. Maybe the download is not the correct version?

    Great work, and thanks again. By the way, I love the Zen Industries descriptions! So funny :)

  4. Totenfarmer 27. 03 2013

    Wow..just wow, really amazing tractor, no doubt I got a new favourite..5 stars from me !

    And for the constructive critisism, it would be really great with the ploughingspec on this one ;)
    An idea, since people like the fenders ( I don`t), how about looking into if they can be mounted, but when you attach the frontloader they dismount ?

    Well, that`s about it from me for this time, although I must say I hope you consider making another Zen tractor from the TTV7250, there are no really, really good mods of that one yet, and I am trying to do a little bit of improvements on my private mod, but scripting and texturing is still greek to me, anyway, love your work, keep it up :))

  5. aceofspades 21. 01 2013

    Best tractor I have used since FS11. Truelly A fantastic job!
    I would like to make 3 suggestions, all of them I consider trivial and don't really take anything from this mod.
    1) The dirt effects make all the tractor colors into an army green kind of color which looks a little strange.
    2.There does seem to be an ignition problem, I like to do all driving from inside view, I have the ignition mod and in order to get the tractor started AND have the dashboard lights on and working I have to repeatedly press Y and the period/DEL button on the numeric pad in order to get the right combination of interior lights and running engine, but it works just have to play with it.
    3) I have a prettty high end system and I have noticed lag but not when you drive it.n Only when you look towards from the outside do you get lag, driving = no lag. So I am not sure if it is the mirrors ( I am just getting rdy to download it now). I will report back with what I find. Once again great job, best mod for FS13 so far easily.

    1 replies

  6. J Willy 21. 01 2013

    Got to say you produce absolutely the most outrageously awesome mods I've had the honor to use. Please keep it up ;-)

  7. apache4931 20. 01 2013

    Great mod but the mirrors are causing a bit of lag for me> having a way to turn them off would be great. 5 stars from me

  8. most sinister 20. 01 2013

    Im meiner Meinung nach, alle Skill keine Inspiration

    2 replies

  9. Vespel 20. 01 2013

    Very nice mod but i experienced some lag issue and i don't think it's my PC since i have
    i7-3770k @ 3.5ghz
    gtx 670 OC 4 go
    16 go ram

    1 replies
