Download download Mod 'FS19_RealLifeNumbers'

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44 Comments for FS19_RealLifeNumbers

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  1. foreverls 28. 07 2021

    gibts hier noch ein Update damit es mit dem neuen RealisticSeeder Vers

    is there an update here so that it comes with the new RealisticSeeder Vers

    Greetings forever

    1 replies

  2. strauts6 28. 01 2021

    Hi! Is it possible to disable field leasing? Updated the mod and now land i already owned is for rent.

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  3. DeutzFahFan 09. 12 2020

    Thank you! No rush of course we all have lives to lead, your work is fantastic! It has brought ao much to me and my friends game on Hof Bergmann, truly!!

    1 replies

  4. DeutzFahFan 08. 12 2020

    Hi Kahenneburg!
    So lovin the mid, very well made as i explore more and more its intricacies.
    Quick question, will you update for the precision farming dlc? I see there are attributes in RLN for soik types was going to poke around see what i could do on my end. Otherwise is seems to work fine with the new DLC!
    Great work amd many thanks for your time and effort!!

    1 replies

  5. DeutzFahFan 24. 11 2020

    Hi Kahenneburg,
    Yeah Andys map is always password locked but he gives the password freely on the forums. Don't know why he bother locking it. His mods are always free. I see darkmessenger jas supplied thebpassword for you.

    1 replies

  6. kahenneberg 22. 11 2020

    Hi DeutzFahFan,
    The Reply icon would not work (again, again), so here is my first comments. HOF Bergmann is a map with many new concepts such as an animal of the type "sheepgoat". I see now that I did not take care of this completely. I have found the problem with RLN. My problem is that I don't have the latest version of this map. Last time I tried to get the latest version, I were asked to provide a password to unzip the downloaded zip file. Maybe I'm wrong, but I got the impression I had to pay money to register as a supporting member of a mod site to get the password. I'm not a fan of such conditions and will not make it a priority to continuously adapt RLN to new additions to this map.

    1 replies

  7. DeutzFahFan 22. 11 2020

    Okay solved an issue... which you likely have already done so, but here it is;
    Kept getting a lua error for Hof Bergmann on line 2000 of the realnumbersannualfeedprediction, i think it was. Had them disabled along with seasonscare to run RLN with bergmann. Took another go at it edited out line 1999 and 2000 (commented out the lines) in feedpredictions and now everything runs fine.

  8. DeutzFahFan 07. 11 2020

    So. Love this mod! Didn't like seasons with Hif Bergmann and also mine is edited. I simply shut off a few of the LUA files... ultimately dropped seasons for now and turned off annualfeedprediction LUA in the moddesc, runs smoothly no really enjoying it so far. After my first harvest going to see which LUA i need to turn off for seasons... as i love seasons too! This is great though thank you much and thank you for making the LUA files standalone, able to run independantly. Veey nice.

    1 replies

  9. DarkMessenger 07. 11 2020

    I noticed a problem with the Straw Harvest Addon mod
    when collecting hay with KRONE BiGPack 1290 from the press appear square bales of straw and not hay bales

    Sorry for my English, i use google translator

    1 replies

  10. Dirk_Manderin 03. 11 2020

    When starting a new save with the US Heartland, version I get stuck at the loading screen. The last 3 lines in the log are:
    FS19_RealLifeNumbers: RealNumbersAnnualFeedPrediction active
    Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
    D:/Mods/FS19/Western Australia/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_US_Heartland/RealNumbersAnnualFeedPrediction.lua:88: attempt to index global 'g_seasons' (a nil value)

    I don't get this error with the DE version. Any ideas?

    1 replies

  11. JusticeM 07. 10 2020

    i'm right that it is not running well on a dedicated server? Are you working on a fix for that? We would love to use it on our server...

    1 replies

  12. kahenneberg 09. 07 2020

    The next release will include adjusted prices and capacities for the different seed pallets in the new mod realisticSeeder. The default capacity will vary for each seed type but they will all cover 3 hectares. The 3 hectares can be adjusted by the use.

    1 replies

  13. kahenneberg 13. 05 2020

    Version of HOF Bergmann fails to start with RealLifeNumbers. This is due to filltypes being converted to fruittypes, such as chaff and forage. I'm in the process of fixing this, but it is exam time at universities, so making exams for my students has first priority.

  14. kahenneberg 23. 04 2020

    Thank you JS39. I'm happy to hear your tried it out on different maps and with multifruit. I hope I can have the release and an updated manual ready for this weekend.

  15. madda811 10. 04 2020

    Hi @kahenneberg,
    this is one of the maps not loading with version

    Last lines in log are:
    2020-04-10 23:06 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
    2020-04-10 23:06 C:/Users/XXX/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_DE/RealNumbersCommodityPrices.lua:374: attempt to index a nil value

    Hope it may help you.

    1 replies

  16. Nick_Milly 29. 03 2020

    Hi i cant load my save game as it is failing initialisation on line 1685 "attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value"

    p.s. i am not running seasons is there something i can edit to get it back running?

    also excellent mod loving it.

    1 replies

  17. kahenneberg 20. 03 2020

    Version is an intermediate release which fixes the issue with cotton bales. It contains other new features, that are still in the making, but not yet documented in the manual.

  18. kahenneberg 22. 02 2020

    The latest update of Global Company (1.3.0) introduces cotton bale to the store. This causes RealLifeNumbers to fail in the upstart. A fix is coming soon.

  19. sootysax 29. 10 2019

    Bugs that I am noticing :

    When accepting a fertilizer mission, the growth of the field regresses either to Planted or Germinated. The fertilized state also regresses back to 0% fertilized. Perhaps these were old missions that I had not accepted in a while so it goes back to the field state of when the mission was generated.

    You can not spread more than one application per growth stage.. so if you spray an herbicide, it will not take fertilizer.. if you spread fertilizer, it will not take herbicide.. until the next growth stage (or cultivation or plowing).

    Spawned or bought bales that are defined at 1500 or 2600L will sometimes actually output 4000L of material.. when either directly fed to animals (without a spreader) or cut open (with global company right click).

    1 replies

  20. JusticeM 06. 10 2019

    Any known conflict with seasons mod yet? We think about to add this script to our dedi. Will it work if we add it in an already running game?

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