Download download Mod 'FS19_RealLifeNumbers'

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44 Comments for FS19_RealLifeNumbers

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  1. JS39 20. 08 2019

    Besten Dank für die neue Version mit Seasons.
    Many thanks for the new version with Seasons

  2. Striker2379 19. 08 2019

    is it possible to upload the script for the service intervals seperately?

    1 replies

  3. DCinema 14. 08 2019

    Awesome mod. Played with it day by day before Seasons mod comes out. Is this mod working normally with Seasons? Thanks in advance

    2 replies

  4. kahenneberg 26. 06 2019

    Hello JS39. Yes an update is soon to be released. I was ready to do so, but then a couple of multifruit map updates came out with new fruits and I thought I would add them to the update. This is a bit time demanding, as many map makers spell fruit names as they please. The good news is that I'm replacing GrowthControl with my own simple add-on. GrowthControl has not been updated to handle multifruit. So I decided to add the possibility of entering the number of growth-days for each fruit defined by the mod. Growth-days is to be specified as real-life days, e.g. 45 for grasses, around a 100 for grain and even longer for sugarbeet.

    If a farmland holds more than one field, it will look as if you have paid for both fields, but in reality the price is for all the fields within this farmland.

    Some field numbers have been designated to Rentable fields. You can change the field numbers in an editor. There are 2 rentable fields for each 10 fields. The price for renting is taken from national statistics and depends on the location. The rent price is written together with the purchase price when you press lAlt-rf. In effect you are just paying a lower price for the field. Ideally you would have to pay rent once every year.
    PS. Couldn't make the reply button work. Hence a new post.

    1 replies

  5. JS39 26. 06 2019

    Hello, thanks again for your work, donating with paypal is still not possible. Is there anything new that you can use your mod with patch 1. 4 again?
    Then the question about the field prices there seems to be something wrong. I have finished the Somewhere in Thuringia 4 compartment with orders and now there are large fields which cost less than a meadow which is tiny. Large field about 20 hecktar or more with corn on it 28000 Euro although the pricescale is at 1? I had also read something about leasing fields, how does that work?
    Hallo, nochmals Danke für Deine Arbeit, das mit dem paypal spenden geht leider noch immer nicht.Gibt es schon was neues das man Deinen Mod auch mit Patch 1.4 wieder nutzen kann?
    Dann die Frage wegen den Feldpreisen da scheint etwas nicht zu passen. Ich habe mir die Irgendwo in Thüringen 4 Fach mit Aufträgen fertig gemacht und nun gibt es große Felder die weniger wie ne Wiese kosten die winzig ist. Große Feld ca 20 hecktar oder mehr mit Mais drauf 28000 Euro obwohl der Pricescale bei 1 ist? Ich hatte auch etwas mit Felder pachten gelesen, wie geht das den?Grüße JS39

  6. kahenneberg 21. 06 2019

    With patch 1.4 the store items have been renumbered. This causes a few store items to get incorrect prices in this mod. A correction is being tested.

  7. ZhoraPoroh 11. 06 2019

    In connection with the release of a new version of the mod, do you need to start a new game? Or will the old save work fine?

    1 replies

  8. JS39 06. 06 2019

    I can't donate anything to you about Paypal for your mod that comes there is a problem with your Paypal account

    1 replies

  9. JS39 06. 06 2019

    Hello, now I wanted to test the mod with an interesting map the Kandelin and then this happens in the log. The map will not load any more but will not be able to detect the error.
    I'd love some help.
    Greetings JS39
    2019-06-06 21:37 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
    2019-06-06 21:37 D:/Programme/FS19/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_DE/RealNumbersInitializationDE.lua:19: bad argument #3 to 'format' (number expected, got nil)
    2019-06-06 21:38 Application exit request forced.
    2019-06-06 21:38 Application exit request forced.

    1 replies

  10. ZhoraPoroh 02. 06 2019

    Hi. Thank you for the cool mod. I can’t figure out why black hens do not carry eggs? I bought 6 pieces, they were exhausted to 50, and during that time there are no eggs. What am I doing wrong?

    1 replies

  11. JS39 26. 05 2019

    Hello and thanks a lot for your work. I come from the real agricultural sector and have already had my own contractor in real. I have been at LS since 2008 and have already built and ingame some models for the game. I have a small youtube channel and try to play LS as real as possible. I have unfortunately little idea of Lua and scripts and appreciate your work very much. I have read your PDF and hopefully understood it and know how much work you do for yourself which I also like to support with a donation. We play to 4 on one server but from time to time also SP.
    What you want to do reminds me of Dural (no more how you heard) more realistic and Deckker I don't know about, you might be able to contact them about MP in the UK forum. My english is unfortunately not perfect and I had this text translated and hope you understand everything so far. I would be very happy if you would stick to your plans and hope that you will still find a balance through all the realistic values and then earn some money on Hardcore.
    Greetings Frank alias JS39©

  12. kahenneberg 25. 05 2019

    Thank you for letting me know. I will try out the map when I get back from a pc-free weekend trip.

  13. Striker2379 25. 05 2019

    Seems not to be compatible with the new released Hof Bergmann Map :/

  14. Krstevski 25. 05 2019


    Nice mod and well done.
    But I'm not yet ready to play with this mod.
    I'm playing in single player so wenn I deleted this mod the prices stay the same very low.
    Please help me what should I do to get back to old prices??

    Thank you

    1 replies

  15. JS39 24. 05 2019

    Hello and thanks a lot for your work. I come from the real agricultural sector and have already had my own contractor in real. I have been at LS since 2008 and have already built and ingame some models for the game. I have a small youtube channel and try to play LS as real as possible. I have unfortunately little idea of Lua and scripts and appreciate your work very much. I have read your PDF and hopefully understood it and know how much work you do for yourself which I also like to support with a donation. We play to 4 on one server but from time to time also SP.
    What you want to do reminds me of Dural (no more how you heard) more realistic and Deckker I don't know about, you might be able to contact them about MP in the UK forum. My english is unfortunately not perfect and I had this text translated and hope you understand everything so far. I would be very happy if you would stick to your plans and hope that you will still find a balance through all the realistic values and then earn some money on Hardcore.
    Greetings Frank alias JS39©

  16. DeathEagle1 22. 05 2019

    is that mod MP ready ?

    2 replies

  17. drewCZ 22. 04 2019

    Hello Kaj!
    First, big thanks for your work! Mod is amazing and love it.
    I have one question. Is (or will be) possible to manage / set-up period lenght? In your manual you have mentioned 1gameDay = 1 realMonth. I'm using time speed 3x and will be fine split 1 ingame month to 3 parts for me. Somethink like general parameter for whole time calculation in your mod. I hope it make a sense for you.

  18. squall39 15. 04 2019

    possible french language

    2 replies

  19. I am getting a error at line 206 of the spray lua file. Something about a string not being there. Is anyone else seeing this? I have tried the mod with the ingame map and no mods and still seeing it. It never loads the map once it bumps up against the error. I would like to use the mod but can't. If anyone has a fix, it would be appreciated.

    1 replies

  20. tuzlo 14. 04 2019

    I cant get the commands in para 1.4 on page 07 of the manual to parse anything into the log file......

    1 replies
