Hello Tuzlo, I use growthcontrol by apuehri/LS-Modcompany myself. I discuss the coexistence in chapter 1 in the manual for my mod. In short, I believe my settings overrule the yield and seed usage in GrowthControl, but not the growth rate parameters. As I wasn't totally certain, I changed the yield and seed use parameters in my version of growthcontrol, so that they match the setting done by my mod. My impression from the original parameter values for crop yield in growthcontrol was that they were too high. FS19 upscales the yield by a factor of 2 if all required field work is completed, and this seems not to be taken into account in the original yield numbers in growthcontrol. As you can see in fig. 2 in my manual, I also redefine the duration of the crop growth stages so they correspond to the growth rate of animals. F. ex. one growth stage for wheat is set to 24 game hours, which in my mod corresponds to one real-life month. The original growthcontrol has faster crop growth rate than the version I have edited, but it might still be a slower crop growth rate than seen without growthcontrol.
Hi tuzlo. I do see your point. It is a bit of a hazzle to have to look in the log file. But with 1800 lines of output, that would be a lot of huds, and for a beginner like me another year of programming. I edit the parameters only in the game setup, and from thereon I lookup the data on a tablet next to my pc.
This is very thorough and impressive work, judging from the manual. My compliments to you! I've yet to try it out, but it looks like something I've been waiting for for a while.
Thank you very much for the kind words, jamespants. The strength of the mod is the ability for a user to control a large number of game parameters. The weak side is that you have to leave the game and edit the parameter file (RealNumbersInitialization.lua) in an editor, rezip the mod and drag the new zip file to the mod folder. Considering the large number of parameters that can be changed, it seems like the best solution. Don't forget to look in your log.txt file. About 1800 lines of calculated output parameters are found there, to help you make decisions about your farming.
Unfortunately, the first upload did not include the manual. I have uploaded a new zip file with no changes to the mod, but with the manual included in the zip file. The manual is very useful for understanding the objectives of the mod. Regards, K. Henneberg
Thank you Inelely. It is a very specialized mod, which will not fit everyones gameplay. I just hope, that those players, who sets their own game rules, will find it useful.
44 Comments for FS19_RealLifeNumbers
Is this script cooperative with Growth \Control, it seems some of my crops do not grow when growth control says they should.
This definitely need a HUD
This is very thorough and impressive work, judging from the manual. My compliments to you! I've yet to try it out, but it looks like something I've been waiting for for a while.
Thank you very much for the kind words, jamespants. The strength of the mod is the ability for a user to control a large number of game parameters. The weak side is that you have to leave the game and edit the parameter file (RealNumbersInitialization.lua) in an editor, rezip the mod and drag the new zip file to the mod folder. Considering the large number of parameters that can be changed, it seems like the best solution. Don't forget to look in your log.txt file. About 1800 lines of calculated output parameters are found there, to help you make decisions about your farming.
Unfortunately, the first upload did not include the manual. I have uploaded a new zip file with no changes to the mod, but with the manual included in the zip file. The manual is very useful for understanding the objectives of the mod. Regards, K. Henneberg