My experience is, that it is better to change the numbers in the mod, than trying to overwrite it. In this case, drag a copy of Seasons to a another folder, unzip Seasons, go to the file src\vehicles\specs\SeasonsVehicleSpec.lua
line 44:
spec.nextRepair = 30 * 60 * 60
If you want, say 100 hours service interval, change the "30" to 100 in the expression.
Save the file, make a new zip file in the Seasons top directory and drag the new zip file to your mod folder.
im just watching out for a standalone script to set the repair intervall higher than it is... it needs lot of time to set the repair intervall manually especially if all the vehicles used are on a server so everyone needs to reload the mod and if an update of the mod appears i must change it again manually... but with a script its really easy
also i dont play with seasons and just saw theres a script in your mod that sets the repair intervall higher than normal... i have a JCB Fastrac as a mod i need to repair it earlier than it needs new fuel and this is really unnormal
Thank you for asking. I'm working on an update. This will be a preliminary version, which will work, but without the predictive information. A new approach is needed to predict annual feed intake as this now depends on the animal growth curve. Crop growth duration is also left for Seasons to manage.
Hello JS39. Yes an update is soon to be released. I was ready to do so, but then a couple of multifruit map updates came out with new fruits and I thought I would add them to the update. This is a bit time demanding, as many map makers spell fruit names as they please. The good news is that I'm replacing GrowthControl with my own simple add-on. GrowthControl has not been updated to handle multifruit. So I decided to add the possibility of entering the number of growth-days for each fruit defined by the mod. Growth-days is to be specified as real-life days, e.g. 45 for grasses, around a 100 for grain and even longer for sugarbeet.
If a farmland holds more than one field, it will look as if you have paid for both fields, but in reality the price is for all the fields within this farmland.
Some field numbers have been designated to Rentable fields. You can change the field numbers in an editor. There are 2 rentable fields for each 10 fields. The price for renting is taken from national statistics and depends on the location. The rent price is written together with the purchase price when you press lAlt-rf. In effect you are just paying a lower price for the field. Ideally you would have to pay rent once every year.
PS. Couldn't make the reply button work. Hence a new post.
Hello and thank you very much for your detailed answer. I myself have built models for the LS in the past but I have never really been involved with scripting and therefore I have the utmost respect for your work.
So the renting is logical and I would like to be selectable for each field. This has already been successfully implemented by MX11 for 17 with the Bank of Hagenstedt and here's the link if it helps you.
https://www. farming-simulator. com/mod. php?lang=en&country=en&mod_id=68500&title=fs2017
That you have Growthstate (I hope also for weed (weed)) with inserted that I find super. Especially with a 4 partition map this is very important. How did you think it would be with for example 100 days for barley) With normal LS matchdays it would be too long from the earnings or did you think differently as it was thought with Seasons?
Hi JS39. In FS19 you buy a farmland area which may have one or more fields. Purchase and rent prices must therefore be specified for a farmland, not for a field. The mod has a set of redefinable numbers which points to the farmlands that can be rented. Farmland 1 can on a given map hold field 1 and field 9. Hence if farmland 1 is rentable, it means that both fields 1 and 9 will be rented. If fields comes in a bundle, it is not possible to choose arbitrary which fields you would like to be rentable.
The new feature in the coming update assigns a number of real-life growth days to each crop. The data is taken from a variety of sources and requires a lot of time to process. Working on this at the moment. Data is not available for all crops and also not for every country. But I'll try my best to use the data I have. Spring oat is about 103 days in US Heartland, 119 in the Mountain region and 129 days in Northwest region. A game day is 30 real-life days, so it will be about 3.5 gamedays in the US Heartland, 4 gamedays in the Mountain region and 4.5 gamedays in the Northwest region. If players find that to be too long, they can reduce the numbers. Personally I hope the longer growth time will allow me time to try out some of the production mods that are coming into many maps now. I also hope that it will give me a better chance to spray for weed before the harvest stage. The growth of weeds is not controlled by the same parameters as ordinary crops. So at the moment I don't know how to control the growth of weed.
I'm sure Seasons will control crop growth, so at that time I'll review the need for this feature in my mod.
Hello Kahenneberg, thank you again for your detailed answer. That in the farmland also several fields can be in it in the price is quite conscious to me I have already often as well as in the somewhere in Thuringia map for the orders the fields defined since unfortunately many modders because of the many work only the Farmalands create but then one has unfortunately no orders which I also do not find bad to the money.
One could rent or lease this, but also like to implement per farm land.
Your mod is really great but what is missing are the salaries of the helpers because they are much too expensive in the LS. At the moment we use the Helper Admin where you can set this additionally.
The implementation of your growth days also sounds very meaningful to me and fits much better than the standard of Giants. Especially that you can customize it.
The weed(weed growth state is written in the savegames and you can change it depending on the interval you want.
With some maps it is already regulated like with the BerryVillage over the Fruittyps xml in the map. Here the excerpt of the text line:
<fruitType name="weed"; title="$l10n_fillType_weed"; showOnPriceTable="false"; shownOnMap="true"; useForFieldJob="false">;
<general startStateChannel="0"; numStateChannels="3"; />;
<cultivation needsSeeding="false"; allowsSeeding="false"; useSeedingWidth="false"; directionSnapAngle="90"; alignsToSun="false"; seedUsagePerSqm="1. 20"; />;
<weedGrowth minGrowthState="1"; maxGrowthState="3"; growthStateTime="100000000"; />;
<options lowSoilDensityRequired="true"; increasesSoilDensity="false"; consumesLime="false"; startSprayState="0"; />;
<herbicideReplace source="2"; target="4"; />;
<herbicideReplace source="3"; target="5"; />;
<mapColors default=";0. 5210 0. 2329 0. 3862 1"; colorBlind=";0. 0409 0. 0409 0. 04091"/>; </fruitType>; </fruitTypes>;
Hope it supports you in your work. When can you expect the update?greetings and thanks JS39
Here is a small addition to your support:
You can create your own, or access the originals map
<fruitTypes filename="$data/maps/maps_fruitTypes. xml"; />;
you have to specify this in map. xml
Hello, thanks again for your work, donating with paypal is still not possible. Is there anything new that you can use your mod with patch 1. 4 again?
Then the question about the field prices there seems to be something wrong. I have finished the Somewhere in Thuringia 4 compartment with orders and now there are large fields which cost less than a meadow which is tiny. Large field about 20 hecktar or more with corn on it 28000 Euro although the pricescale is at 1? I had also read something about leasing fields, how does that work?
Hallo, nochmals Danke für Deine Arbeit, das mit dem paypal spenden geht leider noch immer nicht.Gibt es schon was neues das man Deinen Mod auch mit Patch 1.4 wieder nutzen kann?
Dann die Frage wegen den Feldpreisen da scheint etwas nicht zu passen. Ich habe mir die Irgendwo in Thüringen 4 Fach mit Aufträgen fertig gemacht und nun gibt es große Felder die weniger wie ne Wiese kosten die winzig ist. Große Feld ca 20 hecktar oder mehr mit Mais drauf 28000 Euro obwohl der Pricescale bei 1 ist? Ich hatte auch etwas mit Felder pachten gelesen, wie geht das den?Grüße JS39
The old save will work fine. The only issue is if you regret and want to restore the game as it was before activating FS19RealLifeNumbers. To restore old prices and other parameters, you will need to reinstall the map and reinstall a backup of the savegame.
Hello, now I wanted to test the mod with an interesting map the Kandelin and then this happens in the log. The map will not load any more but will not be able to detect the error.
I'd love some help.
Greetings JS39
2019-06-06 21:37 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
2019-06-06 21:37 D:/Programme/FS19/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_DE/RealNumbersInitializationDE.lua:19: bad argument #3 to 'format' (number expected, got nil)
2019-06-06 21:38 Application exit request forced.
2019-06-06 21:38 Application exit request forced.
Thank you for your answer and have a look what is wrong with your Paypal account so that I can donate something for your work.
Does real numbers also access maintenance costs and servicing?
Hi. Thank you for the cool mod. I can’t figure out why black hens do not carry eggs? I bought 6 pieces, they were exhausted to 50, and during that time there are no eggs. What am I doing wrong?
Pen type : Standard
Animal color : BLACK
Animal fillType : 77
chicken start number = 42
chicken end number = 91
chicken pen capacity = 100
chicken BirthRatePerDay = 1.3182
chicken mean number = 70.6726
chicken time to first birth = 00:44:42
Trough food per year = 5544 Liter
Wheat field for chicken feed = 0.5359 Ha
Barley field for chicken feed = 0.5345 Ha
Total egg volume per year = 578 Liter
Total egg pallets per year = 8
chicken feed per chicken per game day = 6.5372 Liter
egg pallets per chicken per game day = 0.0091
chicken food spillage per game day = 0.3269 Liter
The number of egg pallets per day per chicken is 0.0091, almost 1/100. So 100 chicken should produce 1 egg pallet per gameday.
In the script RealNumbersInitialization, you can adjust the volume of an egg pallet:
RN.chicken.eggVolumePerPallet = 75; -- Liters/pallet
A smaller pallet capacity should give you more pallets.
You need a lot of chickens, so I would recommend a chicken pen with a large capacity (300 - 500) and keep the number of chickens close to max capacity. If you set the starting number of animals too high, the mod will reduce the number so mature plus offspring can fit in the pen.
Probably, the eggs did not appear because when the maximum number of chickens in the pen was reached, I sold some of them. And they probably just did not have time to carry them. I'll try not to sell them for a day and see what happens.
Chickens are assumed to stay in the pen for two gamedays (2 months) before selling. Only then will they grow in numbers to lay the amount of eggs expected.
I understood. It would not hurt to make a few video guides, that there would be less unnecessary questions. And one more question, a more precise clarification: to apply liquid fertilizers for wheat, do I need to spend 9910 liters per hectare? I correctly understood the spreading table?
Yes, you read the spreading table correctly. It sounds like a lot, but in this mod, the liquid fertilizer is diluted by a factor of 20. Because liquid fertilizer is sprayed directly on the plants, the fertilizer has a higher plant availability factor. For this reason, the amount of pure fertilizer nutrients sprayed is reduced by a factor of 2. A liquid fertilizer sprayer needs a certain minimum nozzle flow rate to function properly. For this reason a large fraction of the tank is just water. The price of liquid fertilizer is reduced by 20, so that when filling a 2000 liter sprayer you only pay for the 100 liter of fertilizer, not the 1900 liter of water. Making video-guides is not a bad idea. Me making them would be a really bad idea.
Nice mod and well done.
But I'm not yet ready to play with this mod.
I'm playing in single player so wenn I deleted this mod the prices stay the same very low.
Please help me what should I do to get back to old prices??
Hi, honestly I don't know. I'm away on non-pc weekend trip and can't try things out. Maybe start a new savegame and copy files over from the old one one file at a time.
Hello Kaj!
First, big thanks for your work! Mod is amazing and love it.
I have one question. Is (or will be) possible to manage / set-up period lenght? In your manual you have mentioned 1gameDay = 1 realMonth. I'm using time speed 3x and will be fine split 1 ingame month to 3 parts for me. Somethink like general parameter for whole time calculation in your mod. I hope it make a sense for you.
Définir un environnement de jeu imitant l'agriculture réelle dans une zone bien définie.
Permettre aux joueurs de personnaliser le jeu à l'aide d'un simple éditeur.
Fournir un outil de planification de jeu pour le joueur qui veut faire une installation d'avant-match.
L'interaction de l'utilisateur avec le mod se produit entre les parties, en utilisant un éditeur simple et quelques moyens pour rezipper le mod dans un fichier zip. C'est une approche assez simpliste, mais le mod ne nécessite qu'une modification lors du démarrage d'une nouvelle carte.
Le mod écrit une quantité significative d'informations dans le fichier journal. Combien de terres possédez-vous ? Combien d'animaux puis-je avoir avec autant de terres agricoles ? Puis-je acheter plus de terrain ou devrais-je louer ? Quelle culture et combien d'hectares sont nécessaires pour nourrir les animaux ? De combien de balles ai-je besoin de paille et d'herbe ? Ai-je des récoltes excédentaires à vendre ? Quelle culture donne le revenu par hectare le plus élevé dans ma région ? Quelle quantité de semences est nécessaire ? Comment puis-je calibrer mon épandeur / pulvérisateur pour pulvériser la bonne quantité ? Combien de lait, de laine, d'œufs, de fumier et de lisier mes animaux produisent-ils ? Quelle est la quantité d'éléments nutritifs contenue dans mon engrais organique ? Quelle est la vitesse de reproduction de mon cheptel animal ? Et si je veux me spécialiser dans l'élevage à grande échelle ?
La version actuelle du jeu contient des données statistiques réelles pour l'Allemagne. Des données sont également disponibles pour d'autres pays de l'UE et pour les 12 régions agricoles définies par le ministère américain de l'agriculture. Les versions modifiées basées sur ces données seront publiées sur demande.
Le mod lit les données du dossier de sauvegarde. Pour travailler comme prévu, sauvegardez votre jeu, quittez et entrez à nouveau après avoir commencé une nouvelle carte ou après avoir placé des enclos d'animaux.
Une description détaillée (50 pages) du mod est sauvegardée dans le fichier zip.
Un bref résumé de l'utilisation du mod :
Le mod fait la plupart de son travail lorsqu'il est chargé, sans aucune interaction de l'utilisateur. Environ 1800 lignes de valeurs de paramètres calculées sont imprimées dans le fichier log.txt. Ces données fournissent des renseignements qui vous permettent de planifier votre exploitation agricole de façon plus détaillée.
Certains paramètres de jeu ne sont pas prêts à être accédés par le mod, au moment où le mod est chargé. Dans ces cas, le mod met à jour les calculs à plusieurs reprises pendant le jeu pour s'assurer qu'ils sont à jour. La propriété et les prix des champs en sont un exemple. Pour imprimer ces données dans le fichier journal, l'utilisateur doit appuyer sur Alt-rf gauche après le début du jeu (en maintenant enfoncé Alt gauche tout en appuyant simultanément sur r et f).
Il est possible de rendre le fichier journal visible à l'écran pendant le jeu. Dans le fichier game.xml changez "false" en "true" comme montré ici :
<développement> <développement
</développement> </développement
Ensuite, dans le jeu, appuyez une fois sur la touche juste en dessous de la touche ESC pour faire apparaître le fichier journal sur votre écran. Si vous appuyez ensuite sur Alt-rf gauche, vous verrez les informations de champ à l'écran. Appuyez deux fois sur la touche juste en dessous de la touche ESC pour quitter l'écran et continuer le jeu.
Pour le moment, les interactions utilisateur suivantes sont implémentées :
a quitté Alt-rf : Informations sur la propriété du champ, la superficie du champ et les prix du champ
a quitté Alt-rs : Informations sur les débits (litre/ha) pour les engrais, les herbicides, etc.
a quitté Alt-ry : Informations sur le rendement des cultures
a quitté Alt-rm : Informations sur les récompenses de la mission
Si vous souhaitez modifier une valeur de paramètre définie par le mod, procédez comme suit
dézipper le mod
Entrez dans le dossier avec les fichiers décompressés
ouvrez RealNumbersInitialization.lua dans un éditeur comme Notepad+++,
changer le numéro,
enregistrer le fichier
rezipper tous les fichiers dans le dossier
faites glisser le fichier zip vers le dossier mod
Pendant la phase initiale d'un nouveau jeu, l'édition fréquente des valeurs des paramètres est nécessaire. Je garde donc en permanence une version décompressée de la carte dans un dossier dédié, afin qu'il soit rapide d'éditer les paramètres et de faire un nouveau fichier zip.
I am getting a error at line 206 of the spray lua file. Something about a string not being there. Is anyone else seeing this? I have tried the mod with the ingame map and no mods and still seeing it. It never loads the map once it bumps up against the error. I would like to use the mod but can't. If anyone has a fix, it would be appreciated.
Now it errors on line 199? The Heartland Version, is it official? This is the Error: 2019-04-15 14:03 C:/Users/chris/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_US_Heartland/RealNumbersAnimalCare.lua:199: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)
Hello Chris, I made a few corrections. The latest version is now The US Heartland version is available at Here you can get the version for Germany. Let me know if you have problems with version
Do you see any output on the screen when pressing left-Alt-rf or left-Alt-rs? Have you looked further down the log file? Lots of loading information is written to the log file in the time between my mod has loaded and I press e.g. left-Alt-rf. I delete all the loading information and save my log output in a pdf file readable with my tablet.
Have you changed the game.xml file so you can see the log file on screen? This is shown on page 8. Also, you should hold down the left Alt key while pressing r and s simultaneously. I hope you are using a PC, as scripts do not work on consoles.
I am using a PC. I did hold the Alt key down when pressing r then f. And I have edited the game.xml file so the log files \appears on the display, like i said previously, nothing happens
I've found an error in two of the scripts. That may have caused the lack of output. The latest version is What map are you playing? I've seen maps with missing field info.
44 Comments for FS19_RealLifeNumbers
Besten Dank für die neue Version mit Seasons.
Many thanks for the new version with Seasons
is it possible to upload the script for the service intervals seperately?
Awesome mod. Played with it day by day before Seasons mod comes out. Is this mod working normally with Seasons? Thanks in advance
Hello JS39. Yes an update is soon to be released. I was ready to do so, but then a couple of multifruit map updates came out with new fruits and I thought I would add them to the update. This is a bit time demanding, as many map makers spell fruit names as they please. The good news is that I'm replacing GrowthControl with my own simple add-on. GrowthControl has not been updated to handle multifruit. So I decided to add the possibility of entering the number of growth-days for each fruit defined by the mod. Growth-days is to be specified as real-life days, e.g. 45 for grasses, around a 100 for grain and even longer for sugarbeet.
If a farmland holds more than one field, it will look as if you have paid for both fields, but in reality the price is for all the fields within this farmland.
Some field numbers have been designated to Rentable fields. You can change the field numbers in an editor. There are 2 rentable fields for each 10 fields. The price for renting is taken from national statistics and depends on the location. The rent price is written together with the purchase price when you press lAlt-rf. In effect you are just paying a lower price for the field. Ideally you would have to pay rent once every year.
PS. Couldn't make the reply button work. Hence a new post.
Hello, thanks again for your work, donating with paypal is still not possible. Is there anything new that you can use your mod with patch 1. 4 again?
Then the question about the field prices there seems to be something wrong. I have finished the Somewhere in Thuringia 4 compartment with orders and now there are large fields which cost less than a meadow which is tiny. Large field about 20 hecktar or more with corn on it 28000 Euro although the pricescale is at 1? I had also read something about leasing fields, how does that work?
Hallo, nochmals Danke für Deine Arbeit, das mit dem paypal spenden geht leider noch immer nicht.Gibt es schon was neues das man Deinen Mod auch mit Patch 1.4 wieder nutzen kann?
Dann die Frage wegen den Feldpreisen da scheint etwas nicht zu passen. Ich habe mir die Irgendwo in Thüringen 4 Fach mit Aufträgen fertig gemacht und nun gibt es große Felder die weniger wie ne Wiese kosten die winzig ist. Große Feld ca 20 hecktar oder mehr mit Mais drauf 28000 Euro obwohl der Pricescale bei 1 ist? Ich hatte auch etwas mit Felder pachten gelesen, wie geht das den?Grüße JS39
With patch 1.4 the store items have been renumbered. This causes a few store items to get incorrect prices in this mod. A correction is being tested.
In connection with the release of a new version of the mod, do you need to start a new game? Or will the old save work fine?
I can't donate anything to you about Paypal for your mod that comes there is a problem with your Paypal account
Hello, now I wanted to test the mod with an interesting map the Kandelin and then this happens in the log. The map will not load any more but will not be able to detect the error.
I'd love some help.
Greetings JS39
2019-06-06 21:37 Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
2019-06-06 21:37 D:/Programme/FS19/mods/FS19_RealLifeNumbers_DE/RealNumbersInitializationDE.lua:19: bad argument #3 to 'format' (number expected, got nil)
2019-06-06 21:38 Application exit request forced.
2019-06-06 21:38 Application exit request forced.
Hi. Thank you for the cool mod. I can’t figure out why black hens do not carry eggs? I bought 6 pieces, they were exhausted to 50, and during that time there are no eggs. What am I doing wrong?
Hello and thanks a lot for your work. I come from the real agricultural sector and have already had my own contractor in real. I have been at LS since 2008 and have already built and ingame some models for the game. I have a small youtube channel and try to play LS as real as possible. I have unfortunately little idea of Lua and scripts and appreciate your work very much. I have read your PDF and hopefully understood it and know how much work you do for yourself which I also like to support with a donation. We play to 4 on one server but from time to time also SP.
What you want to do reminds me of Dural (no more how you heard) more realistic and Deckker I don't know about, you might be able to contact them about MP in the UK forum. My english is unfortunately not perfect and I had this text translated and hope you understand everything so far. I would be very happy if you would stick to your plans and hope that you will still find a balance through all the realistic values and then earn some money on Hardcore.
Greetings Frank alias JS39©
Thank you for letting me know. I will try out the map when I get back from a pc-free weekend trip.
Seems not to be compatible with the new released Hof Bergmann Map :/
Nice mod and well done.
But I'm not yet ready to play with this mod.
I'm playing in single player so wenn I deleted this mod the prices stay the same very low.
Please help me what should I do to get back to old prices??
Thank you
Hello and thanks a lot for your work. I come from the real agricultural sector and have already had my own contractor in real. I have been at LS since 2008 and have already built and ingame some models for the game. I have a small youtube channel and try to play LS as real as possible. I have unfortunately little idea of Lua and scripts and appreciate your work very much. I have read your PDF and hopefully understood it and know how much work you do for yourself which I also like to support with a donation. We play to 4 on one server but from time to time also SP.
What you want to do reminds me of Dural (no more how you heard) more realistic and Deckker I don't know about, you might be able to contact them about MP in the UK forum. My english is unfortunately not perfect and I had this text translated and hope you understand everything so far. I would be very happy if you would stick to your plans and hope that you will still find a balance through all the realistic values and then earn some money on Hardcore.
Greetings Frank alias JS39©
is that mod MP ready ?
Hello Kaj!
First, big thanks for your work! Mod is amazing and love it.
I have one question. Is (or will be) possible to manage / set-up period lenght? In your manual you have mentioned 1gameDay = 1 realMonth. I'm using time speed 3x and will be fine split 1 ingame month to 3 parts for me. Somethink like general parameter for whole time calculation in your mod. I hope it make a sense for you.
possible french language
I am getting a error at line 206 of the spray lua file. Something about a string not being there. Is anyone else seeing this? I have tried the mod with the ingame map and no mods and still seeing it. It never loads the map once it bumps up against the error. I would like to use the mod but can't. If anyone has a fix, it would be appreciated.
I cant get the commands in para 1.4 on page 07 of the manual to parse anything into the log file......