Userprofile of DeutzFahFan
Member since 9 / 2015

Punkte: 7
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: no entry Age & Gender: 44 f City: Calgary Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About DeutzFahFan

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  1. DeutzFahFan 09. 12 2020

    Mod: FS19_RealLifeNumbers
    Thank you! No rush of course we all have lives to lead, your work is fantastic! It has brought ao much to me and my friends game on Hof Bergmann, truly!!

    1 replies

  2. DeutzFahFan 08. 12 2020

    Mod: FS19_RealLifeNumbers
    Hi Kahenneburg!
    So lovin the mid, very well made as i explore more and more its intricacies.
    Quick question, will you update for the precision farming dlc? I see there are attributes in RLN for soik types was going to poke around see what i could do on my end. Otherwise is seems to work fine with the new DLC!
    Great work amd many thanks for your time and effort!!

    1 replies

  3. DeutzFahFan 24. 11 2020

    Mod: FS19_RealLifeNumbers
    Hi Kahenneburg,
    Yeah Andys map is always password locked but he gives the password freely on the forums. Don't know why he bother locking it. His mods are always free. I see darkmessenger jas supplied thebpassword for you.

    1 replies

  4. DeutzFahFan 22. 11 2020

    Mod: FS19_RealLifeNumbers
    Okay solved an issue... which you likely have already done so, but here it is;
    Kept getting a lua error for Hof Bergmann on line 2000 of the realnumbersannualfeedprediction, i think it was. Had them disabled along with seasonscare to run RLN with bergmann. Took another go at it edited out line 1999 and 2000 (commented out the lines) in feedpredictions and now everything runs fine.

  5. DeutzFahFan 07. 11 2020

    Mod: FS19_RealLifeNumbers
    So. Love this mod! Didn't like seasons with Hif Bergmann and also mine is edited. I simply shut off a few of the LUA files... ultimately dropped seasons for now and turned off annualfeedprediction LUA in the moddesc, runs smoothly no really enjoying it so far. After my first harvest going to see which LUA i need to turn off for seasons... as i love seasons too! This is great though thank you much and thank you for making the LUA files standalone, able to run independantly. Veey nice.

    1 replies

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